It takes a very strong man to walk away from an election or to suspend his campaigning this close to Election Day. But again we see the character of the 2 men. For John McCain has suspended his campaign in order to work on this economic crises that this nation is facing.
Knowing Senator Obama and his people, they will call this a publicity stunt and continue to make speeches.Republican presidential candidate John McCain announced Wednesday that he is suspending his campaign to return to Washington and focus on the "historic" crisis facing the U.S. economy.
The Arizona senator called on his Democratic rival, Barack Obama, to do the same. He also urged organizers of Friday's presidential debate at the University of Mississippi to postpone the event."I am calling on the president to convene a meeting with the leadership from both houses of Congress, including Senator Obama and myself," McCain told reporters in New York. "It is time for both parties to come together to solve this problem."
There was no immediate response from the Obama campaign.
This is not the time of speech making or rhetoric. It is the time for both parties to sit down and come up with real solutions to this problem. This is not the time for casting blame on each other. It is the time for a bi-partisan effort to fix this mess. This is the time for a leader to arise and take charge. And he has. It is John McCain. A man who would give up a chance for the White House in order to save his nation. A true American Patriot. A man worthy of your vote.
Good for John McCain!
Good for John McCain.
Both sides are spinning this decision. Obama says they can "DO BOTH", work in Washington and have the debate Friday. I think Obama may be right on this one, they should go forward with the 2 hour debate.
However, they BOTH should have been spending more time in Washington and less time on the campaign trail. It's a shame that American political campaigns take
Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth
Obamalamadingdong now looks even more the fool...
McCain will be looked upon as a statesman and the MUTT will look like a pandering politico...
And he IS...
RCP - WOW this one is getting VOTED UP!
I agree this was the right thing to do. When I heard about it, I thought it was a winner for McCain. This is the biggest crises facing America outside of 9/11 (if we are too believe what we're hearing).
That means that a Senator, particularly a powerful Senator, and you would think ANY Senator thinking he might the President would be there. After all, one of them will be leading the country through this mess.
I heard Mort Kondrake (of all people, talking about how McCain would be sitting at the table, fleshing out the details, writing actual policy).
McCain will also be with present with other Republicans - and perhaps they can pull something out of this debacle.
McCain made the right decision. He needs to be in the room.
I hope I'm right since it appears this is the way it will be.
its ok Hussein is already taking credit..pfftt!
Well said Findalis, once again the left show themselves up to be the selfish parasites they really are, always self-interest first, the nation somewhere down the order.
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