This story is starting to pick up some traction and we need to keep up the pressure on Pima County Administrator Chuck Huckelberry [contact information below], the State Bar of Arizona and the ethics review boards of the Bar and Pima County Merit Rules and Personnel Policies [Pima County Human Resources].
Speaking of the Pima County Merit Rules and Personnel Policies, they can be found here. Isabel Garcia has violated Rule 7-119 [Rules of Conduct] and the disciplinary procedures are addressed under Rule 12 [Disciplinary Actions, Administrative Suspension and Administrative Suspension; specifically Rule 12.1 C 10 and 12]. I know people who were fired for "dirty" emails on county time--Garcia's behavior is far more egregious in scope and gravity.
I also reported this woman to the State Attorney and received this response via email:
If you believe a public official to have broken the criminal or ethicalI would strongly suggest taking this action as well and keep flooding them with reports.
laws- then please put it all in writing along with links or print outs
of your pictures, videos etc and send them to:
Fraud and Public Corruption Section
Office of the Arizona Attorney General
1275 W Washington St
Phoenix, AZ 85007-2926
We cannot take complaints on the internet or phone still. Only in writing.
It's interesting to note the media in Tucson [the notable exception, of course, being Jon Justice' morning show on 104.1 The Truth, from 6-9am Monday through Friday, who first broke the story] has yet to pick up this story but has, in fact, buried it, despite the outcry from the citizens of Tucson wanting investigation and exposure. Of course, Garcia is a democrat and figures she's protected.
However. Legal, taxpaying citizens of Tucson, those who pay Garcia's wage, have spread the word far and wide. Michelle Malkin has two stories about this incident, "Unhinged in Arizona: Open Borders mob, led by public official, ravages Joe Arpaio effigy" here and "Tucson open-borders official gloats about effigy-beating here". So far, there are 211 comments on the first article and 39 on the second article. Some of those comments are hilarious, yet a few bring home a point people are noticing and it's not a pretty point.
Some of the comments from "Unhinged":
RedDog said: Dang! Does that chick holding up the effigy in the lead still photo look like Linda Blair or what!? eeeeeeeeee!
right_on said: At what point does “free speech” and the right to peacefully assemble, become “hate speech” and the encouragement to commit violence against
law enforcement?
The only difference I see here, between Islamo-terrorists, and Azlano-terrorists is the language.
Unfortunately, to our demise, the liberals not only tolerate this type of action, they openly encourage it.
What we need is a law enforcement, Rapid Deployment Force, that would descend on this type of illegal alien love-fest, round up all participants/lookers-on, identify them, and if here illegally, deport them.
What would you suppose would happen, if someone created an effigy of a Latino “Illegal Jose,” and began beating it with a bat (to the cheering and encouragement of a pro-American crowd, of, oh I don’t know, say white people?) You got it! It would not be tolerated…but this is?
vickisoup said: If our US citizens and [some] public officals don’t see anything wrong with proudly strutting around with an effigeal head of another publicAnd, some comments from "Tucson Open Borders":
official (outrageous conduct previously reserved to the neanderthal
Islamofascists), we are closer to a complete takeover than I’d feared.Alphonse said: Wow, looks just like pictures you see of Mugabe’s thugs ravaging Zimbabwe. That’s what chamberpot immigration will do for you.
One thing more and more people are seeing in Garcia's actions is how similar her actions are to the terrorists we are fighting and to the Mugabe regime. This is disturbing in the extreme. Commenter Bill Grant, above, has the photos exactly right--Garcia emulates Berg's murderers well.RaisedRight said: “We stand for the principles of peace and justice… except when you try to reinforce laws that we don’t like, then we tear your heads off.”Blind_Mule said: Jeeez, this stuff just makes me want to go out and kick the Chihuahua.
These people and this women in paticular have absolutley no respect,morals or shame. Reminds me of some middle eastern street protest,what’s next burning the American Flag and Death to America signs.
abstractmind said: I’d love to see some resident trolls explain how this event represents their tolerance, but also how it demonstrates peace and justice.
I’m glad that they are putting pressure on this vile woman. She looks like a replacement for one of the zombies in a Romero film, btw.Scary stuff.
Bill Grant said: Caution, disturbing links. Does this photo remind anyone else of the Nick Berg beheading? Do these creeps realize that? I wonder.
Several commenters and people calling in to Jon's show have made the observation should anyone have committed this "act of free speech" upon an effigy of Garcia or an illegal, there would be an uproar for weeks based on the alleged hate crime implicit in such an action, yet Garcia gets away with this action with impunity. Such is the hypocrisy of the lunatic left and their fringe followers. The commenters and callers are, of course, correct. Here is the official, 2004 definition of "Hate Crime" from the FBI website here:
It's about time that definition applied to those covered and committing such acts themselves. Garcia committed a hate crime--and encouraged juveniles to commit a hate crime themselves--with her actions. Just because she is Mexican and follows the Reconquista/Aztlan/La Raza agenda does not mean she's immune from the laws applying to the United States.A hate crime, also known as a bias crime, is a criminal offense committed against a person, property, or society that is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity/national origin.
She claims Jon Justice and Joe Arpaio are "haters"--yet who stands like a Nick Berg murderer holding an effigy severed head? Jon Justice is just as entitled to his opinion and Freedom of Speech as Garcia; Joe Arpaio is doing his job of enforcing laws on the books, as he was elected to do. Neither are inciting riots, contributing to the delinquency of minors or disrupting private business. They are not involved in conflicts of interest as Garcia is--encouraging illegal activities while on the county payroll; hiding behind hate crime legislation when it suits their purpose; committed to the overthrow of the US Government she's sworn to uphold and violating her oath as an attorney.
If people don't like what Jon has to say they won't tune him in. If they don't like Arpaio's actions, they'll vote him out of office. We don't have those choices with Garcia. She was appointed to her position and Huckleberry refuses to remove her, despite a growing demand from the legal taxpayers of Pima County.
Now, here's the "rich" part. Garcia responds on the Coalicion de Derechos Humanos website here. Her "rebuttal" is entitled, "Response to Sheriff Arpaio Protest" and is nothing more than a "whine fest"; not once does she address her own wrongdoing. She pulls the usual spin; below are some quotes (comments of mine inserted and emphasized):
...many of us in Tucson have made a promise that we will not allow him to come into our town without him hearing from those of us who stand in support of the thousands of workers and their families who have borne the brunt of his narrow-minded, ignorant policies. That he would come to Tucson to promote a book filled with lies, fear, and ignorant perspectives about immigrants, was especially appalling to us.Follow the link and read the entire drivel--make sure your stomach is empty beforehand as you will be heaving at the heaping of self serving, absolute delusional lunatic agenda.
The leaflet states that we "continue to work for a community that is diverse, respectful, and appreciative of each other's differences." Others brought signs and megaphones, with someone bringing a large piñata with Arpaio's face glued on the head. I am sure you are aware that these types of symbolic images are not only
common, but generally are used in context of referring to the policies of individuals in power.
I am now the target of a corporate-media-sponsored campaign to get me fired from my job as the Pima County Legal Defender (who is the corporate-media-sponsor?). The first thing that you should know is that this is not a community-based campaign by those that disagree with me, but a campaign
that was instigated by Jon Justice (not his true name) who has a program in the new hate-radio in town, 104.1 FM. On Friday morning, he was on his program urging everyone to call Chuck Huckelberry to fire me because I dared exercise my 1st Amendment right to express my views. (And we are entitled to exercise our First Amendment rights to express OUR views in wanting you GONE-Jon didn't hold guns to our heads to call and write!) They cover it by saying that the breaking of a piñata is a violent act! ??? That is simply absurd. The piñata was a symbol of Arpaio's racist, violent and brutal policies. The youth did not hit Arpaio,
they hit the piñata to break the policies that keep us fearful of each other, and that have caused so much pain to so many hardworking men, women and their children. (And this differs from the actions of islamists in the Middle East how?) He is the violent one. I have spoken directly to some of his victims/survivors of his power, and have cried just listening to their accounts.
I am proud to have been part of the community's response to his arrival in Tucson. We stand committed to stop hatred and xenophobia (it seems you and your cadre are the ones exhibiting the hatred and xenophobia by your actions and encouragement), and to work for a society that respects human rights for
everyone regardless of their age, color, race, ethnic background, gender, gender-preference, religion. As an attorney I find it is not only my right, but my responsibility to stand up when the power of the state is used to crush people (it is not your right or responsibility to advocate the overthrow of a legal government or engage in inappropriate political activity nor to advocate illegal activity in minors). I will continue to do so.
The Tucson Citizen also has an article up entitled, "The big debate: Joe Arpaio, pinata". Below are some quotes from that article:
Immigration rights protesters acted like "out-of-control, raving lunatics" when they destroyed a piñata bearing the likeness of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, "a bully with a badge" who was in Tucson last week to promote his book, says Citizen columnist Anne T. Denogean.
Garcia, whose Human Rights Coalition organized the protest, said breaking the piñata was "funny."And that last line is the very heart of the matter--had this been a white person engaging in this kind of behavior, a white Pima County Deputy Public Defender, paid by the legal taxpaying citizens, and this had been a klan rally, they would have been fired already.
No, it was "classless," says Reyes F. and "treasonous," (Chris F.). Garcia should make a public apology, Adam L. says. Bruce S. terms the protest "disgusting" and wonders how Pima County officials would distinguish between Garcia's involvement in it and another employee's participation in a Ku Klux Klan rally.
Denogean's article, "Protesters as offensive as Sheriff Arpaio", has this to say:
Follow the link above to the rest of the article--it's extremely enlightening. The Citizen also ran a poll with that article asking, "Do you think Coalicion de Derechos went too far when it smashed an Arpaio pinata?". Overwhelmingly, the answer was "Yes, members act like the people they say they hate (91%) compared to just six percent saying "No, it was deserved" and two percent saying "Other" (total number of votes=759).But I don't think you persuade the public that the man is an
out-of-control, raving lunatic by behaving like out-of-control, raving
That's the kindest description I have for the immigration rights protesters who beat to a pulp a piñata meant to represent the sheriff during Arpaio's visit to Tucson last week.
What occurred about midway through the protest, however, was truly disturbing. Several young protesters outside the store brought out a piñata meant to represent Arpaio.
The piñata, with a picture of Arpaio's face taped or glued to the head, was clad in a sheriff's uniform and equipped with pink handcuffs. One woman held up the piñata, while teenage protesters took turns bashing it with sticks. The Tucson Citizen ran a picture the next day of a teenage boy carting away the remains of the beheaded piñata.
While the beating of Arpaio in effigy proceeded, Isabel Garcia, head of Humanos Derechos, a group that purports to stand for the dignity of all human beings, stood by and laughed.
The bottom line is this: Isabel Garcia, Pima County Deputy Public Defender, paid by the legal taxpayers of Pima County, needs to be fired and disbarred. Please follow the links to the appropriate officials and agencies and keep up the pressure. The officials and agencies will do NOTHING about it without overwhelming public pressure, stating clearly and unequivocally we are tired of this nonsense and we want the cancer GONE. Do your part to remove the cancer that is Isabel Garcia.
Pima County Administrator Chuck Huckelberry Contact Information:
(520) 740-8661
KGUN 9 Email: kgun9news@kgun9.com
KVOA 4 Email: kchoal@kvoa.com
FOX 11 AZ Email: news@fox11az.com.
News 13 Hotline: (520) 744-6397
UPDATE: Arpaio 'Disgusted' With Pima County Official.
Pima County Chief Legal Defender Appeared At Tucson Protest

The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office wants the Pima County Administrator to fire the county's chief legal defender, according to a letter sent to the administrator's office.
Chief Legal Defender Isabel Garcia appeared at Sheriff Joe Arpaio's book signing in Tucson last week and reportedly participated in a mock assault and decapitation of the Maricopa County sheriff.
"Her actions suggested her minions violently assault Sheriff Arpaio," wrote Maricopa County Deputy Chief John McIntyre in a letter to Pima County Administrator Chuck Huckleberry.
"This is a travesty."McIntyre also chided Huckleberry for using a "head-in-the-sand approach that Ms. Garcia can do whatever she wants on her own time."
For his part, Arpaio said he was "disgusted" with Garcia's conduct."
As an officer of the court and a person in a position of public trust, her actions reflect poorly on Pima County," Arpaio said.
From Monkey in the Middle:
Very well said Sheriff Arpaio. Public officials are suppose to be followers of the law, not encouraging people to break it.
Since Ms. Garcia is not an elected official (she was appointed to her position), it will be difficult but not impossible to dislodge her from her position. A move is under way to do just that.
Although a person does have Freedom of Speech, an official of the government cannot endorse or seem to endorse criminal behavior. It is contrary to the laws of the land.
1 comment:
"...it will be difficult but not impossible to dislodge her from her position."
Indeed it is, most of these parasitical beings are like that, once in, they're very difficult to dislodge. Good luck folks.
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