On Wednesday, 21 December 1988, at 7 pm in the evening, Pan Am Flight 103, a Boeing 747 named Clipper Maid of the Seas, commanded by Captain James Bruce "Jim" MacQuarrie and carrying 259 passengers and crew, exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland, Killing all on board and 11 people on the ground.
This was the worse act of terror in British history.
The suspects were traced to Libya, one was eventually caught, put on trial and given a life sentence. Justice seemed to be done.
But not in the Moonbat nation of Scotland it seems:
How nice that Scotland is such a compassionate society to release this man. Yet it has no compassion for the families of those he has murdered. They don't get released from their pain, their anguish, their sense of loss.Terminally ill Lockerbie bomber released
The man convicted of murdering 270 people by blowing Pan Am flight 103 out of the sky above the Scottish town of Lockerbie two decades ago was on his way home to Libya on Thursday after authorities set him free.
Abdelbeset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi, 57, is suffering terminal prostate cancer and has three months to live. Scottish Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill ordered al Megrahi's release on compassionate grounds, saying he will be "going home to die."
"Our justice system demands that judgment be imposed but compassion available," MacAskill said. "Our beliefs dictate that justice be served but mercy be shown."
The White House, which has urged Britain to keep al Megrahi behind bars, said it "deeply regrets" the decision.
MacAskill said he accepted al Megrahi's 2001 conviction for the Lockerbie bombing, the worst terrorist atrocity ever committed on UK soil. He also said he supported a severe sentence. But he said al Megrahi's lack of compassion for his 270 victims should not be a reason for Scotland to deny compassion to him.
Al Megrahi left prison Thursday, shortly after MacAskill's announcement and boarded a plane shortly afterwards.
Read the full story here.
Too bad for them. Al Megrahi has a right to his freedom, he is dying, he is suffering, his family is suffering, the Scottish remind the world.
All of Scotland should be hanging their head in shame today.

This is such a sad day. The Euro weenies have surrendered again.
This country will ban a talk show host for expressing his opinions, but they have "compassion" for a mass murdering terrorist. Stick a fork in England. They're done. As far as I'm concern England is a lost cause and have capitulated to the Muslim enemies of the West.
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