Hamas TV Bunny Assud, Tempted by Satan to Steal, Is Sentenced by Child Viewers to Have His Hand Chopped Off
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Assud the bunny: "In the name of Allah, I hope my dad doesn't see me. God, make him go on sleeping, while I take one or two bills. There's his stash of money... Man, there is so much money here... No, I must put it back. Stealing is forbidden."
Satan: "No, no... What are you doing, Assud? No, Assud, I promised you that nobody would see you or know about this. Take one or two bills. Don't be afraid, Assud."
Assud: "Okay, I'll just take one... Actually, I'll take two."
Satan: "No, take three."
Voice of girl: "Assud, you were wrong to follow Satan, who is the source of all problems. In addition, you caused problems between your parents. You have no right to cause such a great problem. Don't you know that stealing leads to Hell? The Prophet Muhammad said: 'If my daughter Fatima had stolen, I would have chopped off her hand.' If you were in Saudi Arabia now, they would chop off your hand. Allah said in the Koran: 'As for a thief, male or female, cut off their hands: A punishment by example, for their crime.'"
Child TV host Saraa: "What do you think about what Assud did?"
Asmaa: "It was wrong, because 'as for a thief, male or female, cut off their hands.'"
Assud: "Oh my God! You say that my hand should be chopped off, Asmaa?"
Asmaa: "Yes."
Assud: "You think my hand should be chopped off?"
Asmaa: "What?"
Assud: "You want my hand to be chopped off?"
Asmaa: "Yes."
Nur: "The Prophet Muhammad said: 'If my daughter Fatima had stolen, I would have chopped off her hand."
Assud: "So if Saraa were to steal, her hand should be chopped off, right?"
Nur: "No."
Assud: "When you were little, didn't you ever steal a shekel or something?"
Nur: "No, because Allah is watching me."
Saraa: "Nur, do you think we should go ahead and chop off Assud's hand now?"
Assud: "No, no. Saraa, I'm begging you..."
Nur: "Saraa, he has repented and promised never to do it again, then that's it."
Saraa: "Well, if we don't chop off his hand, maybe we should chop off his ear?"
Assud: "No, please, no, I'm begging you..."From Monkey in the Middle:
All religions and cultures try to find a way to prevent children from stealing. But as one can see, in Islam and especially the form of the "Religion of Peace" that Hamas practices, the punishment is greater than the crime.
This is just one example of the mindless brainwashing that the children of Gaza have to endure day after day. In the end there will not be a free people willing to sacrifice for the common good, but mindless zombies willing to blow themselves up to achieve their false paradise. Yet the world says nothing, does nothing. And the abuse will continue.
I hear that a rabbit paw is good for... just a sec, what was it ... er... evil eye?
It is suppose to bring you good luck, but not for the rabbit.
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