During the campaign Obama promised that he would not ask that Israel cut Jerusalem in two and promised to support Defensible Borders for that nation. Now we see that it all was lies to garner the Jewish vote.
Obama Favors Saudi Initiative, Dividing JerusalemI never thought I would hear any American President say that the Western Wall be returned to Muslim control. No!
United States President-Elect Barack Obama will support the Saudi Initiative for peace between Israel and Arab nations, the British Sunday Times reported Sunday. Obama told Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, “The Israelis would be crazy not to accept this initiative,” according to the Times.
The initiative calls on Israel to withdraw completely to its 1949 borders in exchange for normalized relations with Arab League countries. It includes a full retreat from the eastern half of Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount, and from the strategic Golan Heights in northern Israel.
The Saudi Plan has won limited support from President Shimon Peres, who says it could be used to launch negotiations. Other senior politicians and defense officials have dismissed the plan, saying it wold compromise Israel's security.
Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and Defense Minister Ehud Barak, the heads of the Kadima and Labor parties, have not ruled out the Saudi Initiative completely. However, neither has expressed willingness to give away the Temple Mount or major Israeli population centers located east of Israel's 1949 borders. Approximately 600,000 Israeli citizens live in the areas, including eastern neighborhoods of Jerusalem, demanded for the PA under the Saudi plan.
When Saudi Arabia allows a fraction of human rights in their nation to their own people, especially their women, then they can be listened to. Until then tell them to play in the sand. Their ideas and thoughts are not welcomed in a civilized world.
The plan also calls on Israel to find a solution for the plight of millions of foreign Arabs who claim descent from those who fled Israel during the War of Independence. They are considered refugees by Arab governments and continually have been denied citizenship in their countries of birth.These people should have been absorbed by their Muslim brothers, but instead have been allowed to languish in poverty. This is a Muslim problem and they are the ones who should deal with it.
While proponents of the plan have welcomed the plan as a chance to deal with the refugees without granting them Israeli citizenship, some Arab leaders have warned that any alternative to allowing the millions to “return” to Israel is unacceptable. PA-based terrorist groups such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad are among those who insist that every Arab who identifies as a descendant of a former resident of Israel be allowed to live in Israel.
Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas addressed a letter to PA Arabs on Saturday saying Israel must retreat to its 1949 borders or face war. “The passage of years... will not force us to abandon or surrender a single inch,” of Judea, Samaria or Jerusalem, Abbas said in the letter, which was published by PA media.What should be done is to give the PalArabs in Gaza and the West Bank 30 day notice to leave and let their Muslim brothers take care of them. Problem solved. They will have a new homeland and nation.
The letter was sent in honor of PA “Independence Day.” While the PA does not rule an independent country, it celebrates “independence” each year in honor of the PA having declared itself an independent entity 20 years ago.
So much is expected of Obama but why? He was born a Muslim, raised as a Muslim and was raised to be an anti-Semite. This is just the start of what he has always had in mind. First the destruction of Israel, then to finish the job of his idol, Adolf Hitler.
This nation was warned before the election and did not listen. God help the US now.
As you say, people were warned and they voted for him anyway. We will all have to suffer.
Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth
Yep, like Debbie said, if we make Israel fall, so will the rest of us go as well.
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