Tom Tancredo (R-Littleton, CO), pictured right, has proposed legislation that would prevent Shar'ia Law from becoming legally binding in the US. This bill would also deny U.S. visas to advocates of ‘Sharia’ law, expel Islamists already here.
WASHINGTON, DC – Amid disturbing revelations that the verdicts of Islamic Sharia courts are now legally binding in civil cases in the United Kingdom, U.S. Representative Tom Tancredo (R-Littleton) moved quickly today to introduce legislation designed to protect the United States from a similar fate.From Monkey in the Middle:
According to recent news reports, a new network of Sharia courts in a half-dozen major cities in the U.K. have been empowered under British law to adjudicate a wide variety of legal cases ranging from divorces and financial disputes to those involvingdomestic violence.
“This is a case where truth is truly stranger than fiction,” said Tancredo. “Today the British people are learning a hard lesson about the consequences of massive, unrestricted immigration.”
Sharia law, favored by Muslim extremists around the world, often calls for brutal punishment – such as the stoning of women who are accused of adultery or have children out of wedlock, cutting off the hands of petty thieves and lashings for the casual consumption of alcohol. Under Sharia law, a woman is often required to provide numerous witnesses to prove rape allegations against an assailant – a near impossible task.
“When you have an immigration policy that allows for the importation of millions of radical Muslims, you are also importing their radical ideology – an ideology that is fundamentally hostile to the foundations of western democracy – such as gender equality, pluralism, and individual liberty,” said Tancredo. “The best way to safeguard America against the importation of the destructive effects of this poisonous ideology is to prevent its purveyors from coming here in the first place.”
Tancredo’s bill, dubbed the “Jihad Prevention Act,” would bar the entry of foreign nationals who advocate Sharia law. In addition, the legislation would make the advocacy of Sharia law by radical Muslims already in the United States a deportable offense.
Tancredo pointed to the results of a recent poll conducted by the Centre for Social Cohesion as evidence that the U.S. should act to prevent the situation in Great Britain from replicating itself here in the United States. The poll found that some 40 percent of Muslim students in the United Kingdom support the introduction of Sharia law there, and 33 percent support the imposition of an Islamic Sharia-based government worldwide.
“We need to send a clear message that the only law we recognize here in America is the U.S. Constitution and the laws passed by our democratically elected representatives,” concluded Tancredo. “If you aren’t comfortable with that concept, you aren’t welcome in the United States.”
I expect to see CAIR and the ACLU start challenges to this bill the minute it is signed into law. And if the Supreme Court has a majority of liberals on it (as it would under Barack Hussein Obama) then not only will this be thrown out but Shar'ia Law and No-Go Zones will become Standard. But if John McCain wins in November, the court will uphold this law.
The stakes this November are very high. For an Obama win is a win for Jihadists everywhere. Is a win for those who will (not might) destroy the very fabric of our society and place instead an Islamic regime, headed by a Muslim: Barack Hussein Obama.
The stakes this November are very high. For an Obama win is a win for Jihadists everywhere...Tancredo is super!
Great post. I wish Tom well with this bill. It will be challenged.
Agreed. the world as we know it will be forever changed if Obama wins.
We need this law. America, please wake up. You want to see what happens to a democratic nation that does not protect itself?
Look at India. A country which can claim itself to be a majority Hindu country. But look a little deeper and what you see is a country torn apart from its foundation by muslim jihadist.
India's history is a clear guide on how the muslim fundamentalism works to destroy a country. They are not in a hurry. They kow time is on their side. If they have to wait for centuries and generations, they will.
They are united by religion and not by country. This is their strength.
America, the only way you can protect yourself is by making this country strong. Do not give an inch to any any outsider who wants to build this great country free of religion only to use it later for advancing their own religion.
This country was and should remain a Judeao-Christian country. Be proud of your country.
This comes from a non-christian who loves this country and hates to see its coming downfall.
Great post and good approach on how you believe that CAIR will be all over this like white on rice....you're 100% dead on with that.
I'm adding your blog to our blogger's list on our page. Stop by sometime.
I foresee constitutional issues with the portion of Tancredo's suggested law proposing to deport people advocating Sharia; as for not letting such advocates into the US in the first place, I don't see any problem whatsoever. If people want to set up some law other than the US Constitution, let them stay in the hell-holes they come from.
Sha ria law in Great Satan? What a hoot! Americans will not tolerate even the idea of it - like Mark says - if it's so awesome then why split their Mohammedisthoods they came from?
Marginalization is still a key mix in the melting pot - old school - old country ideas are pretty weak whenever confronted with fun and free choice.
Thanks for posting this Findalis, and good on ya Tom, bout time someone proposed something like this. Learn from other's mistakes.
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