Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Resistance Begins!

Hat tip SIOE

During WW 2 the Resistance Movements in Europe start small. With leaflets, posters, songs, and non-violent means of protests. Many Resistance Cells hid Jews and other non-persons at great personal risk to themselves. Now the same spirit of resistance has begun. It was about to happen sooner or later, but an unnamed group of Greenland patriots have started to fight back against Islam and the Dhimmitude that was beginning to happen.

Native Greenlanders have been driven out of their homes by harassment and intimidation by Muslims.
Many Greenlanders living in Gjellerup Park [a suburban high-rise district of Århus, Denmark - translator] are fed up. After several years of racist persecution and harassment by Arab and Somali tenants, they’ve now chosen to abandon the place. “I couldn’t stand being their target. It was a psychological stress. But I’m angry that we were the ones to leave. After all, they were the ones to attack us,” says Johanne Christiansen.
But the Muslims forgot a simple thing. The men and women of Greenland are the descendants of the Vikings. Their blood is not one of submission but of war. When riled up, they start to fight.

The fight has started, and in Greenland of all places.
A nameless resistance group has taken responsibility for the action. There were banners hung up along the motorway in Denmark saying “stop Islamic racism” and “stop Islamic racism, long live Greenland.” Mohammed has also been hanged on lamposts around the country with signs hung around his neck with inscriptions like “pedophile highwayman.”

The editors received these images with the wording:

“Here are the first pictures from our action on Zealand. We send the other images from Funen and Jutland and the rest of Zealand in the next few days. Our action will continue until the Islamic Religious Affairs controls the racists in Gellerup, allows Greenlanders to come back, treats them properly and gives each of them a personal apology. We will continue to hang muhammed until this happens. “

These signs and effigies were hung along the national highways, both on Zealand, Jutland and Fyn.

The sign says: Stop the Islamic racism, long live Greenland.

Muhammad hanged for paedophilia

This was in revenge for the ethnic cleansing of Greenlanders in Gellerup-park at Aarhus. They are fed up with the Muslims and their anti-Greenland ways.

I expected the first blows of Resistance to begin in France or Germany or England. But I'm very proud of the men and women of this new Resistance Group in Greenland. More groups of this kind must be set up all over the world. It is time that we fight the menace of Islam not only with words, but with deeds.

The battle has begun, the war will be a long one, May G-d grant us victory!


Rita Loca said...

Go vikings!

Roger W. Gardner said...

This is heartening; but in another way it's discouraging.
It's discouraging that these "resistance movements" have to be furtive and underground, and not state-sanctioned law enforcement. It's discouraging that these actions are the actions of secretive midnight graffiti artists and not full-fledged daytime police actions.

But, then, maybe I'm hoping for too much too soon. Maybe any sign of an indigenous European awakening is a good sign.

Terrific article Findalis.

Anonymous said...

Great post, Findalis. I believe there are going to be pockets rising up all over the free world. There already are. Everywhere that people are subjected to having to live with the perverse behavior of Islamic communities, they will soon lose their romantic multiculturalist dreams and wake up to harsh reality. That's when we'll see some real fighting!