Great Britain has an old flavor. It comes from its Celtic, Saxon, and Norman roots. Through in some Viking, Roman and Anglo spices and let it simmer for 2000 years.
Israel has a combination of flavors. It starts with very old spices of biblical times. Add in the bitter herbs of anti-Semitism and the Holocaust. Throw in a mixture of skill, hard work and Chuptzah. Stir. Bake for 60 years.
Each nation does what it MUST do to survive. If it means that they go to war, they do. The US did this 10 times. Great Britain fought many wars in its past (too many to count), the last being the Falklands. Israel was founded on war when it asked for peace. It will prepare for war, pray for peace and demand justice for its people.
That is why when groups like Code Pink and A.N.S.W.E.R cry to stop the war in Iraq and Afghanistan it destroys the nation's flavor. Makes it unpalatable.
And when groups like the ACLU and CAIR try to destroy the very essence of the national flavor by imposing their will on it, the flavor turns sour and bitter.
When bloggers and writers like Lionheart are censored by their government for speaking out at that which they find offensive. The nation's flavor is diminished. For the government cannot give any minority groups president over the majority. That isn't democracy in any form.
When a nation is attacked daily by an enemy like Israel has been these last 8 years. One does not force them to give up land to that enemy in the hopes that the enemy will stop its attacks.
You can support our troops by contributing to groups like the USO. Since 1941 the USO has been there for them with morale and support. A hot cup of coffee, a chance to call home, even computers to let the folks back home know they are ok.
You can support Lionheart in his struggle for Free Speech by clicking the Donate button on his website. It is in English Pounds so for us Americans we will have to work out the exchange rate first.
You can support Israel in its struggles with Hamas and the daily rocket attacks by supporting the Sderot Media Center.
It is through constant vigilance and maintenance that the flavors of our nations stay strong and true to the original.
Note to self:
I've got to stop writing when I'm hungry.
What a great article. Good job.
Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth
I'm hungry too..lol..excellent read ..the multi culti pot is exploding Katie!
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