Today Israelis and Jews through out the world will remember those who died by the hands of the Nazis. At 10:00 am in Israel the sirens will sound and every Israeli will stop what they are doing, stand at attention. Cars, buses, trains stop. Television and radio stops. And the only sound heard is the siren. Israelis are trained from birth that on this day, you stop what ever you are doing, stand at attention and remember those who died. It is taught to them like Americans are taught to place their hands over their hearts when reciting the pledge.
On this Yom HaShoah, instead of words (for there are no words that could adequately tell the story), I give you the following pictures. They are graphic and disturbing. But the story they tell is disturbing.

Findalis, excellent pics. Particularly heartbreaking was the father hugging his child to himself as he was about to be shot from behind. Never again, indeed.
I've just discovered your blog through Woman Honor Thyself. Am blogrolling you.
I will be posting as well my friend..God bless you and never again. Peace to all of Israel.
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