Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Israeli Rescue Teams in Mynamar

Hat tip: Israel Matzav

You will not see these pictures in the media. Israeli rescue teams were in Mynamar (Burma) on May 8th. Way before any other rescuers were allowed.

The UN is still not allowed in nor is many other nations. But Israel was allowed in and is continuing its rescue operations.


Magdeburger Joe said...

Yet again, the country so cursed in the U.N. comes to the rescue. Thank you for sharing this.It is wearisome to hear such unrelenting criticism of Israel. This story was like a shot of Turkish coffee. Sincerely,Magdeburger Joe

Roger W. Gardner said...

Jewish -- or Israeli charity is one of the most (purposely?)underreported truisms in the world today. Stories like these put the lie to the claim that Jews only help other Jews.
Brigitte Gabriel's fascinating story of coming to Israel to get medical attention for her mother, and the humane and gentle treatment she -- a Lebanese Christian -- received there, from her purported enemies, in stark contrast to the greedy and heartless Arabs of Lebanon, will stay with me forever. Everyone who has the slightest doubts about Israel's generosity of spirit must read her account of this heartwarming -- and, for her, life-changing episode.

Does this present day story surprise me? No.
Does it surprise me that this is the first time I've heard about it from our own MSM? No.

Thanks Findalis.

Findalis said...

Or a shot of espresso for me Joe.

And Roger, the French still aren't allowed in, the UN still aren't allowed in, but the Israelis are sending their third team in. Go Figure!

MathewK said...

"You will not see these pictures in the media."

Off course not, wouldn't want the masses getting any idea other than the one that exists in lefties fantasies. You know the one where Israel is attacking and obliterating the Arab countries and barbecuing Pali babies.