Libya spurs UN protest with Nazi remark
by the Associated PressThe United States, Britain, France and other members walked out of a closed meeting of the UN Security Council late Wednesday after Libya compared the situation in Gaza to Nazi concentration camps in World War II, council diplomats said.
The walkout was a rare protest by diplomats on the UN's most powerful body against one of their own members. Libya is the only Arab representative on the council.
According to several diplomats, Libya's deputy UN Ambassador Ibrahim Dabbashi ended a long speech about the plight of the Palestinians by comparing the situation in Gaza to the concentration camps set up by Nazi Germany to exterminate Jews. Some 6 million Jews and between 220,000 and 500,000 Gypsies were killed during the Nazi Holocaust.
Immediately after Dabbashi mentioned the concentration camps, diplomats said, French Ambassador Jean-Maurice Ripert, US deputy ambassador Alejandro Wolff, Britain's deputy ambassador Karen Pierce, Belgian Ambassador Johan Verbeke and Costa Rica's deputy ambassador walked out of the council's consultation room.
For the record. Gaza is nothing like a concentration camp.
This was Auschwitz. It was a Concentration Camp. 4 million people were murdered there. 3 million of them were Jews!

This is Gaza. 1.4 million people live there. 4 million people weren' t murdered there.
Notice the difference?
Mother Ecclesiastica here...
I notice the difference.
Libyans are liars.
They have to be.
There god al-Lah has commanded them to practice kitman and taqiya.
Muslims can't help lying and cheating: it's their culture.
Like the Big Fib about the 'palestinians'. Really they are all Transjordanians whom the KIng of Jordan wont let back into their own country because he wants them to fight for al-Lah and his jihad.
That makes the King of Jordan look cool and 'western' and still provides him with a very cheap army.
what a brilliant post!..Keep up the good fight..will add u to my blogroll pronto!!!:)
Thank you Mother and Woman.
Actually, genetically speaking, the so-called Palestinians are not Jordanians, they are Yemenites. Yemenites who came to Israel in the 14th Century. They should return to Yemen. The land is Israel and Jewish.
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