HARVEST MOON: This weekend's full Moon has a special name--the Harvest Moon. It's the full Moon closest to the northern autumnal equinox. In years past, farmers depended on the light of the Harvest Moon to gather ripening crops late into the night. Post-Edison, we appreciate it mainly for its beauty. Be alert in the nights ahead for Harvest Moon halos, coronas and 'dogs.

AURORA WATCH: Around the Arctic Circle, moonlight will compete with Northern Lights. A solar wind stream flowing from a coronal hole on the sun is due to hit Earth on Sept. 13th or 14th, possibly sparking high-latitude geomagnetic storms. Sky watchers from Alaska to Scandinavia should be alert for auroras.

A new sunspot has emerged, number 1001, but it is a small spot and may not last long. Readers with solar telescopes, take a look before it disappears.This weekend for some will be spectacular to behold. A full moon and in the north Auroras to dazzle the mind. Just be careful when you are outside and enjoy looking up.
You can find out more at SpaceWeather.com.
1 comment:
We have so many huge trees where we are, I'll have to leave home to see the full moon, but it will be worth it.
Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth
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