UN Stops Food Distribution in Gaza
The United Nations on Thursday stopped distributing food to Palestinian refugees in Gaza because its vehicles have run out of fuel following an Israeli blockade, a UN official said.
The official, Adnan Abu Hasna, said 700,000 Palestinians who depend on the UN for basic food packets, won't be getting them. He said the United Nations Relief Works Agency (UNRWA) used the last of its fuel on Thursday. That forced it to stop distribution
There is some fuel stored in Gaza - but a local strike by distributors means it is not reaching the public.
Palestinian distributors have been refusing to pick up about a million liters that Israel pumped earlier this month into the Palestinian side of the border fuel depot, saying the quantity is insufficient.
Full Story
The majority of Palestinians live on welfare hand outs from the UN. The UN can't give them any more food. The Palestinians are starving. What's wrong with this picture?
Starving Palestinians? No. They don't look like their starving. They look very healthy to me. Especially the 2 girls at the heading of this post.
That 700,000 get welfare is disturbing to this truth seeker. It shows the lack of leadership among the Palestinian people. Instead of building an infrastructure, the Palestinians have taken any funds provided to them and bought weapons. Instead of building factories, businesses, schools or hospitals, they build rockets.
When Israel left Gaza in 2005 they left in place multi-million dollar greenhouses. What happened to them? The Palestinians destroyed them within a week. Instead of planting food to help their people, Hamas decided that since they were Israeli, they must be destroyed.
This crises, like so many others, is of their own making. Get the world crying about the poor Palestinian people. Blame Israel for the lack of food. No mention that the Palestinian people refuse to work. No mention that there would be no blockade of gas if they would only stop firing into Israel and return Gilad Schalit. The media will point to the children and scream hunger. And no, they won't call the Palestinians what they really are:
The World's Welfare Queens!
Thank you Truth Seeker. I try to catch the truth for the world and do succeed every once and a while.
I hope you don't mind me posting you as a truth seeker here. Love the look of those sites.
Interesting take on that findalis, i still remember when they broke through the wall into Egypt, they cleaned out the towns in Egypt, cigarettes, tvs, motor bikes. Poor, starving people, right. That's our tax dollars they're sponging off, it's not the UN making the money and giving it way or something.
Isn't it funny that during the Rodney King riots the items stolen were the cigarettes, jewelry, tvs, electronics, etc... Very few were stealing food.
And you do know where the money goes to: Weapons and Swiss Bank Accounts.
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