Since 1999, the OIC has been pushing with the U.N the ‘Defamation of Islam’ campaign. The OIC isn’t a small fry committee trying to be heard in the U.N., but is being pushed by the 57, Muslim nation members in it and reflects the Declaration of Human Rights in Islam which is only reflected by Sharia law. That is how they want human rights defined and filtered through, Sharia law.
What is it the OIC exactly wants and is pushing through the U.N.? Its actually quite clear when reading through even a little of this rubbish. On the surface they say they want to cover the defamation of all religions, but amazingly only one religion is mentioned by name as persecuted of sorts, Islam. According to Patrick Goodenough, International Editor, CNSNews.com, the text states they have “deep concern that Islam is frequently and wrongly associated with human rights violations and terrorism.”
They refer to that nasty mental illness that so many of us have, Islamaphobia, when we happen to in our hate and illness notice the forced sexual mutilations, beheadings, forced conversions, honor killings growing in America, buildings continuing to blow up, body parts continuing to fly past our windows and ongoing threats. Take more medication you mentally ill, hateful people. Don’t you know that real, international, religious freedom must submit to the wonder and edification of Shari Law?
The way this anti protection of religion and freedom piece of rot reads would only criminalize Christianity and push the execution of more Christians who are already being sentenced to prison and death for reading the wrong material, mentioning a verse to a Muslim or doing practically anything that might engage a real discussion in a Muslim country with a Muslim.
Patrick Goodenough, CNSNews.com, says it like it is in pointing out that this religious defamation idea is being used as a shield and a sword. “In Islamic countries, blasphemy laws are used as a shield to protect the dominant religion, but even more dangerously, they are used to silence minority religious believers and prevent Muslims from converting to other faiths, which is still a capital crime in many Islamic countries.”
Justice Scalia from our own Supreme Court recently reminded us of a few things of importance: “America is at war with radical Islamists. The enemy began by killing Americans and American allies abroad: 241 at the Marine barracks in Lebanon, 19 at the Khobar Towers in Dhahran, 224 at our embassies in Dar Es Salaam and Nairobi, and 17 on the USS Cole in Yemen. On Septemeber 11, 2001, the enemy brought the battle to American soil, killing, 2,749 at the Twin Towers, in New York City, 184 at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and 40 in Pennsylvania.”
Lets call this what it is. This aggressive effort of the OIC to slam this through the U.N and get the defamation piece approved by the U.N. itself is nothing but a declaration of War against freedom of speech internationally and Christianity. This is hidden in fancy, protective words, it would only protect MORE persecution, targeting and murder of more Christians and suck out even any soft ray of freedom a Muslim in a country might want to even discuss or compare their faith with any other. This will be brought up later this year at the U.N. again. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon will give an expected report on the measure put together by the OIC in Pakistan last year and passed in a vote 108-51.
Lets talk more about the OIC’s special glasses of protection they want to cram down our mentally ill, freedom loving throats. All freedom and religious protection must go through Shari law. Lets see, beatings for wives and women, yes; Execution of gays, yes; crucifixion of robbers, yes; beheadings of Christians who preach the gospel, of course; execution for any convert from Islam to Christianity…..on and on it goes and reads. Gee, don’t you feel enlightened, inspired and eager to have the U.N. pass this Defamation of Islam Act? Have you figured it out yet that this is nothing but a bold maneuver of the Islamic countries to destroy Islam’s enemies and conquer the world, using violence, threats and killings as usual, but with an added flare, the most powerful International legal body officially behind them, the U.N.
If this passes with the money, power and push of the 57 members of the Islamic countries and friends, and the anti-semitic, anti-Christian and anti American U.N., get ready for an unprecedented blood bath world wide from the Religion of peace. Normal witnessing and sharing by a Christian pastor or missionary will be a crime, insulting and defaming Islam. That will mean a massive prison sentence or death sentence.
This would not just be in the Muslim nations, but in any nation on the planet. Here in the United States any minister who preaches the Christian faith would be subjected to prison and/or death. In effect, Islam would become the de facto religion of the United States. Contrary to the US Constitution which would be outlawed by the very nature of Islam and Shar'ia Law.
This horrible Law, and it is a law, is called United Nations General Assembly Resolution 62/154. Don't try writing your Senator or Congressman about this. They have no say in it. Nor do they have to approve of it.
From the Resolution:
Deeply alarmed at the rising trends towards discrimination based on religion and faith, including in some national policies and laws that stigmatize groups of people belonging to certain religions and faiths under a variety of pretexts relating to security and illegal immigration,
Alarmed at the serious instances of intolerance, discrimination and acts of violence based on religion or belief, intimidation and coercion motivated by extremism, religious or otherwise, occurring in many parts of the world, in addition to the negative projection of Islam in the media and the introduction and enforcement of laws that specifically discriminate against and target Muslims, particularly Muslim minorities following the events of 11 September 2001, and
threatening the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms,
Also expresses its deep concern that Islam is frequently and wrongly associated with human rights violations and terrorism;
Notes with deep concern the intensification of the campaign of defamation of religions and the ethnic and religious profiling of Muslim minorities in the aftermath of the tragic events of 11 September 2001;
Now according to the UN, Muslims are being persecuted all over the world. I would like to know where? In fact it is Christians, Baha'i, Druse, Jews and Hindus who are being persecuted by Muslims. Every day there are hundreds reports of the violence that Muslims do to members of other faiths, not the other way around.
Kidnapped Christian Girls Forced to Covert to Islam and Marry Muslim Men
Mumbai girl's Parents Get Life Term for Honor Killing
Sex Gang Snatches Teenager
Know this that under Shar'ia law it is legal to kidnap and rape a woman or child. Even to force the woman to convert and marry you.
Under Shar'ia law it is legal to kill your daughter if she brings dishonor to your family.
Under Shar'ia law it is legal to rape a woman if she is not a Muslim.
This is what the UN will bring to every nation on the Earth. The lunatic ravings of the madman called Mohammad. The right to rape, kill, and steal anything in the name of that Great Pedophile. The destruction of the US Constitution.
The ACLJ petition, which is to be delivered to the United Nations High Commissioner on Human Rights, already had collected more than 23,000 names in just a brief online existence.
The ACLJ's European division, the European Center for Law & Justice, also has launched its work on the issue. It submitted arguments last month to the U.N. in opposition to the proposal to institute sharia-based standards around the globe.
"The position of the ECLJ in regards to the issue of 'defamation of religion' resolutions, as they have been introduced at the U.N. Human Rights Council and General Assembly, is that they are in direct violation of international law concerning the rights to freedom of religion and expression," the organization's brief said.
"The 'defamation of religion' resolutions establish as the primary focus and concern the protection of ideas and religions generally, rather than protecting the rights of individuals to practice their religion, which is the chief purpose of international religious freedom law."
"Furthermore, 'defamation of religion' replaces the existing objective criterion of limitations on speech where there is an intent to incite hatred or violence against religious believers with a subjective criterion that considers whether the religion or its believers feel offended by the speech," the group continued.
Interestingly, in nations following Islam, the present practice is to use such laws to protect Islam and to attack religious minorities with penalties up to and including execution, the brief noted.
It is time to end our involvement in this farce called the United Nations. There is no international organization that can forbid the American People their right to Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Worship and Freedom of the Press.
And if the Muslim world doesn't like it, well too bad!
1 comment:
Very important piece Findalis. Of course to even discuss the ramifications of this critical UN manouver we will be labeled racists and bigots. They have created a nearly perfect Catch-22.
As you say, at some point -- and soon-- we must get the hell out of that Islamic organization, formally know as the United Nations. Our new adversaries in that increasingly decrepit skyscraper are proving to be even more deadly than the Soviets -- and certainly more numerous. Now they don't even have to rely on the power of the veto; they can just legislate at will.
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