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Lionheart! |
Paul Ray is a former Drug Dealer from Luton, England who uses the Nom de Plume Lionheart . A former drug dealer, he has turned his attention to fighting the Islamic take over of his hometown of Luton and of Great Britain. His blog, Lionheart came to the attention of both the Pakistani drug gangs and the Luton police. The first put out a contract on Paul's life, the second arrested him for hate speech. In 2009 the charges against Paul were dropped.
At first Paul welcomed the English Defence League (EDL) into the fight against their common foe, but he cut off ties with them for various reasons.
This latest report from Great Britain concerns the EDL
The integrity of the counter-jihad movement in the West
It seems that any criticism rightly or wrongly of perceived injustices or downright serious criminal activities and their subsequent support and cover up is met with stone cold silence by the online media commentators of the Western counter-jihad movement. Either this or vocal opposition that you would dare to have an opinion and share it in a public forum that is contrary to what they want people to hear, which then singles you out to be the one in the wrong and then demeaned in the eyes of their readers.
This can only be described as a form of collective denial syndrome.
Its like Basil Fawlty “whatever you do, don’t mention the war”.
Many online media commentators within the CJ movement are often complaining about how the mainstream media never portray certain issues in the correct light, or are always covering up the issues they themselves are addressing, which inevitably leads to the MSM media as being labeled as biased etc
After watching things myself as an observer with his own personal interest of the CJ movement around the World, and at home with the EDL leadership, I can only come to the conclusion that many of the online commentators I have followed have absolutely no integrity, and would prefer to cover up the truth or stay silent which makes them no better than the MSM that they are so quick to condemn, and are culpable for any criminal acts they have stayed silent over. Their silence and continued support makes them no better than the criminals themselves because they are endorsing their actions by their knowing silence and continued public support.
Maybe it’s my naivety about this subject, but why should anyone in power or in control over decision making within government ever listen to the views of those within the CJ movement when they lie, cover up, and stay silent over very serious issues because it contradicts their own personal agenda.
Those in power and in control of decision making are not stupid; they have a good grasp of the facts, not the facts that are a part of the collective denial syndrome, the actual facts which inevitably determines their opinions and their actions.
Whether people like it or not there is a whole body of evidence in the public domain detailing the extreme right wing neo-nazi influence controlling the English Defence League. This take-over of the EDL happened very early on in the life of the EDL, and over time the facts have emerged, contrary to what EDL supporters have wanted to believe, so they taken the collective denial syndrome approach even in the face of over whelming evidence.
Just because “Tommy Robinson” or “Roberta Moore” tell you something doesn’t mean it is a fact or true. You have to align what they say with the evidence presented and see whether or not it holds up as the truth.
To any serious follower of the EDL movement either supporter of the cause or enemy of the cause, you will know that what they say as a presented reality and how things actually are in reality are two completely different things.
This then leads onto the question; how can anyone ever believe what they say and publicly support them?
Again, the collective denial syndrome.
This is not an anti-EDL post, this is a leadership issue over the control and direction of the EDL and has been there for some time now, concerning many within the EDL movement, past and present. The EDL movement is bigger than 2 or 3 people, it is made up of a large number of committed English/British patriots all over the country, only those 2 or 3 supported by others, have a strangle hold over the leadership so no matter what their misdemeanors are, the whole movement have to put up with it. Then the online CJ media commentators complete silence and continued support of those who have committed acts not befitting leadership that they know about means a continued endorsement of that leadership in the public eye. Thus, why should anyone in power or positions of influence ever take the EDL seriously? Other than the fact that they cost the tax payer millions and are a threat to civil order in Britain.
Smashing up your own country, lying at every opportunity, and covering up and protecting your paedophile friends is definitely not a credible organisation in my eyes, which is completely detrimental to the original aims and intentions of the movement as a whole, and makes the hard work of all those loyal committed people involved with the EDL for the right reasons, be for nothing.
Look at Snowy for instance who spent time in prison for his roof top protest who has now been expelled from the EDL, just because “Tommy” had the power to do so because him and his leadership control the online presence. Snowy’s case has its own story, but did you hear any CJ commentators stand up for him after what he did for the English cause within Britain? SILENCE
Collective denial syndrome.
As I have said, I am not anti the EDL cause, how could I be when contrary to public opinion based upon lies, I was the architect of the movement from its inception in Luton. The EDL cause is bigger than those who have a strangle hold over the leadership of the movement on the street. No matter what happens to “Tommy”, “Roberta”, “Kevin” or anyone else, the membership will still be in place and the movement will still move forward under a new leadership. Even if the EDL is banned the movement will still continue because it is a popular social movement now, comprised of a people united in a common belief and vision, only at present under this current leadership it has become an un-popular social movement to most people outside of the EDL and their collective denial commentators and you only have to look on youtube or google to see another opinion of the EDL from the outside.
This recent EDL Noncegate affair in my personal opinion is one step too far for anyone concerning this current EDL leadership, although there are still those attacking and criticsing me for daring to share an opinion on the matter, and everyone else is still affected by the collective denial syndrome.
“whatever you do, don’t mention the war”.
If this does not wake people up to reality from their denial and force them to start acting with some form of human decency and integrity, by way of publicly criticising and distancing themselves from those involved in lying to the EDL membership, and supporting and covering up for their EDL leadership friend who pleaded guilty to downloading sexually explicit images of children, then nothing will.
Continued silence means complicity in the whole affair, and means continued support in the public EDL eye of those who are guilty over the whole affair.
Of course there is the usual backtracking and lies by those involved, but it is too late, the damage has already been done because they lied to the EDL membership and covered up a very very serious criminal offence against the most innocent and vulnerable in society – Our children.
The EDL membership just do not want to believe this really happened, their friend downloading child porn, and the leadership have not helped by blaming everyone else, even the British Security Services, rather than actually admit their EDL leader owned up to his own actions, with the EDL leadership then attempting to cover it up for him.
The online counter-jihad media commentators around the world can continue to ignore this very serious event within the life of the English Defence League because it conflicts with their own personal agendas, but there are some who will not, and until justice is served for all those who know this is a step too far for anyone including “Tommy Robinson”, there will be people who will continue to raise awareness to this ongoing story and any more that unfold with this current EDL leadership.
Do not say you were not warned, when you could have acted and done what was right and spoken out but chose not to and continued in your collective denial. An open letter has been presented here on this blog asking Rabbi Nachum Shifren to make his position clear due to the fact that he is this leadership’s most high profile supporter so we would like to see his public position on the EDL Noncegate affair, and silence is not an option for him now.
I give Lionheart an open forum here. He has been a fighter in this battle longer than many in the EDL, and a fighter in the battle for Free Speech in Great Britain, feeling the long arm of British injustice for many years.
Regardless of what smears and lies the current EDL leaders are saying about me personally, which will become clear in due time, when you actually take the time to listen to my side of events when they are presented, you cannot escape from the facts that have been presented so far about the cover up of Richard Price downloading vile sexually explicit images of children, and then the subsequent cover up from the EDL membership and their supporters by “Tommy Robinson”, “Kevin Caroll” and “Roberta Moore”.
Just ask Gaia if I should be listened too!
This is not against the EDL movement and its original aims and intentions; this is about holding up the current leadership to the high standards everyone expects from a group who are running around the World carrying the Blood Red Templar Cross of Jesus Christ, and professing things in the name of Christianity.
The current EDL leadership’s actions so far have been covered up with lies, half truths, smears, and the blatant persecution of anyone who dares to exercise their God given right to free speech, if it goes against the EDL leadership. This current EDL leadership is then endorsed in the eyes of many followers of the counter-jihad movement around the world by their online commentators like Atlas Shrugs and Gates of Vienna for example.
“You can fool some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time”
The American military have termed this war against the militant wing of the Islamic religion as “The Long War” that could last 100 years, and the online counter-jihad media presence is an important factor in this strategy to inform the masses of the dangers we now face.
So this current situation with the EDL leadership goes much further and deeper than what is right or what is wrong with this situation, even though that is bad enough in itself, this now goes to the core of the integrity of the online counter-jihad media movement itself.
Now this most recent EDL Noncegate scandal has broken, how can any of the EDL’s most vocal supporters and commentators ever have any ounce of credibility in the eyes of others within this field, if they stay silent over such a serious affair that they are connected too, when they were given the opportunity to come out publicly and make their thoughts and opinions known for the record.
One of the EDL leadership admitting in a court of law, that he downloaded vile child pornography, and who is now on the sex offenders register for the next 5 years, with the EDL leadership then covering up this event with a whole body of lies and stories to fool the masses. That was before of course they turned to their normal tactic when things get a little sticky and became enemies of free speech by silencing any talk of the affair on any of their media platform, and banning members who dared to say anything when they were told not to.
How is that defending free speech?
If none of the EDL leaderships leading supporters from around the world say anything about this recent despicable affair then they are as culpable in the whole cover up in the eyes of others as the EDL leadership themselves. Inadvertently accomplices to paedophilia, just like “Tommy”, “Roberta” and “Kevin” who each defended Richard Price who admitted guilt himself, are. You then bring the hard work of other good and decent people within this field into disrepute, because of your silence, because who wants to be linked to those who are complicit in child abuse?
Its one thing not knowing about the scandal, and then finding out and publicly making your thoughts and opinions known, it’s a completely different thing when you actually know about it and then cover it up or stay silent.
This challenges everyone now, and I will re-iterate, this is not about the good and decent people within the EDL who are there for the right reasons, nor the original aims of the movement. This is about the continuing conduct of the leadership who are running around defaming Christianity and the history of the Knights Templar by their actions.
Is silencing debate by deleting all known knowledge and banning people who dare talk about the issue, an act of defending free speech? Is ignoring something of such importance with much wider implications an act of defending free speech? Is publicly attacking and criticising someone who dares to share their thoughts and opinions over the subject matter a case of defending free speech?
Time will tell…
For those of you reading this who do not know the real inside story of the EDL leadership and how they have gotten away with so much for so long, here is a little lesson for you of how they silence their internal critics, whilst proclaiming we are “Defenders of Free speech” around the world.
They control the online EDL media platform, so the core EDL leadership crew spread complete lies and half truths around the online presence against anyone who threatens their positions, or has a valid opinion that is contrary to their own. The one on the receiving end has no way of defending him/herself in the eyes of the EDL because the crew control the platform, so EDL members only ever read or hear what the leadership wants them too. Thus the character assassination in the eyes of the EDL and their supporters is complete.
They tell their members not to criticise their leadership, or other members in open format, because it doesn’t look good, but then go completely against that by using their media platform to smear others, and issue personal threats, as they seek to destroy reputations and characters.
The other tactic which is now perfectly clear to even the most stupid EDL member is the tactic of becoming enemies of free speech as mentioned above. Remove all comments and ban anyone who dares talk about the issue at hand, in this case not just a little issue, but the conviction of a crack head kiddy fiddler and the EDL leadership under “Tommy Robinson’s” commands, despicable cover up.
Blatantly lying through your teeth is another tactic, and the vast majority of people are so gullible they actually believe what they are told, even those who are viewed as the intellectual side of the counter-jihad movement. The most recent that I personally saw flying around the internet was “Tommy Robinson’s” police tactics video, posted below.
How naïve, gullible and stupid you all are is all I can say, but I do understand why because I was just as naïve, gullible and stupid at one time as you because he is a very good and convincing liar, until the truth dawned on me.
All I can say is watch this space as I know a little more than you know, don’t I “Tommy”? Remember that Hertfordshire police car pulling us over on the Motorway just before Luton? The one who took our details and was wearing the Christian tag around his neck. Lucky he never searched the car aye? Otherwise we would have all been in the cells and I was only catching a lift from you.
“You can fool some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time”
By the way, contrary to how important the EDL leadership think they themselves and the movement are; do you really think the British Security Services or anyone else, needs to plant evidence on them or stitch them up?
Shows how gullible and stupid you are...
1 comment:
I just read this over here http://libertyledger.com/2011/01/10/lionheart-speaks-out/
Thanks again...Norm
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