Thursday, January 30, 2014

Just A Thought

I sit here in my home outside Chicago, IL, with over a foot of snow still on the ground, and Arctic tempertures.  And I'm watching the news out of Atlanta, GA.  They are complaining about 3".

WTF?  It is suppose to snow today.  Another 3"!  What Atlanta need is a mayor who looks at a weather report and prepares the city for it!


Maggie Thornton said...

Atlanta is the home of the weather channel, big advocates of global warming. Bet most of that city believes it.


Laura Alcorn said...

1.4M peole left downtown at the same time and could not drive on the ice. Jack knifed trucks and stalled cars didn't help. People come in and leave work on a staggered time schedule downtown, so this back up does not happen.

Local knows that snow turns to ice in Atlanta (don't know why) and all new snow just turns to more ice on top of ice. The city and 'burbs shut down.