Friday, August 31, 2012

Take the Vow!

Hat Tip to Patriot's Corner

Nargis was just 12 years old when she was forced to marry a stranger, shattering all her dreams for the future. By 14, Nargis was grieving over the death of her first child. Every 3 seconds a girl like Nargis is forced or coerced to marry – some as young as five years old. This can end their chance of completing their education and put them at greater risk of isolation, violence and death in childbirth. 

No girl should be forced or coerced to marry. Every girl should have the opportunity to complete her education and make choices about her future. With education, skills and the right support, girls can transform their lives and the world around them.

Keep up the pressure to end early and forced marriage.

Sign Plan's petition today.

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