Warning: This video contains scenes of a violent nature.
It has been 3 weeks since a crazed Palestinian drove a bulldozer through a crowded Jerusalem street killing 3 and wounding scores more. Today it happened again. This time it wasn't a crazed Palestinian but a deliberate attack on innocent Israelis perpetrated by Hamas' agent Ghassan Abu Tir, was a relative of Muhammad Abu Tir, a Hamas parliamentarian jailed in Israel.This time no one was killed, but 23 were wounded. The wounded were taken to local area hospitals.
The terrorist began his attempt to murder Jews on King David St. near the Yemin Moshe neighborhood. He took a tractor from a construction site, and began plowing into vehicles along the street, hitting at least three cars - one of which he completely overturned - and a bus. One driver was able to escape from his car even though the tractor plowed it into a bus stop. When the terrorist reached the intersection of Keren HaYesod St., a citizen and Border Guard policeman shot and killed him. The entire incident was over very quickly, eyewitnesses said.

Again innocent Israelis have been placed at risk by an government that refuses to stand up to these thugs. The appeasers known as Kadima, led by the traitor Ehud Olmert have done everything they could do to bring about the destruction of Israel. Yet, he remains in power.
Moshe Feiglin, leader of the Likud's Manhigut Yehudit faction, was an eyewitness to the attack. He told Voice of Israel Radio that his first impression of the attack was the tractor-shovel attempting to drop down upon a passerby. "At first I thought it was some kind of accident, but very quickly we realized that it was an attack. Thank G-d, it ended very quickly, because of the alertness of passersby who shot him - I saw a man I know from the southern Judea community of Susia, but he was the first one to shoot the terrorist, and then the Border Guard policeman came and finished the story."The time has come to stop all negotiations with Hamas and Fatah. The time has come for Israel to crack down on these groups and regain the upper hand. And the time has come for Olmert and Company to resign and let someone with some balls save the nation.
The man who first shot the terrorist was later announced to be Yaki Asael, 56, father of eight, from Susia.
"We have long called for a policy of not hiring Arabs in construction," said Shifra Hoffman of Victims of Arab Terror. "We hold the government guilty of this attack for not implementing this policy."
I am still scratching my head at the fact that Olmert is in power. Failed policies, corruption, and a weak moral code should have bankrupted his government by now.
It's sad and strange and frustrating. And I'm in the States! I can only imagine how the Israelis feel!
Oh you got the video, great job. I posted early this morning, and have been away from the computer all day. Thanks for the vote at RCP, I voted also.
Another brave man who rushes past others to save the day. God bless them.
If you remember the first bulldozer/front end loader terror attack ... an off duty IDF soldier jumped in and shot the driver.
Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth
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