So really he was just here to make a showing for the Americans back home that he is their candidate for President. I think that if you are going to make an effort to come all the way over here you would thank those that are providing the freedom that they are providing for you.I swear we got more thanks from the NBA Basketball Players or the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders than from one of the Senators, who wants to be the President of the United States . I just don't understand how anyone would want him to be our Commander-and-Chief. It was almost that he was scared to be around those that provide the freedom for him and our great country.
If this is blunt and to the point I am sorry but I wanted you all to know what kind of caliber of person he really is. What you see in the news is all fake.
This was his opinion and he recently said that the message’s author that “some of the information that was put out in my e-mail was wrong.”
The e-mail, signed by Capt. Jeffrey S. Porter at Bagram Airbase, characterized Obama’s July 19 visit with soldiers there as contrary to the positive portrayals of the mainstream press.Was Captain Porter wrong? Let us see. On Friday I publish another letter from another soldier who wishes to remain anonymous. In this letter he wrote:
Army Times sent an e-mail to Porter, a Utah Army National Guard member assigned to the 142nd Military Intelligence Battalion, asking if he could verify that he wrote the controversial e-mail and requesting an interview.Porter’s reply declined the interview request, but said:
“I am writing this to ask that you delete my e-mail and not forward it, after checking my sources some of the information that was put out in my e-mail was wrong. This e-mail was meant only for my family. Please respect my wishes and delete the e-mail and if there are any blogs you have my e-mail portrayed on I would ask if you would take it down too.”
When contacted, Tiffany Porter who identified herself as his wife, said: “There were discrepancies in the e-mail, but I am not at liberty to say more.”
The Army refuted the accuracy of the account of the Obama visit.
“These comments are inappropriate and factually incorrect,” Bagram spokesman Lt. Col. Rumi Nielson-Green told the New York Daily News.
Obama didn’t play basketball at Bagram or visit the Clamshell, she said.
“We were a bit delayed ... as he took time to shake hands, speak to troops and pose for photographs,” Nielson-Green said.
Opinion aside, Obama campaign officials cited factual errors in the e-mail. Porter said Obama had gone to play basketball; Obama aides said that during the trip he only played basketball in Kuwait, not during stops in Iraq or Afghanistan.
An Obama campaign Web site, called “Fight the Smears,” labels it a “lie” that Obama refused to meet with the troops. It includes links to news stories and videos showing Obama interacting with crowds of service members as evidence.
Two separate letters by two different men. And I have more with the same to it by other servicemen and women who beg me note to publish for it would destroy their careers. I will not remove the first letter, for I feel it is the truth, but I publish this retraction with this message:Since he obviously knew in advance that's what they'd tell him, and since he didn't care to talk to the troops (we're told by the Left that the troops are horrified, shocked, forced to commit atrocities with tears in their eyes, distraught, burned out, fed up with losing, etc) and find out how they feel, and was barely in country long enough to need a shower and a change of clothes, we can only call this for what it is.
A disgraceful PR stunt, using the troops as a platform for his ego and campaign.
In comparison, I've seen four star generals and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on this base. They each held an all ranks call, met with and briefed the personnel, and took questions on every subject from tour length to uniform design to rules of engagement to weapon choice to long term policy, from the newest airmen to the senior NCO with TEN 120-180 day tours since Sep 11. It's very clear they want to know what the troops think, and to keep them informed of events. It's equally clear mister Obama does not.
From here we must move to my op part of the oped.
Obama clearly doesn't care about the troops, doesn't care about America, doesn't care about anything except hearing his own voice and the chance to sit at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue…From where he'll bring us the proven Democratic wartime leadership of Bosnia and the Balkans (US forces still there), Somalia (US forces prevailed despite being ill equipped by executive order, and taking heavy casualties), Haiti (what were we doing there again?), Desert One (oops?), Vietnam (where we snatched defeat from the jaws of victory), Korea (still there), WWI, and the fluke success of WWII won by such wonderful liberal notions as concentration camps for Japanese Americans, nukes, FBI investigations of waitresses who dated soldiers in case they were "morally corrupt" and the (valid) occupation of and continued presence in Italy, Japan and Germany for 60 years, which they are conveniently pretending won't happen with Iraq.
That's not "change." That's "failure we can do without."
Senator Obama can complain until he gets an honorable man to retract his words, but he cannot run from the truth. The truth is that he used members of the US Armed Forces for a blatant publicity stunt. That when the truth is known, unless he can have the whole press corp with him, he will shun any American troops, as he did in Germany with the American Wounded Troops.
And that makes Senator Obama a man who cares more about his image than his nation. And as my second write said:
I also head the email was wrong, but if more than one soldier wrote the same, I'm compelled to believe it's true.
I voted.
I am guessing that there is a lot of truth in that email...
If it was intended for a family member only, I can understand that too but it's too late now, it's all over the world...
And it may well ruin some careers of damned good military officers...
More and more our Military is expected to perform in an efficient and politically correct manner while killing the enemies of this nation, and ya know, having been one of those *killers* back many years ago, I have to say, you can't have PCness and efficient military Ops...
The Army Times couldn't really put pressure on him. Perhaps he, as a Captain, got pressured from his own Battalion???
I wonder who in his family let this get out, or was it hijacked as it crossed the web?
Maggie's Notebook
It seems to me like Porter's right to free speech was taken away from him. He expressed himself and the next thing you know, he's forced to retract it, so he comes back and says it's not true. It was true. Someone probably threatened him for disagreeing with Obama. This is just a glimpse of what's to come. Just like Stalin, I wouldn't put it past Obama to do a purge, where he punishes everyone who doesn't uphold his socialist ideals. This is just a glimpse of how he's going to take away our basic rights.
Change indeed..from the Marxist black separatists..spit!
Didi you see this at Patriot Room (and BlackFive)?
Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth
Incredible, but expected. I tend to believe two independent sources got it accurate, and since that accuracy is also embarrassing, we should also expect the follow-up cover story.
BTW, nice site.
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