So instead of gestures of a conciliatory nature, what do they do? They charge Israel with war crimes instead. And this will get the Israelis to let them out?
Unlike her brother-in-law, Quartet envoy to the Middle East Tony Blair, who frequently travels from Israel to the Palestinian territories and back, Lauren Booth has found herself stuck in the Gaza Strip.
The British left-wing activist arrived in the Hamas-controlled coastal enclave as part of the dozens of 'Free Gaza' activists who set out on two boats from Cyprus last month with the intent of "breaking" the Israeli naval blockade imposed on the Strip. Booth is one of the 10 activists who chose to remain in Gaza while her companions set sail back to Cyprus.
Since then she has been stuck in Gaza, unable to exit through Israel or Egypt.
In a telephone interview with Ynet on Wednesday, Booth slammed Israel's policies and called Gaza "the largest concentration camp in the world today. I was startled the Israelis agreed to this.”

Booth displays her Gaza-issued passport (Photo: AFP)
Despite her current predicament, Booth said she has no regrets. "My children are the ones who are suffering, because I'm being prevented from leaving and they can't see me. I don't regret it, because I wanted to come here and help these children who are suffering on a daily basis," she said.She should have left with the other Moonbats when their ship returned to Cyprus a few weeks ago. But she shouldn't worry. Her children are a lot better off without this loon for a mother in their lives.
Booth asserted that the current siege is not the result of the policies of the Hamas government. "There's been a siege for 20 years already. Palestinians' freedom of movement has been restricted since the 80s. This is an inexcusable outrage on an international level."And if the PalArabs had agreed to partition in 1948, this wouldn't be a problem.
“The Palestinians’ suffering is physical, mental and emotional," she went on, "there is not a family here in which someone is not in desperate need of work, shelter or food. This is a humanitarian crisis on the scale of Darfur."A worse humanitarian crisis than Darfur? Give me a break idiot woman. At no time in Gaza is anyone being systematically killed, mutilated or raped by Israeli soldiers. Any war crimes of that nature are the result of your friends in Hamas.
Read the rest of the story.
Let us examine the truth.

I hope everyone now knows the difference between a concentration camp and Gaza. One is a place made into Hell by inhuman monsters, and the other is a place being made into Hell by Hamas.

Excuse me...very serious subject here, but I just had to do some belly laughing.
What an incredible idiot. Her children cannot see her? Not she cannot see her children, but oh my, she can see those poor suffering Palestinian children...for whom the world spends billions and billions and billions on.
Incredible. This is a great post.
Great article. The Palestinians are cause celeb for angry Arabs, Muslims, and crazies across the globe ... as long as they know and stay in their place.
Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth
"My children are the ones who are suffering, because I'm being prevented from leaving and they can't see me".
I guess the kids in question are the winners, in more sense than one ;-)
If the Palestinians wanted peace they would not allow TV shows like the killer rabbit that teach kids to kill Jews on their state run TV.
The deserve nothing.
Perhaps a few quotes from Golda Meir are in order; "Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us."
"There is no Palestine people. There are Palestinian refugees ."
Booth is typical of lost leftists whose minds are no longer there. She has prostituted herself for a myth and propaganda purposes.
Instead of smearing the Israeli's she should be confronting the Arab's for allowing this lie to continue.
Her moral compass has been smashed and she lives in a world of fantasy.
Booth is despicable.
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