Hamas is at it again. They are trying to force Israel into accepting a truce with them. This truce wouldn't stop the rockets into Israel, return Gilad Schalit, but would open the borders between Gaza and Israel.
They must really be hurting in Gaza. All those starving children and bodies of the sick must be piling up. Almost every day another Hamas leader and his family is killed, another rocket factory is blown up. The Palestinians cry to the world: "We are being oppressed, under occupation, and have no fuel, no food. Help us!" But they have cried this mantra once too often. The world doesn't see starving children, they don't see the sick dying in great numbers. They do see a group that is bent on both self-destruction and the destruction of their neighbor.
So now Hamas as decided in a new tactic. This time intimidation. They now cry:
"We have 200,000 suicide bombers!" And the Israelis are suppose to shake in fear? Not now, not today. They can have 20, 200, 200,000 or 2,000,000 suicide bombers, it would make no difference. Israel will not open its border with Gaza.
Hamas wants open borders without any supervision. It was Hamas that removed the EU monitors. They say they will allow them back, but only if they live in Egypt or Gaza. They would not be allow to live in Israel. The EU and Israel has said no. The EU doesn't believe their monitors would be safe in Gaza or Egypt.
So Hamas goes for the tactic of having the Arab League monitor the border crossings. Israel has said no to that. That would be the fox guarding the chicken coop.
There should be no truce with Hamas unless 2 things are done:
- Total cease-fire of all rockets into Israel.
- The return of Gilad Schalit
Until this happens, the border should be kept sealed, and to further drive home the point, all electricity should be cut off immediately.
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