It is the aim of Muslim groups in the West to impose Shar'ia Law upon us using our own laws and customs against us. This Stealth Jihad is ignored by the media in an attempt on their part not to upset Muslims. Our politicians give in to their demands either do to a false sense of fairness or sheer terror on starting a riot. Yet reports of this form of Jihad do surface and continue to amaze the media.
Report: Muslims ripped off by CAIR
Organization allegedly threatened to sue over subsequent complaints
Organization allegedly threatened to sue over subsequent complaints
Doesn't that sound like a Protection Racket? For those of you who are unfamiliar with what a Protection Racket is, I'll explain:
Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations, which claims to represent the interests of American Muslims, allegedly defrauded a number of Muslims recently seeking help with citizenship delays, and then threatened to sue them if they complained to the media, according to a security watchdog group which has obtained internal CAIR documents.
The former legal director of CAIR's Maryland/Virginia chapter shook down Muslim hardship cases for thousands of dollars without providing promised services, officials with the Mapping Sharia Project charge.
CAIR, a nonprofit group, promoted the services of the employee, Morris L. "Jamil" Days, whom it publicly described as a civil-rights attorney, even after discovering Days was unlicensed and was fraudulently representing CAIR's clients.
CAIR's board allegedly covered up the scandal by paying defrauded Muslim families partial restitution payments while insisting they sign agreements releasing CAIR from legal liability, officials said.
A protection racket is an extortion scheme whereby a powerful entity or individual coerces other less powerful entities or individuals to pay protection money which allegedly serves to purchase "protection" services against various external threats.Sounds like one to me. And they are getting away with it too. No American law enforcement agency wants to come up against them in fear of being called "Islamaphobics".
Those who do not buy into the protection plan are often targeted by criminals existing inside or outside of the organization. These crimes are typically thought to originate from the organization itself. When a business refuses to pay for protection, word is put out that they are outside of the local organization's protection (these organizations often exist in the absence of a trusted police force) and that the business in question is therefore free game for freelance criminals or the organization itself.
That's the problem. They scheme and commit these acts, are funding terror groups world wide, force Shar'ia on the majority of Americans and then cry racism when they do that.
But like all things with CAIR, they will find a way to evade prosecution once again. And who will suffer? The innocent victims of their scams, their own people.CAIR last month launched a $250,000 fundraising campaign that included a promotional on its
"Everyday, CAIR works hard to defend the rights of American Muslims who encounter a delay in gaining citizenship," the group said.
website touting its mission to help Muslims, particularly those confronting citizenship problems.
In fact, CAIR has "victimized" poor Muslim immigrants, said David Gaubatz, director of operations for the Mapping Sharia Project.
"CAIR continues to put Muslim Americans at risk through the pretense that they represent them in any way," Gaubatz said. "CAIR is receiving support from big foreign donors, not because of their effectiveness in discrimination cases, but because of their false image in the media."
Gaubatz says CAIR, which last year was named an unindicted co-conspirator in a federal terror-financing case involving Hamas, controls some $7 million in real estate assets in Washington through a limited liability holding company that includes silent Middle Eastern investors.
He says his group has filed a formal complaint against CAIR concerning the alleged fraud with the District of Columbia.
At least the Mafia was honest about their scams.

Not much difference in the Mafia and CAIR, except the religious aspect.
Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth
Islam is a continuing criminal enterprise. It engages in piracy and extortion.
Islam's religious component has two functions; it motivates Muslims to do wet jobs while it camouflages Islam's true nature.
similar theme to my recent post girl..true true!!!
The Mafia was often willing to have "my territory" and "your territory." So long as one didn't stray into the other or mess with their shake-downs, all was cool.
As you have pointed out, Findalis, it doesn't work that way with Islam.
If you ask me, Muslims have been ripped off by their religion for centuries now, look at the sort of life they lead, bloody sand everywhere, ignorant, can't get out of the 7th century, always screaming about something, always angry and supposedly always being screwed over by someone.
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