The second day of the
Tonight's theme was Service. Service to the nation, the state and the community. Service is voluntary, but rewarding to one self.
There were some great speakers and speeches last night.
President Bush spoke to the convention by video link from the White House, where he said he was monitoring the aftermath of Hurricane Gustav.
Fred Thompson spoke about John McCain's courage and strength. His time as in combat and as a POW. His commitment to the ideals of America. How under his leadership America will stay strong. He spoke about Sarah Palin, of her small town background, of her taking on the party leadership and beating them at their own game. He called her a breath of fresh air.
Then Joe Lieberman spoke. He talked about the gridlock that is Washington and how John S. McCain has tried to break through it. He talked about how he and John McCain have been friends for years, even though they are of 2 different parties and don't see eye to eye on many issues.
Then he started to tear into Barack Hussein Obama by name.Now, let me tell you that I've had the privilege of serving with John for almost 20 years and the honor of becoming a dear friend of his. I've personally seen him over and over again bringing people together from both parties to tackle our toughest problems, for example, to reform our campaign finance laws, our lobbying and ethics laws, to create the independent 9/11 Commission after that great natural disaster -- that great unnatural disaster caused by the terrorists, and then to work to pass the national security reforms that have made every American safer since then.
And then he worked together to end the partisan paralysis over nominations to the Supreme Court and other federal courts. This is the record.
Then he turned his attention to the lady from Alaska.Sen. Barack Obama is a gifted and eloquent young man who I think can do great things for our country in the years ahead, but, my friends, eloquence is no substitute for a record, not in these tough times for America.
In the Senate, during the 3½ years that Sen. Obama has been a member, he has not reached across party lines to accomplish anything significant, nor has he been willing to take on powerful interest groups in the Democratic Party to get something done.
And I'd just ask you to contrast that with John McCain's record of independence and bipartisanship, but let me go one further. And this may make history here at this Republican convention.
Let me contrast Barack Obama's record to the record of the last Democratic president, Bill Clinton, who stood up to some of those same Democratic interest groups, worked with Republicans, and got some important things done, like welfare reform, free trade agreements, and a balanced budget.
Gov. Palin, like John McCain, is a reformer. She's taken on the special interests and the political power-brokers in Alaska and reached across party lines to get things done. The truth is, she is a leader we can count on to help John shake up Washington.He reminded the nation and the world that John McCain understands that we are fighting a war. A war in which the enemy doesn't play by the rules civilized nations do. A war that has hit us upon our own shores. A war we cannot afford to lose. He reminded us that John McCain was one of the first people in the Senate to sound the alarm.
It was a very exciting night and there are 2 more to go. Tomorrow night's theme will be Serving a Cause Greater than Self. Laura Bush and Cindy McCain will be addressing the opening session. Rumor has it that Sarah Palin will be address the nation in Prime time. It will be an exciting event. The energy is rising and the crescendo will take place on Thursday when John S. McCain accepts the nomination of the Republican party.
I think Thompson and Lieberman did great jobs.
Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth
I can only watch CNN en espanol and It seems as if the dems are still in their convention because all I see is Barak...
lets hope Sarah does well tonight !!
Yeah. Uncle Fred flat tore it up from the floor up ya'll!
Sarrahcuda might steal the show though!
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