For 2 years Israel has been screaming to the world that Hizbollah with Syria's help has been smuggling weapons into Lebanon instead of disarming. And the world has ignored it. UNIFIL commander Maj.-Gen. Claudio Graziano of Italy has accused Israel of violating Security Council Resolution 1701. You remember 1701, the cease-fire agreement between Israel and Hizbollah. Gen. Graziano has even said:
In contrast, he said that the UN enjoyed excellent cooperation with Hizbullah and with the local Lebanese people.I'm sure your bank account General is bigger now than when you left Italy. But somehow Israel got the UN to form a task force to look into the problem (and people say there is no G-d). Low and behold they come up with a different result.
"Hizbullah is one of parties that agrees with 1701," he stressed.
A United Nations task force assigned to report on weapons smuggling in Lebanon said Monday that Hizbullah has been bringing arms across the Syrian-Lebanese border. This confirms Israeli allegations that the Iran-backed Lebanese terrorist group has been steadily rearming with Syrian assistance and Lebanese collusion.Last month, Defense Minister Ehud Barak told U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney that "the number of missiles in the hands of Hizbullah has doubled, if not tripled, and that the range of the missiles has been extended. And this has been accomplished with the close assistance of the Syrians." In March, an anonymous source told the Associated Press that Hizbullah held new Iranian rockets capable of striking as far south as Dimona, Israel's nuclear facility in the Negev.
According to the task force report, submitted to U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Monday, neither Lebanese nor Syrian officials have done anything to end weapons transfers to Hizbullah. The task force, which has seen no improvement in the situation since it started its work in 2007, noted that weapons flow easily across the Syrian-Lebanese frontier due to lax or non-existent inspections. Even the air and sea ports into Lebanon, the report says, have been used for weapons smuggling.
Earlier this month, Lebanon's cabinet voted to allow Hizbullah to maintain its weapons arsenal. The government decision specifically approves Hizbullah activities aimed at Israel.
This is in clear violation of Security Council Resolution 1701.
Now the terms of 1701 state:
full implementation of the relevant provisions of the Taif Accords, and of resolutions 1559 (2004) and 1680 (2006), that require the disarmament of all armed groups in Lebanon, so that, pursuant to the Lebanese cabinet decision of 27 July 2006, there will be no weapons or authority in Lebanon other than that of the Lebanese State;Which leads me to wonder if anyone at the UN ever talks to anyone else. Somebody should have talked to General Graziano so the 2 groups would have gotten their stories straight. And I do believe someone's head will roll. But not General Graziano's. He was dutifully bought and paid for by his Muslim masters and his job is secure.

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