Obama backtracks on Jerusalem
In his first major speech minutes after clinching the Democrat nomination as the party's candidate for the US presidential election, Barack Obama surprised listeners at an AIPAC convention by saying Jerusalem should be Israel's "undivided" capital. However, the Illinois senator retracted his comments on Sunday, saying that they were "badly phrased."
"You know, the truth is that this was an example where we had some poor phrasing in the speech, and we immediately tried to correct the interpretation that was given," Obama said during an interview on CNN's "Fareed Zakaria - GPS.""The point we were simply making was, is that we don't want barbed wire running through Jerusalem, similar to the way it was prior to the '67 war, that it is possible for us to create a Jerusalem that is cohesive and coherent. I was not trying to predetermine what are essentially final-status issues," he continued.
Truth. Now to Obama that's a funny word. To most people it means: a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like. But to Obama it means: say what you want to each group, they really don't listen.
There is a new truth now. One in which Obama forgets what he said just right after he secured the nomination.
"Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided," Obama declared Wednesday, to rousing applause from the 7,000-plus attendees at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee policy conference.Was that the truth then Senator? And what makes it not the truth now Senator? What changed your mind? Are you not getting donations from the Jewish Community? Or is it that you are secretly getting donations from Muslim nations? We are checking that one Senator. Too many donations are coming to your campaign from Muslim nations. There aren't that many ex-patriot Americans in them to justify those donations. Did you find a way to get foreign governments to donate to your campaign?
Pandering to get the Jewish vote does not help. You cannot say one thing one day and another the next.
Israel, Obama said, must realize that its existence in the long term is dependent on its ability to achieve peace with its neighbors, while the Palestinian leadership must recognize the fact that the battles it fights, the direction in which it is going and the rhetoric it uses do not "deliver the goods" for the Palestinian people.
What Israeli citizens want and what the residents of the West Bank long for is a pragmatic approach that would allow them to be safe, live their lives and educate their children, Obama added.
Obama is scheduled to come to Israel for a brief 24-hour visit next week as part of a European and Middle Easter tour (during which he will visit Germany, France, the United Kingdom and also Iraq and Jordan).
Obama's campaign headquarters have not yet published his itinerary and the precise date of his arrival, but he is scheduled to visit the Western Wall, Yad Vashem and take a helicopter trip to Sderot.
What the Israelis want is to live in peace. They also will not give up their holy site, the Western Wall. The last time they lost control of it was in 1947, and the Jordanians tried to tear it down. That is a truth that you can deny, considering at who's feet you have sat for the last 20 years.
Senator, you cannot keep flip-flopping like this. You have to make a position and stick to it, even if it is unpopular at the time. That is the sign of a true leader. Not all positions a President takes are going to be popular, you cannot please everyone every time.
I am simply shocked and appalled that Barack Obama has changed his position, yet once again.
And, yes, he certainly can keep on changing his mind. Who'll stop him? And who, besides the blogsphere and some few non-liberal/leftist/Democrat/Obama news shills in print and broadcast media, will report that?
Actually, I hope he keeps it up, at an even more intense and accelerated rate. That's because he's too full of himself to understand that he's defeating himself--if he hasn't already, though we won't know for sure until his defeat on Election Day.
But, then, try telling that to an arrogant narcissist--especially this empty suit from Illinois--right?
He is a bold faced enemy to Jews and to Israel...end of story!
When the elections are all over and if Obama gets the top job, there are going to be a lot of people who will find out the hard way, why slimy used-car salesmen and other assorted con men are still doing business. It's going to be a very uncomfortable realization when it eventually hits.
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