Hat tip Investigative Project on Terrorism

Mohammad Rateb Alnabulsi is a Syrian sheikh who is touring the US and being co-sponsored by the Syrian American Council. Given his past history of statements especially in regards to Jews and homosexuals, one wonders why we gave him a visa. Here is a report from the Investigative Project on Terrorism.
"All the Jewish people are combatants" acceptable as targets for attacks in Israel, al-Nabulsi wrote in his "ruling on martyrdom operations in Palestine."
"The second fatwa. The author of this fatwa says: the wicked Jews are a collection of defects and
imperfections, and a hotbed of vices and evils. They are the worst enemies of God, against Islam and its people, The Almighty says: Certainly you will find the most violent of people in enmity for those who believe (to be) the Jews and those who are polytheists. [Quran 5:82]
God has made it a duty to fight them and wage Jihad against them so that the word of God will be
supreme, and the word of those who disbelieve be low. This will be when the enemies of God crouch in
their homes, and do not break the Covenant and the Charter, do nor plunder the wealth of the Muslims, and usurp their homes. He says: "
"Homosexuality offers a filthy place and does not generate offsprings. Homosexuality leads to the destruction of the homosexual," Al-Nabulsi said. "That's why homosexuality carries the death penalty."
How ironic that at a time when our government is sending a US delegation to the Winter Olympics in Russia that includes gays in response to recent anti-gay remarks by Vladimir Putin, they allow a man like this to come to this country and spout his poison.
Here is his remaining schedule:
Saturday, Jan 18, 2014: ICA Franklin, MI
Sunday, Jan 19, 2014: Orland Chateau Banquets, Orland Park, IL
Saturday, Jan 25, 2014: DoubleTree by Hilton Dallas, TX
Saturday, Feb 1, 2014: Los Angeles*
* The February 1 event is actually at the Hilton Hotel in Irvine (18800 MacArthur Blvd. from 6-9 pm.)
You will note that CAIR's Southern California director, Hussam Ayloush, who is mentioned in the IPT article, is also on the LA board of the Syrian-American Council, which promotes US assistance to the rebels fighting against the Assad government in Syria.
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