New York Cops NOT GUILTY in Sean Bell shooting!
NEW YORK (CNN) -- Nicole Paultre Bell bolted from the courtroom as a judge acquitted three New York City detectives of all charges Friday in the shooting death of her fiance.
Justice Arthur Cooperman was announcing the verdict clearing Detectives Michael Oliver and Gescard Isnora of manslaughter, assault and reckless endangerment in the death of Sean Bell.
Detective Marc Cooper was cleared of reckless endangerment.
Bell, 23, died in November 2006 in a 50-bullet barrage hours before he was to be married. Two of his companions were wounded in the gunfire outside a Queens nightclub.
"This case was not about justice," declared Leroy Gadsden, chair of the police/community relations committee of the Jamaica Branch NAACP. "This case was about the police having a right to be above the law. If the law was in effect here, if the judge had followed the law truly, these officers would have been found guilty. ...
"This court, unfortunately, is bankrupt when it comes to justice for people of color."read more | digg story
Mayor Michael Bloomberg (that bastion of race pandering) issued a statement saying, "A innocent man lost his life, a bride lost her groom, two daughters lost their father, and a mother and a father lost their son. No verdict could ever end the grief that those who knew and loved Sean Bell suffer."
However, he said, the legal system must be respected.
"America is a nation of laws, and though not everyone will agree with the verdicts and opinions issued by the courts, we accept their authority."
Yes, Mayor Bloomberg, we are a nation of laws. The justice system worked in this case. The jury didn't buy the prosecutor's case. They didn't want to send the message that the police are always the criminals and the victims were totally innocent of any wrong doing. NYC police are well trained, they are not vigilantes or thugs. These are the men that ran into the World Trade Center when we were attacked on 9/11. You and Rev. Sharpton forget that. To you and him they are murderers. No, Mr. Mayor. These men, who put their lives on the line to protect the citizens of NY City, are not murderers. They are heroes.
I am reminded of the O.J. Simpson verdict. That miscarriage of justice did not result in rioting. Did not result in a federal investigation. Did result in a civil verdict. Rev. Sharpton and other "black" leaders are calling for protests. Are calling for a federal investigation. Are crying that there is no justice. They are screaming the old cry of the oppressed minority that has been heard since the Rodney King verdicts: "No Justice, No Peace!"
Today justice was served. And she showed herself to be blind to color.
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