Cross posted with permission from Radarsite
This is not an article. I'm not looking for votes on Real Clear Politics. I'm not looking to impress anyone with my knowledge or my considered opinions. This will not be heavily edited or clearly thought out. I'm too damned angry for that.
This is a cry of outrage, a shout of FIRE in the crowded theater. This is a four letter obscenity aimed directly at those of you amongst us who are allowing this travesty of justice to take place, who are actually promoting it.
Whatever research has been done by me in order to write this was done long before I decided to do it. If I don't write this piece, and write it right now, then I'm not worth the effort it takes to read my stuff.
Today, posted by Deb Hamilton of Right Truth in Real Clear Politics is an article about the British blogger Lionheart. Lionheart is facing arrest if he returns to Britain. He is facing arrest for doing something and for doing it well. He has written about the invasion of his native land by Muslims. And he has called a spade a spade. And today WE DO NOT CALL A SPADE A SPADE. It is ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN TO CALL A SPADE A SPADE. Or to call the ISLAMIC MENACE an ISLAMIC MENACE.
God help us!
The Multicultural Thought Police ARE REAL, folks. THEY ARE HERE NOW. This is no longer some clever literary device, this is reality. HE IS FACING ARREST. For writing TRUTHFULLY about Islam.
Today it is Britain, but tomorrow it is us --"
Lionheart has committed the unpardonable cultural offense of writing the truth about Islam. He has actually gone so far as to criticize Islam. THIS is his crime. He has committed a Hate Crime. And for this dreadful Hate Crime he is actually facing the horrifying prospects of prison. For trying to protect his own country!
My God! How have we let it come to this? When the hell are we going to stop this before it's just too late to stop it? How in hell can you write about a hateful and murderous cult without calling it hateful and murderous? How in hell can you demonize the devil? Just to describe it is to commit the crime.
Full Story
From Monkey in the Middle:
Lionheart's plight can happen to anyone. Any one who see a wrong and cries out about it. His only crime was publishing the truth about Islam and the Muslim gangs that were terrorizing his native Luton.
Here in the US we are protected by the 1st Amendment which reads:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.In Great Britain it seems that the average citizen doesn't have this protection. For speaking out and preaching his faith, Lionheart is facing imprisonment. That will make him a martyr not only to the principles of Free Speech but for his Christian Faith as well.
Lionheart has many allies here in America and even in his homeland. But his greatest ally is G-d. For as Lionheart walks into the proverbial Lion's Den of the British police station, he will not be alone. For the L-rd will be there next to him, as the L-rd was with Daniel as he was thrown into the Lion's Den by the Persians.
May G-d keep Lionheart safe from harm and prosecution. Amen!
I voted. But I don't remember posting an article myself about Lionheart.
Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth
Thanks for your help in this noble cause Findalis.
Our 1st Amendment will be screwed before we know it. Paul Ray spoke of Muslims as the New Protected Species.
Political correctness will trump our 1st Amendment in the name of righteousness, if we don't wake up.
Great post,
Maggie's Notebook
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