A ceasefire, violating the relaxation, opening the crossing points, closing and reopening them, and closing them again. "Red Color" alarm, a Kassam being fired, a direct hit on a house, mortar shells being fired...
Hello, Who's Relaxing Here?!
After a few days of complete silence, the "Red Color" alarm went off. As I watched the people run for cover, their faces showed surprise, amazement, and acceptance. Acceptance of a situation that is not going to change soon, even if it's called by different names: Relaxation, ceasefire, Tahadia.
I've spoken to Dr. Adrianna Katz, director of the Sderot Health Center, and asked her if there were any changes in the residents' mental state since the beginning of the relaxation. Dr. Katz claims that the relaxation, as it is today, isn't providing any help to improve the mental state.
Is there a difference in the number of demands for treatment, compared to the past?
"The difference is expressed by the fact that we don't open the emergency center. The people are ok without the "Red Color" alarm, but each time it goes off, they go back a few steps. Furthermore, we've recently received treatment demands from people who were present at the Kassam attack which killed Mordehai Yosefov and the child Afik Zehavi R.I.P, 4 years ago (28/6/08). They came to realize what happened, and they are dealing with how they feel about it, right in the time of ceasefire".
Is it true that the anxiety increases during times of relaxation?
"Not for everyone. If we could define this relaxation as a real relaxation, we might've been finally able to discuss real post traumatic symptoms (since the attacks don't stop completely, the trauma is still present, and there isn't a 'post trauma' stage - M.O) but apparently we can't. Every few days, the alarm goes off, or mortar shells Kassam missiles fall".
What happens to people during times of relaxation? Do they repress their feelings of anxiety?
"Some of the people don't truly believe in the relaxation, so they can't really relax. I'm talking about mental relaxation. It's like anticipation for something to happen, because it's impossible for it not to happen. That feeling doesn't allow you to live in peace and serenity. It's a feeling of uncertainty, which leads to lack of confidence. Instead of thinking 'what will happen', they think: 'when will it happen?', and it's not a good thing".
Country's Anxiety
The anxiety doesn't remain only in Sderot. It is carried by people who work in the city, and is taken back with them to their homes. According to Dr. Katz, the anxiety will spread across the entire country. "The uncertainty, and everything that's been going on for 8 years, is much bigger than a Kassam missile which is being fired from Beit Hanun. It's one gigantic Kassam missile, and we can't predict where it's going to hit. I believe that today we can talk about anxiety which is present across the country. You can witness a variety of threats every day in the news, starting from an earthquake in China all the way to the Iranian threat. We live in an era which ignites the anxiety".
What do you feel when you hear the "Red Color" alarm?
"At first, I didn't feel anything. I didn't pay attention to it. It was like child's play to me. I didn't know what a Kassam missile was. Now, even more than I fear the Kassam, I feel humiliated - humiliated, because I have to hide under the desk, or run to the protected room. Today, I feel the mental exhaustion which is the result of 8 years of war. No one is immune to this reality. One time, during an interview to the Galei Tzahal radio station, I was asked: 'How come professional people get scared?' The question frustrated me, but I politely replied that a professional person is a human being, and obviously is affected by fear, anxiety, and by questions that cause discomfort".
Are these feelings present during times of relaxation, too?"
"You feel it during times of relaxation, too. I say to myself: 'the beeper doesn't beep anymore', and after the third day it does beep and tells me about a direct hit on a home. Then, I tell myself that it's not going to be over soon, and ask myself what's going to become of us? I think that the Israeli people's compass has broken down completely. Not long ago, I didn't feel this way, but after 8 years of seeing that things aren't changing for good, but for worse, you just can't believe it. I started feeling this way 4 years ago, after a Kassam missile hit, when I realized that the same Kassam which is being prepared in a kitchen, can also cause death".
How many anxiety victims contact you?
"Many bodies which deal with mental health have arrived in Sderot. They receive patients as well, so our numbers went down a bit. We have approximately 100 people on our waiting list. Besides them, we don't see many new people, from reasons I don't know".
Apparently, the decrease in the amount of demands for treatment is due to the emigration out of the city. Approximately 1500 patients are receiving treatments at the mental health center, and the numbers are rising. We didn't get a precise answer to how many anxiety victims live in Sderot, because most cases aren't reported. 70%-94% of the children are anxiety victims. Dr. Katz says that even during this time of relaxation, the mental damage can be minimized by group therapy, psychotherapy, medical treatment and body relaxation treatment.
In December 2007, a missile landed directly on the Amar family's home - 11.5 years old Liz's neighbors. The house remained damaged for 5 months, and a month ago, after much negotiation with the property tax people, the repairs have finally begun. The missiles' threat and its consequences are very familiar to Liz. She knows that the same type of Kassam missile which landed near her home, can hit her home, too, in the future. The damaged Amar home serves as a daily reminder to this. "The truth is that it's hard living here, and despite the people who say that a ceasefire is taking place, missiles are being fired at us, and the other side says it's by mistake. You can't go outside to play, and everything feels closed. The difference between a child from Sderot and a child from another city is that the child from another city can go outside and play anytime he/she wishes, and the children of Sderot run every 5 minutes".
Liz Sasson, 11.5, Doesn't Believe the Palestinians
Do you believe in the ceasefire?
"I think that the Palestinians can't be trusted. For them it's a real ceasefire. They use it to arm themselves, and once it'll be over, they'll fire everything at us. My mom and I say that this is simply the silence before the storm. We won't do anything to them, and in the meantime, they'll pull out pipes, prepare Kassam missiles, and fire them at us".
What do you do when the alarm goes off?
"When the alarm goes off, you need to run in order for the Kassam missile not to hit you or near you, and you need to find a bomb shelter or a protected space".
Danny Dahan, Chairman of Small Businesses, Sderot. Realistic
Danny Dahan, who was born in Sderot and lives in Kibbutz Or Hane'r (which is considered a part of the Gaza Region), arrives to Sderot every day in order to manage the family business, a supermarket.
Can you feel the relaxation?
"On the day the relaxation was declared, media from all over the country arrived at my supermarket. They asked the clients for their opinion, and I stood and watched. The clients replied: 'Forget it, it's not going to happen, it's not going to last, it's nothing.' I couldn't see optimism in their eyes, and it's not because the people of Sderot aren't optimistic. The people of Sderot are the most optimistic people there are, because if they weren't, they wouldn't have been living here. However, they are being realistic, and they know that both our government and the Hamas have lost the public's trust. The Hamas violates the relaxation, and the Israeli government doesn't do anything about these violations. There's no doubt that we can feel the relaxation - Less Kassam missiles are being fired at us". Danny emphasizes that the people of Sderot wish for relaxation, and grasp it with both hands, but they are also realistic, and so they remain alert and prepare themselves for the next Kassam missile.
"We don't believe, and when there's no belief, there's expectation, instead. Give me the Kassam missile already, and let's get it over with".
Relaxation is simply a word. The question is: Are the residents of Sderot relaxed? According to Danny, they aren't. "Our state of relaxation isn't related to the fact that more or less Kassam missiles are being fired. The relaxation is supposed to help us sleep better at nights. If I'm still not allowing my children to play outside, it means that I'm not relaxed. If I'm not going out with my wife and leaving my children with a babysitter, it means that I'm not relaxed. If our family is like a single parent family, because one of us has to stay with the children and the other has to go to work, it means that I'm not relaxed. I don't call it 'a relaxation'. I call it a type of 'pause'. Indeed, there are less fired missiles, but the relaxation is limited to half a year, and that time is almost over. What's going to happen afterwards?".
What do you think needs to happen in order for the situation to change?
I think that there needs to be a war, and then I foresee peace. That's how it's like in the world, there's war and afterwards there's peace. We have been preparing ourselves for war for 8 years. There isn't a single person in the city that hasn't experienced a Kassam missile hitting nearby. We don't know what's going to happen to us in case a war breaks, but we're willing to take it. There will be casualties on both sides, and in the end, we'll sit around a table, discuss and plan the future. Either a longer pause for a few years, or the peace we have long been wishing for. It's a procedure that needs to take place, otherwise nothing is going to change. This is the reality.
Gad Yanai, 9.5, Lives in Sderot and Doesn't Feel Safe During the Present Ceasefire
Sometimes it's calm, and sometimes a lot of Kassam missiles hit us, but we can survive. A child that lives in Tel Aviv can sleep peacefully and has nothing to fear from when he goes outside to play. A child from Sderot won't go outside to play, because he fears to die from a Kassam missile. That child won't fall asleep at night, either, because he's too scared to not hear the alarm going off".
What is it like to live here, when you have only 15 seconds to take cover?
"Some people get used to it, and some people are scared. We have all sorts of drills at school and at home, testing the public address system and etc. When the "Red Color" alarm goes off, I fear that I won't make it to a protected place, and when I do make it, I pray and recite 'Hear O Israel' (Shma' Israel) and Song of Degrees
(Shir Hama'alot).
Two years ago, a Kassam missile had landed in Yanai's yard. His dog, Kate, was injured from shrapnel, and she goes berserk every time the alarm goes off. This March, a Kassam missile had landed on the house's third floor, and luckily, it didn't explode.
Do you believe in the ceasefire?
"For me, the ceasefire is a lie, because we can hear nearby booms at nights, and they say that either the ceasefire is only for a few hours, or that Kassam missiles have landed". Yanai says that he's not feeling safe during the ceasefire, because the Palestinians can surprise them with a Kassam missile barrage. "They are gathering Kassam missiles right now, so they will be able to launch them at us.".
What do you think we can do?
"If all the people of Sderot would gather together, go to the prime minister and make noise around him, like the noise of the Kassam missiles which we live with, maybe it would encourage him to order a larger scale operation in Gaza, and we will finally be able to live in peace, with no fear".
Time will tell about the consequences of the relaxation. It might be just a pause, or perhaps it's the beginning of a new era. What's important is that during the writing of these lines, there's silence. As relative as it is, it allows us to take a breath and gather up strength for the next round.
From Monkey in the Middle:In a cease-fire both sides have to stop fighting not just one. Since the cease-fire started there have been rocket attacks every day with no end in sight. The latest rocket count is 6919.
The children of Sderot and the Western Negev demand an end to these attacks. It is a shame that they have a weak, fool for a Prime Minister instead of a strong warrior. It is terrible that the world and the Main Stream Media play up every death of a child from Gaza but cry foul when Israel retaliates for the daily attacks upon the nation. It is a crime that the world won't condemn Hamas for these attacks, but condemns Israel for defending itself. It is pure anti-Semitism for former President Jimmy Carter to meet with the heads of Hamas, shaking their hands and congratulating them on their attacks on Israel. It is anti-Semitism on the part of Presumptive Democratic Nominee Barack Hussein Obama to do the same. Jimmy Carter must have been so disappointed that he couldn't go to Gaza a fire a missile into Israel himself.
Support the people of Sderot and Western Negev. For just a few pennies you can help with counseling and other services.
Let them know that they are not alone, that you stand with them!
Well, one of these days...
what an insult to our intelligence eh!..great work Katie...!
The government using the word "relaxation" is obscene. This is the same story over and over - and has been for years. You point out that the cease fire is one-sided. We know this - why doesn't the MSM talk about it and talk about it and talk about it. Of course, we know the reason why.
I agree with Danny Dahan - there needs to be war and I pray that Israel will let their soldiers fight it.
Maggie's Notebook
I agree. War may be the only way to achieve peace. Of course it has to be a different sort of war than the 30 day fiasco vs. Hezbollah. Israel has the force, the smarts, and the will to carry through with military action--but does her leadership?
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