We have some very exciting news to report about our "Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less" movement.
We are pleased to announce that at a press conference on Tuesday at the U.S. Capitol, we presented the House and Senate Republican leadership 1.3 million petition signatures on your behalf.
As you watch the video of the event below, please remember that you have helped to make this all possible. And don't forget to send this on to your friends to show them what we've been able to accomplish together.
Accepting the petitions, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Minority Leader John Boehner, and other congressional leaders spoke about the need to produce more American energy as part of a larger American energy plan.
Among the petition signers in attendance were Fred Hughes, a Vietnam veteran and small business owner; Tara Bowman, who owns a cattle company with her husband Daryl; Barbara Windsor, who runs a trucking company that has been in her family for 75 years; and Laura Ramirez Drain, a teacher and proud new American citizen. As representatives of over 1.3 million Democrats, Republicans, and independents, we sincerely appreciate their time and effort.
The campaign for a 21st century secure energy plan is about more than the price of filling our gas tanks. It's about protecting America by cutting off the flow of our dollars to the foreign dictators that control so much of our oil supply .It's about coming together to flex our national muscles to make life better for us, our children, and our grandchildren.
Understanding the importance and enormity of this challenge, our effort at American Solutions has only just begun. As the momentum builds, we will present millions more petition signatures to the Democratic and Republican Conventions later this summer to urge both parties to take action.
As Senator John Cornyn said at the event, you are doing "what every citizen of America has a right to do, and that is to petition their government. To petition for change."
With your help, we can continue to shape this debate, win the argument, and affect real change.
Dave Ryan
Executive Director
American Solutions
From Monkey in the Middle:
The time has come for the United States to wean ourselves off of Muslim oil. This oil funds the terrorist activities of al-Qada, Hamas, Hizbollah and other terror groups. It funds the Madrases in this nation that call for the destruction of the US Constitution and the implementation of Shar'ia Law.
It is time for the Democratic lead Congress to take a bold stand and say to the radical environmentalists NO! This time we aren't going to listen to your lies. Everything you now say you said about the Alaskan pipeline (and that never happened), you all talk a good game, but the country's needs are more important than your hippie ideas.
The time of talking must be over. Now is the time for action.
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