Lebanon: 12 IAF Jets Fly Over Beirut
by Associated Press
IAF warplanes violated Lebanese airspace on Monday, flying on reconnaissance missions over Beirut and elsewhere in the country, the Lebanese army said.
The army said in a statement that "12 enemy Israeli warplanes" violated Lebanese airspace before noon, four flew over the Mediterranean off the coastal city of Byblos in the north and headed toward the eastern province of Hermel.
Eight other Israeli warplanes flew over the southern town of Rmeish, then headed north to Beirut, the Chouf mountains, southeast of the capital, and Hermel before heading back to the "occupied territories," the statement said. It added that the Israeli over-flights lasted about an hour.
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So what is Lebanon going to do now? Launch fighters in response? Not this or any time. As long as Hezbollah is in Lebanon and rearming, Israel will launch its planes and keep an eye on them. As long as that Tower of Babel known as the UN is looking the other way while Hezbollah rearms, Israel will launch its planes and keep watch.
During the Second Lebanese War Israel launched scores of sorties and had full control of the air much to Lebanon's and Hezbollah's chagrin. They had their proxies in Europe and the United States protest the bombing of civilians, screaming for a cease-fire. The result was UN Resolution 1701. It called for a full cease-fire by Israel and Hezbollah (not Lebanon mind you, but treated the terrorist organization as a nation), and the disarming of Hezbollah.
What was the result? Israel ceased its attack. Hezbollah is rearming. The UN is looking the other way, hoping that Hezbollah can finally finish the job that Hitler started. And Lebanon is crying that Israel has violated the cease-fire.
Related Links:
UN Resolution 1701
Israel Wants UNIFIL to be Tougher
Hezbollah Beefs Up Forces
hey girl...great work!..the IDF needs to pre emptive strike!!
LoVe It To DeAtH! This is significant - Little Satan sortee's a dozen sexy 16's right throuygh the heart of Hiz'B'Allahland!
Great writing Findalis, Great Post - thanks for sharing!
Olmert's handling of the last Lebanon-Israel debacle must be depressing to the people of Israel. What a lost opportunity for the whole world.
Love that pic.
Maggie's Notebook
Olmert's government is starting to crash. Another no confidence vote and he could be gone. It's a shame that Sharon had the stroke, 06 would have not been the shambles that it was.
I'm hoping that Bibi Netanyahu gets back into office. For all his faults (having an affair with the nanny), he was a good PM.
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