Saturday, September 20, 2008

How Obama will spend your hard earned tax dollars.

With the problems with the US economy and crippling debt to the nation, instead of finding ways to cut our costs, Barack Hussein Obama proposes more wasteful spending. This time it is to the United Nations Development Program.
Barack Obama, who lamented Friday that “we have not managed our federal budget with any kind of discipline,” is nonetheless promising to spend $50 billion on a United Nations anti-poverty program that critics say will drive up American debt.

Yet Obama and his running mate, Joe Biden, have pledged tens of billions in new spending on a U.N. program that promises cash to poor countries. The program is one of eight sweeping “Millennium Development Goals” the U.N. adopted in 2000.

“Obama and Biden will embrace the Millennium Development Goal of cutting extreme poverty around the world in half by 2015, and they will double our foreign assistance to $50 billion to achieve that goal,” the candidates vow in their campaign platform.

Johns Hopkins professor Steve Hanke said such spending would merely drive up American debt, while doing almost nothing for the world’s poor.

“It goes down a bureaucratic rat-hole, lining the pockets of people who are connected to the power structure,” said Hanke, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute. “It’s basically a system to redistribute income from middle class people in the United States to rich people in poor countries. It never reaches those people who are living on a dollar a day.”

Hanke said such expenditures are especially unwise in the wake of significant expansions of government and spending during President Bush’s tenure.

Full Story

Why should the United States have to be responsible for problems of poverty around the world? According to Senator Obama and the Democratic Leadership, there is a great amount of poverty here in the US. Shouldn't we deal with our own problems first?

Why not ask those nice rich Saudis to foot the bill for this one, or the Iranians, or the Venezuelans, or the nice rich emir of Dubai? They have plenty of money lying around to finance many mosques, terror groups, etc. They should be footing this bill instead of us.

To give more money to the UN Development Program is like flushing it down the toilet. It is a cesspool of corruption and greed.

Nearly 18 months after the United Nations Development Program promised to shed daylight on its internal operations to the countries that pay its bills, is the U.N.'s flagship anti-poverty agency going to live up to the deal?

That is one of the main issues in a tussle currently taking place within UNDP's 37-member executive board, which supervises the organization, and which winds up its semi-annual meeting today in New York.

The battle is led by the U.S. and a number of other Western nations that pay most of the UNDP's bills (the U.S. alone donates roughly $500 million annually to UNDP). Some of the Western states are concerned that UNDP is still trying to keep its $5 billion operations — and any problems it has with them — under as many wraps as possible. For its part, UNDP says it is happy to cooperate if only all the countries that make up its board can agree. The outcome of the battle is still uncertain.

The issue revolves in part around UNDP's disclosure of its internal audits to U.N. members that request them — a policy that became a hot button a year ago, when the U.S. demanded to look at UNDP audits for North Korea. The audits, conducted periodically of all UNDP programs, examine how the organization is spending its money and whether it is following its own rules while doing so. Traditionally, UNDP's top managers have considered them to be "management tools," and insisted they be kept confidential, even from the governing executive board.

But all that began to change in 2007, when U.S. diplomats got to examine a series of UNDP audits of its programs in North Korea. After reading them the U.S. accused UNDP of funneling millions of dollars in hard currency to the Kim regime, hiring North Korean government employees to fill sensitive UNDP jobs in the country, and passing on sensitive "dual use" technology that could be used in North Korea's nuclear program, all in violation of U.N. rules. Moreover, UNDP auditors had passed on many of those concerns to top management; nothing was done.

The essence of the U.S. charges was vindicated, and then some, in a special investigation of UNDP's operations in North Korea, which reported in June of this year. The lengthy document not only buttressed most of the U.S. charges, but also reported that a North Korean government employee who served as UNDP's finance officer also verified the receipt of the checks she wrote, in violation of one of UNDP's most fundamental anti-fraud rules.

Full Story
Fraud, mismanagement, greed is just some of the words to describe the UN in general the its Development Program exactly. Yet Senator Obama will just throw them more and more of our taxpayer money.

This is just one more Communist idea from the closet communist. It is bad for the US and the American taxpayer in general.

And just another reason not to vote for Barack Hussein Obama in November!

1 comment:

Right Truth said...

Dave Ramsey says anyone who takes from one group to give to another, against their will, is a Communist by definition. That describes Obama and his upbringing perfectly.

Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth