Saturday, September 6, 2008

Twenty Tips For Muslims

by guest poster Wake Up

Some tips for our Muslim neighbors in how to live in the West.

1. Don't take advantage of your host's generosity to learn how to fly state-of-the-art aeroplanes into buildings, in the name of an absurd belief system for which there is no empirical evidence, and which is completely at odds with the culture in which you now purport to want to live; (and while we're at it, understand that the twin towers only went down because of their exoskeleton construction; had they been built differently, they would have remained standing and your lunatic "martyrs" would have killed only a few more people than themselves - essentially, the operation was actually a failure).

2. Find the grace to admit that the migrant flow is inexorably East to West because the West is a better place to live, but that you don't yet understand why that is so.

3. Find the humility to ask questions about the New World, instead of fixating on Allah and the past.

4. Stop providing fuel for the West's more rabid right-wing Christian bloc; between you, you are setting up yet another religious war that sane people can see coming and feel powerless to stop.

5. Either stop regarding the West as the Great Satan, or go back home and stop dancing with the Devil.

6. Fatwa yourselves to death at home all you like but leave us alone (incidentally, where is your "home"?); it's a sad religion that can't handle a cartoon or a book, and to us, fatwas are a pain in the arse and a sad joke.

7. Get it through your heads once and for all that the only person who can blaspheme is a person who already believes in what he is blaspheming; everyone else is entitled to say whatever they like. And while we're on this topic, let me explain free speech: it means that not only can we call ourselves stupid white men if we deserve it, we can call you stupid brown men if you deserve it.

8. Face up to the fact that you simply aren't equipped to understand freedom of speech; your arguments against it are sophomoric and adolescent and just make you look insecure and ridiculous.

9. Treat your women better, and in the Muslim countries that practice female circumcision, stop it NOW, of your own volition; don't leave it to us and Waris Dirie to have to continually campaign against it - we never committed this atrocity in the first place.

10. Stop trying to import repugnant customs like the above into the West - you've gone too far already, aided by weak, thoughtless apostates in the West.

11. Stop bitching about the West from INSIDE the West; the only reason "multiculturalism" is being attempted here is because the free speech, democracy, stability and generosity of our advanced culture is willing to give it a try (probably foolishly). You come from countries where it's not even a twinkle in anybody's eye, so be grateful you've got as far as you have, and shut up.

12. Learn from the education available to you in the West, it's the best in the world - take your blinkers off.

13. Stop trying to "destroy" the West. First, being only human and prone to error (like all humans, including you), we are quite capable of doing that ourselves, and if we succeed, the world (also including you) will be the poorer for it. But what we are doing is NONE of your business, and we'll fix it ourselves, thanks very much. Second, if we become more resolute (which I admit is moot at the moment), you won't win - which we know and you don't.

14. Start THINKING instead of REACTING - I know it's hard to break bonds, but that's the process that made the West the Modern World.

15. Your “we will kill you” is not an appropriate response to our “hey, you guys have got it wrong”.

16. Marching and rioting in our streets, using our freedom of speech to call for controls on our freedom of speech where your beliefs are concerned is deeply hypocritical, and shows that you still don’t GET IT.

17. Try to understand that there was no such thing as "Islamophobia" until you brought it on yourselves with the religiously obsessed insanity of 9/11, the ridiculous Salaman Rushdie fatwa, the grand guignol over the cartoons, the disgusting murder of Theo Van Gogh, and the London bombings, which were beyond contempt. All of which took place in the West. It might help if you collectively apologised for all the above, but even then you've got a lot of ground to make up.

18. If you must have a religion, try to find one that celebrates life instead of death.

19. Stop blaming America for your not being able to get your act together. You once led the world in advancement, then you let negative religiosity set you right back again - while America became a beacon of hope to the oppressed everywhere. The Statue of Liberty says "Give me your tired, your hungry, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free". Which of your own "home" countries has that written on the door? NOT ONE. (As someone said: "America: 50 million illegal immigrants can't be wrong.").


20. The only thing preventing you integrating, accessing and succeeding is your own insular, anachronistic, incompatible-with-modernity-and-individuality belief system. Ditch it, and stop being hypocritical about why you are in the West, or go home. YOU are the (imported) problem.


Right Truth said...

My fav: 6. Fatwa yourselves to death at home ...

Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth

Autorotate said...

The only thing these people understand is someone with a bigger, longer, harder, meaner stick beating down on them.

It doesn't matter if its Kosovo or Kuwait. The Koran still ends the same way: Draw sword and kill the infidel.

Well I say come get some.

Rita Loca said...

Great advice, too bad they wont take it, huh?

GrEaT sAtAn'S gIrLfRiEnD said...

Unsure about #5 - have always thoroughly enjoyed being called that by intolerants of any type - bolsheviks, mohammedists, autocrats or their legion of fanboys, militias and resistence movements!

Aurora said...

Kate, great post. I hope you don't include me in this though:

Stop providing fuel for the West's more rabid right-wing Christian bloc; between you, you are setting up yet another religious war that sane people can see coming and feel powerless to stop.

As a 'right-wing Christian', I certainly oppose the creep of radical Islam, but am not looking for any religious war any time soon. I don't hate the individuals but the ideology which destroys not only us but them.
I wish the world was a beautiful place and I didn't have to oppose anybody but as someone once said, 'evil triumphs when good men do nothing'...peace.

Sabra said...

Excellent! Damn how I wish I could get away with posting this kind of stuff. And, I could. Provided I wouldn't mind being locked up and lashed...

WAKE UP said...

AURORA : I'm not interested in you opposing Islam because you're a right wing Christian - that implies that if you weren't such, you wouldn't be opposing it. It's not about belief, but ACTION, and about opposing Islamic Jihad because it is a threat to civilisation. Period. Personal belief should have nothing to do with it. It's NOT a war between religions.

Aurora said...

Wake up, I don't oppose them because I am a right wing Christian, though what I am informs everything about my whole moral universe. I see radical Islam as an ideology of brutality and a genocidal killer of innocence and I believe it's wrong to sit silent. I think this way because I believe I am more than an animal who sits by and waits for its destruction.