
-Svenska Dagbladet
-"Hey Mommi, Look at the horses! What's happening?
-"Who's demonstrating?"
-"Don't ask."
As just reported, there was a protest today in Stockholm led by Pam Geller and Robert Spencer against the Islamization of Europe and the resultant limits on freedom. Here is the report by Sweden's largest press organ, the Svenska Dagbladet. I will translate it for you paragraph by paragraph. Talk about political correctness.
Knallskott på Norra Bantorget
Stenkastning, knallskott och busvisslingar. Hundratals högerextrema och motdemonstranter manifesterade i dag på Norra Bantorget i centrala Stockholm. En polis skadades av ett knallskott.
Exploding Shots on N. Railway Square
Rocks thrown, fireworks, and heckling. Hundreds of right-extremists and counter-demonstrators protested today in the Railway Square in central Stockholm. A police officer was injured by a firecracker
De högerextrema grupperna demonstrerade på eftermiddagen på Norra Bantorget i centrala Stockholm. Inför mötet, som ägde rum samtidigt som Prideparaden, hade Stockholmspolisen fått nationell förstärkning från Västra Götaland och Skåne.
Right-extremist groups demonstrated today in the afternoon North Railway Square in central Stockholm. Prior to the meeting, which took place at the same time as Pride Parade, Stockholm police received reinforcements from West Gotaland and Skane.
Hundratals poliser, piketer, polishästar samt helikopter fanns på plats i närheten av Norra Bantorget, där det högerextrema mötet anordnades. Polisen spärrade av hela torget, samt närliggande gator. Inför mötet genomsökte polisen området, samt arrangörernas skåpbil, med bombhundar.
Hundreds of police, paddy wagons, police horses and helicopters were in place near North Railway Square, where the far-right meeting was held. Police cordoned off the square and nearby streets. Prior to the meeting, the police searched the area, as well as delivery van operators, with sniffer dogs.
Vid klockan 14.30 utökade polisen avspärrningarna, så att de nådde över hela korsningen mellan Olof Palmes gata och Vasagatan.
Around 2:30, police extended the barricades, so that they the police cordons, so that they reached across the intersection of Olof Palmes Street and Vasagatan (Vasa Street).
Uppskattningsvis hade 400 motdemonstranter samlats vid Norra Bantorgets ena hörn, alldeles intill LO-borgen. De skanderade: Stoppa rasismen!
About 400 counter-demonstrators had gathered at the North Ban Square corner by the LO-Borg. They chanted, "Stop the racism."
På motsatt sida av torget, cirka 100 meter från motdemonstranterna, stod de högerexterma grupperna. De hade hängt de norska och israeliska flaggorna intill podiet. Mellan de olika grupperna fanns en mur av poliser, som hindrade dem från att mötas.
On the opposite side of the square, about 100 meters from the counter-demonstrators, stood the right-extremist groups. They had hanged Norwegian and Israeli flags by the podium. Between the opposing groups, was a wall of police, who prevented them from clashing.
Flera fyrverkerier avfyrades. En raket skickades tvärs över torget. Flera kraftiga knallskott smälldes också av. En polis fick ett knallskott i ansiktet och vårdades i närheten av torget.
Several fireworks exploded. A rocket was sent (flew) across the square. Several powerful percussion shots went off as well. One policeman (had one go off) in his face and was treated near the square.
– Ridande poliser har satts in alldeles intill platsen där fyrverkerierna avfyrades. Det stod cirka tio poliser en bit bort och nu har de placerats närmare. Polisen är på helspänn, berättade SvD:s reporter Fredrik Mellgren, som var på plats på Norra Bantorget.
Mounted police were located in the place next to where the fireworks went off. Ten police stood some distance away and were moved closer. Police are on edge, said Svenska Dagbladet's reporter Fredrik Mellgren, who was on the scene at the square.
Strax före klockan 15 kastade flera personer sten på Östra järnvägsgatan. Både kravallpolis och ridande polis försökte att hindra dem. Cirka en timme senare kastade motdemonstranter ägg mot mötesdeltagare i närheten av Norra Latins skolgård.
Just before 3, several persons at East Railway Square threw stones. Both riot police and mounted police tried to stop them. About one hour later, counter-demonsrtaters threw eggs at the gathering's participants in the vicinity of North Latin School yard.
– Ett antal personer har tyvärr inte hållit sig till våra avgränsningar. Det har inneburit att vi har fått mota tilbaka dem. Vissa har tyvärr kastat saker, däribland sten. Det är olyckligt, säger polisens presstalesman Hesam Akbari.
A number of people have unfortunately not kept to our boundaries. This has meant that we have counter-attacked them. Some have unfortunately thrown things, including stones. It is unfortunate, said police spokesman Hesam Akbari.
You call that reporting? Talk about who, what, when, where and why!! Just who was demonstrating? Who was counter-demonstrating? Who threw what at whom? Who violated the police rules? Who did the police have to arrest? What was the purpose of the demonstration?
And how about referring to the demonstrators as far right-extremists?
For a few details, here is my previous post based on Atlas Shrugs' report.
Wow. What a press. What a country.
Meanwhile, back in the USA, here are the ball scores:
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