Tonight begins the
You will not hear the refrain of Yes We Can, nor the mantra of Change or Hope. What you will hear is the truth. The truth about America. The way the nation will change for the better and the hope for those yet born.
There are many of you who are blue-collar workers, struggling to make ends meet. You feel the pinch every time oil prices rise, yet the Democrats leading Congress have gone on vacation. They care not that you spend 3x what you did only 2 years ago to put gas in your car. They care not that your jobs are going overseas at an alarming rate. They care not that your neighborhoods are becoming unsafe due to the influx of criminals illegally in this nation. They care not that American Values and American Ideals are being destroyed by the nefarious liberals in Hollywood.
Tonight we start the last, but longest leg of a remarkable journey. A journey that started over a year ago and has traveled to every corner of the nation. A journey that when completed will end (with G-d's help) at the White House in Washington, D.C.
This journey was started alone by one man, John McCain, when all the so-called experts said he doesn't have a chance, when one after another member of his support team left him, John McCain stayed in the race. He beat the odds and won the nomination. That was the first leg.
The second leg was the lull of the summer. While Barack Hussein Obama went on his world-wide tour, John McCain was visiting Americans. While Obama refused to visit with wounded soldiers, John McCain went to VA Hospitals. While Obama showed disrespect to Hillary Clinton and her supporters, John McCain reached out at them. The media said that there was no way that John McCain could ever beat Barack Hussein Obama, the polls were against him. But by the Moonbat Express, they were neck and neck. Then Obama did the worst thing in American Politics. He showed off his ego. The bounce he got from his jump into the air, was very small. And he landed on his face. For the very next day, John McCain did something different . He chose a wonderful running partner. A woman who had more experience than Obama. A woman with good American Values and a beautiful family to boot. A woman who respected our military men and women, the children of this nation born and unborn, and has led a great state. He choose Sarah Palin, the Governor of Alaska.

On Friday the last leg will begin. It will not be an easy race, for the Democrats are good runners, but it will be a clean one, using all the means necessary to see victory in November.
And you, the disenfranchised of America are welcomed to join in on it. There is a place for you at our table. It is set with fine bone china and silver. All that is missing is you. We are a large family, with many different ideas and faiths. We speak the same language, the language of understanding and compassion, of values and G-d, of strength and might. We see America as the shining beacon of freedom to the world.
So if you call yourself PUMA, or Independent, Democrat or Libertarian, we welcome you to his wonderful party and ask you to join in our cry:
Looking into the future, I can very easily see this being the last six months of capitalism in the history of the United States of America.
Let us hope the people of America are ready to throw down this revolution of failure.
Yes everyone is welcome, as long as they do not want to change us, as long as they accept our beliefs.
Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth
And we won't even call you McCain Democrats. Although we might call you Sarah Democrats.
Call me anything you want, Roy...
Just don't call me late to dinner.
I'm continually amazed at how the left think they can browbeat me into seeing things their way. No logic... no facts... just innuendo and shading of the truth.
Autorotate from above said something recently on his site that I've said over and over-
"Why these people believe socialism and communism will work here, when it has failed so miserably around the world again and again is beyond me."
I even asked a nasty commenter once to give me an example where Socialism had worked without continual massive input of government money, and that commenter refused to respond.
Can anyone, DOES anyone here wanta try?
But we should remember this...
(Me more than most because I tend to get into "attack dog" form pretty quickly...
We're not gonna bring others around to our way of thinkin' unless we play nice and try to be logical.
I'm not a McCain democrat. But I could easily be a Sarah whatever.
shinging beacon of freedom indeed!
Dear Greybeard,
Party loyalty runs deep in this country. For a 100 years after the Civil War a Republican couldn't get elected dogcatcher in the South. The South finally flipped when the crazies took over the Democratic Party in 1968.
The Democrats have won twice in the last 40 years.
Carter beat Ford by less than one percent. Ford first replaced the disgraced Spiro Agnew and then the disgraced Richard Nixon.
Clinton won in 1992 with 43% of the vote. Ross Perot got 19% - arguably mostly Bush voters.
In 1994 the Republicans took over Congress for the first time since the 1930's.
In 2000 Bush beat Gore in a time of peace and prosperity.
In 2004 twenty million new voters went to the polls. Sixty percent voted Republican.
In 2006, the supposed disaster for the Republicans, the Democrats gained a number of seats that were smack on the average turnover in midterm elections over the last 50 years.
Now the Democrats are destroying themselves. Obama is the nominee only because he is not Clinton. The Clintons embarrassed the hell out of the Democratic Party. A lot of Democrats didn't want to see Billary in the White House ever again, not even as visitors.
Now they have Obama, the weirdest weakest candidate in history. I've been watching these things since 1952. Obama is going to be blown out. With Palin it's going to be an even bigger blowout.
My fondest hope is that it will be so bad that they shed the crazies and start on the road back to the fine party they once were.
p.s., Greybeard, there's a song going on in my head. You might remember it:
"Sarah, Sarah Palin
Queen of the wild frontier"
(kilt her a 'bou when she was only three.)
I love Sarah Palin. I just don't get tired of praising this woman. She is all the women I ever knew back home, all the good, strong, decent women who raised families and kept homes, and had jobs and friends and the nation. She is, according to me, a working-class American, my kind of girl. She is not a Harvard educated lawyer, not a globe-trotting dilettante, not a fool, not a street hustler conning people. She is a real mom of real a family in a real place. I love this gal.
And for all the reasons I love her, the Left hates her: she is a bucket of cold water on the sentimental posing of phonies who fake everything from behind too much money, too much undeserved praise for bogus accomplishments, and who live in a self-contained world of flattery and vanity. She guts fish.
Sarah Plain is America, and the snobs, those who wish they could be something more than phonies, are threatened by her reality. She makes them obviously phonies, strips away all their pretenses by being herself. Talk about Mark Rothko paintings or gut salmon. Raise kids or have abortions. Wear an outfit in black silk or pull on the rubber boots and slog through the snow.
The gal is real and real as can be. She wipes off the veneer of sophistication the Left puts on themselves: she does things of real worth, and in comparison, the Left look like childish fools pretending at life. Caviar? Well, why not. It's good stuff. But to pretend to like it if one doesn't is snobbery for the sake of nothing but vanity. My guess is that Sarah Palin's liking of moose burgers is genuine. If she likes caviar, I assume she'd say so. And I'd believe her.
But a guy who's playing three card monty on the street with the American nation up for grabs? No, I can't indulge that kind of phantasy. That makes me ill. That's not America. That's a fools game of pretend, of pretending to be sophisticated. And the pretense takes a daily round to prop it up, all for no reason in the end. A day put into lying is a day wasted and destroyed, and the result of a successful lie is a dead day and a lost life. Sarah Palin is real.
I recall back home in the Rockies, and I see men and women like the Palins. Not perfect but real. That's America. I want that to return to our land. I want Sarah Palin to go to the White House, if only with McCain. It's the start of a better world. All anyone has to do is stop pretending to be something no one is: a phony. Look to Sarah. See the real America again.
Dear Dag,
Like you said.
I get chills thinking that home could be home again. And then I recall a -- I don't like calling down girls but this is what i read in the comments section at the Washington Post a few days ago:
"Obama is going to bring us all back home again."
That's not my home. That's a candy-floss castle in the shallow mind of a teen-age girl. I gag. It's not real. It's not anything but the simpering bubbles of a girl conned by a street hustler; and our nation is filled with such people. But Sarah Palin, I love this woman. Icould hug all the ladies back home and thank them for a generation of Americans, many of whom when I was a boy died in Viet Nam, more since dead elsewhere in defense of our land, of our Home.
Regrets? I am a walking regret. And still, there is the redemption I have of our nation still living and breathing and breeding new Americans. My nation, our nation, still lives, even though for me it's a foreign place I seldom return to and then only briefly. The nation isn't me, though. I love from afar, a lover lost and pining, perhaps, and concerned. I still love though I might not get home for good again in this whole life. But there is Sarah Palin and her family and millions of other families back home, and for them America is the good I can't get back to just yet. I live and hope and I thank G*d for the nation others have. And maybe someday I will get home again.
Till then, I have other things to do. Americans at home make of our land what they will; and I do what I can from afar in faith. I sincerely wish that the obomanation would trade me places, they to live in this mire of the world as it is so poorly.
Next Year in the Rockies.
And a hug for all you moms.
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