I am telling them this:
John McCain will not raise your taxes! Barack Hussein Obama will. He will have to raise them to pay for all the Nanny State programs he is proposing for the nation. Remember this: Obama is a liberal who follows the idea of tax and spend. Not save and reward.

John McCain will not snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Barack Hussein Obama will pull our troops out of Iraq (and probably Afghanistan) the day he becomes President. Cut and run like the coward he is.
John McCain will take a very hard stance against Iran, China and Russia. Barack Hussein Obama has already started talking to Iran and talking about giving in to them. Barack Hussein Obama will talk even after they develop an nuclear weapon.
John McCain will not accept a Supreme Court nominee that thinks the court should make law, instead of interpreting it. Barack Hussein Obama will follow all the recommendations that the ACLU gives him.
John McCain is a gun owner and a member of the NRA. Barack Hussein Obama will try to take your guns from you. Barack Hussein Obama has voted for every law that restricts the ownership of guns, regardless of what lie he has told the media.
John McCain will insure your rights. Barack Hussein Obama wants to create a national police force. Can anyone say Gestapo? Do we really need it? And guess how Barack Hussein Obama plans to pay for it? Tax and spend.
John McCain will not weaken our military and national security. Barack Hussein Obama is not able to get a security clearance. He is considered a security risk.
John McCain knows that in this world we must always keep our nuclear option open. Barack Hussein Obama will destroy all of our nuclear weapons in the hope that all other nations will do the same.

Barack Hussein Obama is a friend of terrorists (Bill Ayers), a racists (Jeremiah Wright), and crooks (Tony Rezko). Barack Hussein Obama is a man who speaks a good game, but has no substance. He is like cotton candy, sweet and lovely to eat, but without any nutrients to sustain like. It is good to have once and a while, but a steady diet of it will rot your teeth and have you gain a lot of weight. Barack Hussein Obama is a man with no real experience. He is a lightweight in a field of heavyweights, propped up by a liberal media who only saw that he was a black man and not the truth behind the facade. Barack Hussein Obama is the wrong choice for America. He would be the wrong choice for any nation.
John McCain is a war hero who in his entire adult life has served his nation. He was captured, tortured and forced to sign a fake confession to crimes he did not commit. Every man has his breaking point, but to John McCain's credit he refused to meet with various anti-war groups seeking peace in Hanoi, wanting to give neither them nor the North Vietnamese a propaganda victory. Nor did he ever sign another confession. Or allow himself to be released early on the account of who his father was.
John McCain is a man of honor and integrity. He is forged of hardened steel and will not crack or break under pressure. He will not do anything to destroy the security of this nation. His friends are not terrorists, racists or crooks. He is the only clear choice for the job.
What is needed for meeting the challenges of this world is a President with knowledge and experience. The Presidency is not made for On The Job Training. It needs a leader who will be able to start working with ideas and knowledge from Day One. It need and we need John Sidney McCain.
To put it quite simply, Obama and O'Biden's asses are GRASS, Palin and McCain have the lawnmower!!
I would have spelled it as grASS, Fred. And you're right.
McCain got game!
how optimistic are we!..yay!
Only reasons to vote for McCain:
1. Victory in the war.
2. Sarah Palin
3. Obama
Sarah Palin put us ahead last night and McCain just put the game away tonight. The fairytale is over Barack!
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