Gary Fouse
Shangri-la Hotel, Santa Monica, California
Here's a "heartwarming" story-not out of Nazi Germany, when Jews were prohibited from using public swimming pools- but from Santa Monica, California in 2010, where a hotel owner reportedly objected to Jews using the hotel swimming pool.
This is unacceptable. It heartens back not only to Nazi Germany, but the days of Jim Crow in the American South, when blacks were not allowed to use public swimming pools. There was also a time in my own childhood when Jews in Los Angeles were kept out of certain golf clubs; thus, they had to create their own (Hillcrest Golf Course).We thought we had left these days behind us.
Quote of the day!
Je Suis Charlie!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Monday, July 30, 2012
Why The IOC Will Never Memorialize The '72 Munich Massacre
When I read this my blood boiled. The real reason why there will never be a memorial to the Israelis massacred in Munich. Read it and ask yourself why are you watching the Olympics.
Recently, new information about the Munich Massacre at the 1972 Olympic Games was released by German police as a result of pressure from German investigative reporters. It was reported that the “Black September” terrorists were helped by a Nazi group in Germany to get fake IDs, weapons and access to the Olympic Village.
This was not too shocking, as the head of the IOC in 1972 was Avery Brundage, a Nazi sympathizer and anti-Semite. His protege, Juan Samaranch, eventually served the second longest IOC term as president, but his support of Nazis and the Spanish dictator Francisco Franco was kept a dirty secret. Most IOC members knew the truth but stayed silent because he organized a regal lifestyle for them -- with money diverted from sport.
Another interesting fact is that Abu Iyad, one of the co-founders of the PLO, has said publicly that the reason “Black September” chose the 1972 Olympics as the stage for their hostage plot was because the PLO's request to the IOC for inclusion of the Palestinian delegation at the Olympic Games was completely ignored. This snub from the IOC came at a time when tension was at a boiling point in the Middle East. Yet, having incited the PLO, the IOC denied the Israeli government's request for security for the athletes.
In 1996, I, along with other Munich orphans and three of the widows, were invited for the first time to the Olympic Games in Atlanta. Before the Opening Ceremony, we met with Alex Gilady. Gilady has been a member of the IOC's Radio and Television Commission since 1984 and has been the senior vice president of NBC Sports since 1996.
I have known Mr. Gilady since I was a kid; in fact, I grew up with his daughter. He had been supportive in the past regarding our plea for a moment of silence during the Opening Ceremonies, so we arrived with high hopes. Gilady informed us that a moment of silence was not possible because if the IOC had a moment of silence for the Israeli athletes, they would also have to do the same for the Palestinians who died at the Olympics in 1972.
My mother said, "But no Palestinian athletes died."
Gilady responded, "Well, there were Palestinians who died at the 1972 Olympics."
I heard one of the widows say to Gilady, "Are you equating the murder of my husband to the terrorists that killed him?"
Then Ilana Romano burst out with a cry that has haunted me to this day. She screamed at Gilady, "How DARE you! You KNOW what they did to my husband! They let him lay there for hours, dying slowly, and then finished him off by castrating him and shoving it in his mouth, ALEX!"
I looked at Gilady's face as he sat there, stone cold with no emotion. This man knew these athletes personally. This man led the Israeli media delegation at the 1972 Olympics and saw this atrocity first hand. This man saw my father's dead, naked body thrown out front of the Olympic Village for all the world to see.
Without a hint of empathy, Gilady excused himself from our meeting.
That's when I understood that the IOC wasn't turning us down because of their resistance to :politics.” Rather, it was due to the specific politics the IOC apparently still embraces. Based on its history of Nazi support, greed and the blood on their own hands for inciting the PLO, they would never support Israeli athletes.
Now, I have a message to all the members of the IOC. The torture inflicted by “Black September” on the 11 Israeli athletes and their families took 48 hours. Your torture of the families and the memories of those esteemed athletes has lasted 40 years. I am not satisfied with a moment of silence in every Opening Ceremony of the Summer Games. Now I want all of you to lose your jobs and be replaced by real Olympians who care about the athletes and believe in the Olympic charter.
The threat of the IOC coming after me does not scare me anymore. When you have no more dignity, you have nothing to lose. So, members of the IOC -- my name is Guri Weinberg and I am the son of Moshe Weinberg, the wrestling coach murdered at the 1972 Olympics. And I am not going away.
It is time that the current positions of trust at the IOC be immediately replaced by men and women who actually believe the ideals of the Olympic Dream. The truth has finally emerged. Now ask yourself this one thing?
Why am I watching the Olympics knowing what I know now?
Why the IOC will never memorialize the '72 Munich massacre
By Guri WeinbergRecently, new information about the Munich Massacre at the 1972 Olympic Games was released by German police as a result of pressure from German investigative reporters. It was reported that the “Black September” terrorists were helped by a Nazi group in Germany to get fake IDs, weapons and access to the Olympic Village.
This was not too shocking, as the head of the IOC in 1972 was Avery Brundage, a Nazi sympathizer and anti-Semite. His protege, Juan Samaranch, eventually served the second longest IOC term as president, but his support of Nazis and the Spanish dictator Francisco Franco was kept a dirty secret. Most IOC members knew the truth but stayed silent because he organized a regal lifestyle for them -- with money diverted from sport.
Another interesting fact is that Abu Iyad, one of the co-founders of the PLO, has said publicly that the reason “Black September” chose the 1972 Olympics as the stage for their hostage plot was because the PLO's request to the IOC for inclusion of the Palestinian delegation at the Olympic Games was completely ignored. This snub from the IOC came at a time when tension was at a boiling point in the Middle East. Yet, having incited the PLO, the IOC denied the Israeli government's request for security for the athletes.
In 1996, I, along with other Munich orphans and three of the widows, were invited for the first time to the Olympic Games in Atlanta. Before the Opening Ceremony, we met with Alex Gilady. Gilady has been a member of the IOC's Radio and Television Commission since 1984 and has been the senior vice president of NBC Sports since 1996.
I have known Mr. Gilady since I was a kid; in fact, I grew up with his daughter. He had been supportive in the past regarding our plea for a moment of silence during the Opening Ceremonies, so we arrived with high hopes. Gilady informed us that a moment of silence was not possible because if the IOC had a moment of silence for the Israeli athletes, they would also have to do the same for the Palestinians who died at the Olympics in 1972.
My mother said, "But no Palestinian athletes died."
Gilady responded, "Well, there were Palestinians who died at the 1972 Olympics."
I heard one of the widows say to Gilady, "Are you equating the murder of my husband to the terrorists that killed him?"
Then Ilana Romano burst out with a cry that has haunted me to this day. She screamed at Gilady, "How DARE you! You KNOW what they did to my husband! They let him lay there for hours, dying slowly, and then finished him off by castrating him and shoving it in his mouth, ALEX!"
I looked at Gilady's face as he sat there, stone cold with no emotion. This man knew these athletes personally. This man led the Israeli media delegation at the 1972 Olympics and saw this atrocity first hand. This man saw my father's dead, naked body thrown out front of the Olympic Village for all the world to see.
Without a hint of empathy, Gilady excused himself from our meeting.
That's when I understood that the IOC wasn't turning us down because of their resistance to :politics.” Rather, it was due to the specific politics the IOC apparently still embraces. Based on its history of Nazi support, greed and the blood on their own hands for inciting the PLO, they would never support Israeli athletes.
Now, I have a message to all the members of the IOC. The torture inflicted by “Black September” on the 11 Israeli athletes and their families took 48 hours. Your torture of the families and the memories of those esteemed athletes has lasted 40 years. I am not satisfied with a moment of silence in every Opening Ceremony of the Summer Games. Now I want all of you to lose your jobs and be replaced by real Olympians who care about the athletes and believe in the Olympic charter.
The threat of the IOC coming after me does not scare me anymore. When you have no more dignity, you have nothing to lose. So, members of the IOC -- my name is Guri Weinberg and I am the son of Moshe Weinberg, the wrestling coach murdered at the 1972 Olympics. And I am not going away.
It is time that the current positions of trust at the IOC be immediately replaced by men and women who actually believe the ideals of the Olympic Dream. The truth has finally emerged. Now ask yourself this one thing?
Why am I watching the Olympics knowing what I know now?
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Tisha B'Av
Day of Great Sorrow: The Ninth day of Av.
The saddest day on the Jewish calendar is the Ninth of Av, "Tisha B'Av." It is the date when both our Holy Temples were destroyed, and exile, persecution and spiritual blackness began.
Tisha b'Av starts at sundown of the eighth of Av and lasts till the following nightfall. This year, the 9th of Av falls on Shabbat. Because of the holiness of Shabbat, the Fast of the Ninth of Av is postponed to after Shabbat. The fast begins on Shabbat eve at sunset, and continues through, Av 10, till nightfall.
As a kid I would cry at the drop of the hat, my mom would tell me that if I continued to cry she would give me something real to cry about. My Mom however, wasn't the first to use that phrase, it was God who invented it, and he invented it on Tisha B'Av
The saddest day on the Jewish calendar is the Ninth of Av, "Tisha B'Av." It is the date when both our Holy Temples were destroyed, and exile, persecution and spiritual blackness began.
Tisha b'Av starts at sundown of the eighth of Av and lasts till the following nightfall. This year, the 9th of Av falls on Shabbat. Because of the holiness of Shabbat, the Fast of the Ninth of Av is postponed to after Shabbat. The fast begins on Shabbat eve at sunset, and continues through, Av 10, till nightfall.
As a kid I would cry at the drop of the hat, my mom would tell me that if I continued to cry she would give me something real to cry about. My Mom however, wasn't the first to use that phrase, it was God who invented it, and he invented it on Tisha B'Av
When Moses sent twelve spies into Canaan, ten of them came back with a report that the land was unconquerable and the fledgling Israeli nation could never defeat those Canaanite giants. This report caused cries throughout the Israelite settlement, they begged Moses to take them back to Egypt.
Just a short time after they witnessed all those miracles; the ten plagues that gave them freedom, the splitting of the Reed Sea, the revelation at Sinai when they received the Ten Commandments, the newly freed slaves lost their faith in God, and his promise to help them conquer the land. They were afraid and wanted to go back into bondage.
God's response was not only the generation that knew slavery would die out in the desert, but that Tisha B'Av will be a horrible day for the Jews until the coming of the Messiah. In other words, like my mom God would give the Jews something to cry about.
From that day forward, horrible things happened to the Jewish people on or around Tisha B'Av. Some of them include:
The fast of Tisha B'Av will end on Sunday night. Regular blogging will resume then.
- The First Temple was destroyed
- The Second Temple was destroyed
- Bar Kokhba's revolt against Rome failed
- Roman general Turnus Rufus ordered that the Temple area and its surroundings were to be plowed-under. Jerusalem was to be rebuilt as a pagan city – renamed Aelia Capitolina – and access was forbidden to Jews.
- In 1290 King Edward I expelled the Jews from England
- In 1492 the deadline for Jews to leave Spain, Convert or Die
- The beginning of WWI –which lead directly to the rise of Hitler
- 1941 Hermann Göring ordered SS general Reinhard Heydrich to make all the necessary preparations for the Final Solution.
- The first transports reached Treblinka and the extermination of the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto began on July 23, 1942, Tisha B'av
- In 1955 El Al Flight 402 was shot down over Bulgarian airspace on the 8th of Av.
- The AMIA Bombing (Asociación Mutua Israelita Argentina) by terrorists in Buenos Aires, Argentina, which killed 86 and wounded more than 120, was on July 18, 1994, the 10th of Av.
- In 2004, Barack Obama Gave the Keynote speech at the Democratic Convention on Tisha B'av and was crowned the heir apparent of the Democratic Party. He has proven to be the most anti-Israel President ever.
- The Disengagement from Gaza began on the 10th of Av 2005, leading to years of rocket bombardment from Hamas into Israel.
- 2009? President Obama sends Robert Gates to Israel in his first of many attempts dissuade the Jewish State from carrying out military strikes against Iran’s nuclear weapons facilities. Three years ago as of today, the US preached patience while Iran inches closer to Atomic Weapons. Earlier that week Secretary of State Hillary Clinton assured Israel that it would be place under the United States' nuclear umbrella, meaning if the Iranians used nuclear weapons against Israel, the US would retaliate with its nukes (wouldn't that be too late?)
Tisha B'Av
DOJ's Thomas Perez on the Hot Seat
Gary Fouse
Hat tip MRC-TV and Vlad Tepes.

Thomas Perez
Asst. Attorney General
This week, Justice Department Asst. Attorney General Thomas Perez testified before a House Constitution Committee. Perez is one of Eric Holder's top henchmen in DOJ and is a driving force behind many of the Department's questionable activities. In this exchange, Trent Franks (R-AZ) asked him about whether DOJ would consider any legislation against speech critical of any religion. Vlad Tepes has posted Perez's lack of a response.
Of course, this exchange comes in light of efforts by the 56-member Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the largest voting bloc in the UN, to have a resolution passed that would call on all nations to criminalize speech that "defames" religion. Of course, the OIC really only cares about one religion since many, if not most, if not all of their own countries persecute religious minorities (which goes way beyond "defaming").
To our American ears, this would seem laughable given our First Amendment. Yet, with this current administration and Justice Department in office, Perez's previous endorsement of the OIC agenda (see link), as well as the fact that Hillary Clinton has already held two closed-door meetings with the OIC on this very issue, it seems that Rep. Franks' question is pertinent. I should add that Rep. Franks is one of the few in Washington who has spoken out on these dangers.
Perez, in typical Holder DOJ fashion, is evasive and cannot answer a simple yes or no question. He knows exactly what the issue is. I take his evasion as further proof that this administration and this Justice Department would love to find a way to silence their opposition.
Hat tip MRC-TV and Vlad Tepes.
Thomas Perez
Asst. Attorney General
This week, Justice Department Asst. Attorney General Thomas Perez testified before a House Constitution Committee. Perez is one of Eric Holder's top henchmen in DOJ and is a driving force behind many of the Department's questionable activities. In this exchange, Trent Franks (R-AZ) asked him about whether DOJ would consider any legislation against speech critical of any religion. Vlad Tepes has posted Perez's lack of a response.
Of course, this exchange comes in light of efforts by the 56-member Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the largest voting bloc in the UN, to have a resolution passed that would call on all nations to criminalize speech that "defames" religion. Of course, the OIC really only cares about one religion since many, if not most, if not all of their own countries persecute religious minorities (which goes way beyond "defaming").
To our American ears, this would seem laughable given our First Amendment. Yet, with this current administration and Justice Department in office, Perez's previous endorsement of the OIC agenda (see link), as well as the fact that Hillary Clinton has already held two closed-door meetings with the OIC on this very issue, it seems that Rep. Franks' question is pertinent. I should add that Rep. Franks is one of the few in Washington who has spoken out on these dangers.
Perez, in typical Holder DOJ fashion, is evasive and cannot answer a simple yes or no question. He knows exactly what the issue is. I take his evasion as further proof that this administration and this Justice Department would love to find a way to silence their opposition.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Muslim Persecution of Christians: June, 2012
U.S.-backed rebels are committing Christian genocide in Syria, where they are sacking churches and issuing threats that all Christians will be cleansed from rebel-held territory. A mass exodus of thousands of Christians is taking place, even as mainstream Western reporters, such as Robert Fisk, demonize these same Christians for being supportive of the secular regime.
The bloody jihad waged against Nigeria's Christians, which has seen hundreds killed this year alone, now includes plans to kill Christians with poisoned food, as part of the Islamic organization Boko Haram's stated goal of purging Nigeria of all Christian presence.
During Egypt's presidential elections, Al Ahram reported that "the Muslim Brotherhood blockaded entire streets; prevented Copts, at gunpoint, from voting and threatened Christian families not to let their children go out and vote" for the secular candidate.
Meanwhile, under President Obama, the U.S. State Department, in an unprecedented move, purged the sections dealing with religious persecution from its recently released Country Reports on Human Rights. Similarly, the Obama administration insists that the Nigeria crisis has nothing to do with religion, even as Obama offered his hearty blessings to Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood president, in the midst of allegations of electoral fraud.
Categorized by theme, June's assemblage of Muslim persecution of Christians around the world includes, but is not limited to, the following accounts, listed in alphabetical order by country, not severity.
Church Attacks
Indonesia: A Muslim mob of 300 wrecked a store that was being used for a Sunday church service on the pretext that it had not obtained "permission to hold Mass." The mob wrecked the first floor of the store, breaking windows and damaging furniture. Police stopped the mob before it reached the third floor, where some 60 Christians had congregated. Twelve Christians were taken into custody for questioning; none of the Muslims was arrested.
Separately, in compliance with calls by Islamic clerics, authorities ordered 20 churches to be torn down after the closure last month of 16 smaller Christian places of worship in the same district. The congregations continue to hold services inside their sealed-off buildings as a few members stand guard outside.
Iran: Authorities ordered the closure of yet another church in the capital, Tehran, "amid a government campaign to crack down on the few recognized churches offering Farsi-speaking services," according to a human rights group. The church originally served Christians of an Assyrian background; however, "due to an increasing number of Farsi-speaking believers—mostly [MMBs] Muslim Background Believers—it [the church] has become a cause of concern for the authorities and they now ordered it to shut down."
Kashmir: A 119-year-old church was torched by Muslims. The local bishop "said that the Muslim fundamentalists want Christians to leave the state…. He said that the church had filed a case with the police but had been advised not to 'play up' such incidents." Christian minorities "are coming under growing threat from Kashmir's Muslim majority. A Christian human rights group in India said that over 400 Christians have been displaced as a result."
Kazakhstan: Land use regulations are being exploited "as a means to prevent religious communities and their members exercising freedom of religion or belief." Most recently, authorities "forced a Methodist church to close 'voluntarily'," and fined the wife of the Church's Pastor, who paid for an announcement in newspapers; it said the church was "liquidating itself," because "We do not want more punishment from the authorities."
Nigeria: Islamic militants attacked several churches with bombs and guns during every Sunday of the month; they killed dozens of Christian worshippers, and critically wounded hundreds, including many children. Growing numbers of Christians "dare not" attend church services anymore, even as reports suggest that some police are intentionally abandoning their watch prior to such attacks.
Sudan: Authorities bulldozed two church buildings to the ground and confiscated three Catholic schools, as a response to the secession of South Sudan in July 2011; the authorities said that such buildings, largely associated with the South Sudanese Christians in this Islamic-ruled country, are now unwelcome. Another church building belonging to the Full Gospel Church was destroyed in the same area two months ago, also on the claim that it belonged to the South Sudanese.
Turkmenistan: An Evangelical church in this Muslim-majority nation was raided by authorities: "All adult believers at the meeting were questioned about their faith and all of their Christian literature was confiscated." Their literature was returned two weeks later.
Apostasy, Blasphemy, Proselytism
Iran: Five months after five Christian converts were arrested, their condition and fate remain unknown. They are accused of "attending house church services, promoting Christianity, agitating against the regime and disturbing national security." Being imprisoned for 130 days without word "is an obvious example of physical and mental abuse of the detainees…. One of the prison guards openly told one of those Christian detainees that all these pressures and uncertainties are intended to make them flee the country after they are released." In addition, a young Iranian woman, who recently converted to Christianity and was an outspoken activist against the Islamic regime, was found dead, slumped over her car's steering wheel, with a single gunshot wound to her head.
Pakistan: A banned Islamic group filed a blasphemy case against a 25-year-old Christian man, later deemed mentally retarded. Muslims had converted him to Islam two years earlier, to use him as a pretext to annex his Christian village. In the words of a witness: "These people [Muslims] do not let us live. We are poor but are working hard to survive. On the night of the incident a mob of Muslim clerics gathered [around] our colony to burn us all because of the blasphemy Ramzan [the retarded man] committed. Everyone was scared. We all have small children in our houses and we didn't know what to do. The mob surrounded our colony and shouted a slogan to burn all the houses; they had torches in their hands and petrol in the cans. We called police; thank God the police arrived just in time."
Saudi Arabia: Thirty-five Ethiopian Christians who were arrested in December for praying in a private home remain jailed, even as Saudi officials offer contradictory reasons for their arrest. Meanwhile, the Ethiopian Christians have been beaten and subjected to interrogations and strip searches. Saudi Arabia formally bans all religions other than Islam. In 2006, Saudi authorities told the United States that they would "guarantee and protect the right to private worship for all, including non-Muslims who gather in homes for religious practice."
Sudan: A Muslim woman divorced her husband, a convert to Christianity; the court therefore automatically granted her custody of their two sons. When their father tried to visit his children, his wife threatened to notify authorities. "They might take the case to a prosecution court, which might lead to my being sentenced to death according to Islamic apostasy law—but I am ready for this," said the Christian. "I want the world to know this. What crime have I done? Is it because I became a Christian? I know if the world is watching, they [the Sudanese authorities] will be afraid to do any harm to me."
United States: Two Christian men in Saint Louis, Missouri received death threats from Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard, apparently for converting to Christianity and preaching it. One of the men formerly served in the Revolutionary Guard and was once even assigned a suicide mission against Israel, before converting and immigrating to the U.S. "The two men believe that Islam is a religion that could easily radicalize a Muslim into a terrorist." Similarly, in Dearborn Michigan, Christian demonstrators exercising their free speech rights were stoned by Muslims shouting, "Allahu Akbar!" ["Allah is Greater!"].
[General Abuse, Debasement, and Suppression of non-Muslims as "Tolerated" Citizens]
Mali: "Islamists in control of northern Mali are enforcing a strict version of Sharia law that victimizes Christians, women and other vulnerable groups." The radicals took control of northern Mali in April after ousting the armed forces of the government of Mali. "All the Christians have left Timbuktu (the main city in north Mali) because of the Sharia law as well as because of the presence of people linked with al-Qaeda," said a Christian leader who fled from northern Mali.
Pakistan: Police are siding with the Muslims accused of beating a pregnant Christian woman, causing her to miscarry twins, and gang-raping her 13-year-old Christian niece. "Muslim criminals believe police and courts will give little credence to the complaints of Christians in the country, which is nearly 96 percent Muslim," adds the report. The Christian family is "paying a huge price for being poor … and for being Christian," said the uncle. "What can we expect from the police when they are not paying heed even to the court orders? They are distorting facts and have even gone to the extent of accusing a 13-year-old [raped girl] of committing adultery with three men." Another Christian politician's ID mistook him for a Muslim, causing him to insist "on the floor of the Punjab Assembly that he was born a Christian and appealed to them and the media not to indulge in propaganda against him that could incite Muslim extremists to kill him."
Turkey: Thousands of devout Muslims prayed outside the Hagia Sophia—formerly Christendom's greatest cathedral, now a museum—shouting, "Allahu Akbar!" and demanding that the building be opened as a mosque in honor of the jihadi sultan who conquered Constantinople in the 15th century.
South Africa: More than 70 students were kicked out of the Coastal KZN As-Salaam campus dormitories and are currently homeless because campus officials tried to make the students observe Islam, including by banning Bibles, which the students resisted. "All we wanted was to be free to practice our own religions and not be forced to follow Islam, but now we have been punished by being deprived of safe accommodation," said one student.
About this Series
- To document that which the mainstream media does not: the habitual, if not chronic, Muslim persecution of Christians.
- To show that such persecution is not "random," but systematic and interrelated—that it is rooted in a worldview inspired by Sharia.
Because these accounts of persecution span different ethnicities, languages, and locales—from Morocco in the West, to India in the East, and throughout the West wherever there are Muslims—it should be clear that one thing alone binds them: Islam—whether the strict application of Islamic Sharia law, or the supremacist culture born of it.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Remembering Munich
Once again the OIC will not give a single minute to honor the memory of the 11 Israeli Athletes who were murdered by the PLO at the Summer Olympic Games in Munich, Germany in September 1972. This same group of bastards honored Bosnian Muslims killed and the 9/11 attacks. But to honor those athletes killed at the games is out of the question. After all it would anger the Muslim nations. Not my words but the words of Jacque Rogge, President of the IOC.
And once again these 11 men are being murdered by Muslims.
Jacque Rogge should have done the right thing. Instead he showed his anti-Semitic side. And still there is no memorial, no moment of silence.
Bob Costa of NBC Sports is planning on a special moment criticizing the IOC and trying to honor those murdered. It is a crying shame that such an memorial has to be done by a Sportscaster and not the IOC, the British Olympic Planning Committee, or not ordered by Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the Second.
Remembering that horrible day:
Racial Tension Ramping Up In America
And yet if you criticize, you speak out, you even report on this violence, you are labelled a racist. OK! I'm a racist. But in America today the real racists are in the Black community. As JD Longstreet, that wonderful Southern Gentleman exposes here.
Racial Tension Ramping Up In America
From Faultline USA
By JD Longstreet
It's not pleasant to bring up a subject seemingly NO ONE wants to talk about. It's even more unpleasant when you know you are opening yourself up to accusations of the filthiest kind.
So -- here goes.
America has a race problem. It is a problem that may be about to erupt into nationwide violence. In fact, some believe it has already begun.
The "War on Poverty," it appears, may be about to morph into a real shooting war.
I am seeing report after report, on the Internet, concerning the sky rocketing rise of black on white crime and yes, black on black crime, as well. But, most horrible is the black mob violence which is becoming so prevalent that even the Mainstream Media is ALMOST forced to report it. Notice: I said "ALMOST."
There are the so-called black "flash mobs," the "rob mobs" and, of course, the old stand-by -- the out and out "riot."
Thing is -- it's happening all across the US. This time, thankfully, my "South" will not bear the brunt of the criticism from the "Limousine liberals," the "Guilt-Trip Lefties," and the "Poverty Pimps." But then, they have heaped defamation on us Southrons for so long they may just feel compelled to continue.
News reports bear out the fact that this black mob violence is nearing -- if it has not already reached -- epidemic proportions. But, there are two things I'd like to point out.
First, the geography of the mob violence and the MsM's self-censoring their reports so as not to make mention that the individuals constituting the mobs are almost exclusively black.
As an example, earlier this month as Americans tried to celebrate Independence Day, black violence broke out in Georgia, Florida, Ohio, California, Texas and Illinois.
It is reported by WND that on Independence day Chris Rock tweeted the following: “Happy white peoples Independence Day.” He continued his tweet by saying: “The slaves weren’t free but I’m sure they enjoyed fireworks.” SOURCE:
Rock, born in Andrews, South Carolina, is a native "Sandlapper" -- the same as "yours truly." Mr. Rock is a great disappointment to me, personally. I will not weary you with my "responsibility lecture," -- at least not at this point. But I must mention that Rock was raised, according to his biography, in Brooklyn, NY.
In an editor's note on a piece written by Colin Flaherty entitled: "Black mobs now have soundtrack for violence" from WND (formerly known as World Net Daily) the editor says the following: "Colin Flaherty has done more reporting than any other journalist on what appears to be a nationwide trend of sky rocketing black-on-white crime, violence and abuse. WND features these reports to counterbalance the virtual blackout by the rest of the media due to their concerns that reporting such incidents would be inflammatory or even racist. WND considers it racist not to report racial abuse solely because of the skin color of the perpetrators or victims." SOURCE:
WND has published a number of reports on this growing problem in America. Here is a list of some of them you might want to check out for yourself:
Blogger: Why don’t blacks behave?
Judge to black perps: What are you doing with your lives?
Black mobs terrorize 1 of ‘whitest big cities’
Black mob … in the Hamptons?
Racial violence explodes in more states
Black mobs now beating Jews in New York
Black mob violence hits Nordstrom
Chicago’s unreported race war
Black expo ‘inescapably tied’ to race violence
Black-on-white link found in Minneapolis violence
Call for crackdown on black-on-white terror
‘Boredom’ proves to be triger for ‘flash mobs’
If you navigate over to: and scroll down the page you will find hot links to each of these articles. Be prepared for bone-chilling fare as you read them.
The report(s) from Mr. Flaherty is/are, indeed, chilling, but, I hasten to add, important because it now appears the undercurrent of rage in the black community of America is forcing its way to the surface and we may be receiving a tiny foretaste of a nationwide tsunami of black on white crime many believe will be unleashed on America if Obama loses to Romney in November.
Now it has been said. The paragraph above expresses the whispered rumor circulating within America's white community for months now.
These are truly perilous times in America. Nerves are on edge. Patience has worn extremely thin -- in both the black and white communities -- and if cooler heads don't, somehow, prevail, a bloodbath will ensue in the streets of America.
Can anyone doubt there are elements in both the black and white communities that would like nothing less than a race war in America.
God help us should such a devastating orgy of blood lust occur. No matter what you may have heard, read, or been told, there can be no winner in such a conflict. Let there be no doubt America's black community would be decimated. If there is any lingering doubt about the outcome of such a racial insurrection in America one only has to refer to the history of the Native Americans.
We cannot know, at this point, if the dye has been cast. If the Mainstream Media was doing its job, we all would be better informed and it is possible a national racial confrontation could be avoided.
If they remain silent and America is blind-sided by a national tide of black on white crime, once the white community shakes off its shock and surprise, unfortunately, reprisals will be the order of the day. And it will be a national nightmare.
To deny racism exists in both the black and the white communities of America is to deny breathing. Denial does absolutely nothing to solve or, at least, contain the problem.
It is past time for those in the mainstream media -- and those of us who subscribe to their products -- to demand the editors and news directors report the news of the racial unrest fully and completely. Believe it or not, it actually IS one of those things we have a right to know.
JD Longstreet
For the last 3 years there have been an increasing level of violence against White People, against Latinos, against Asians, and especially against Jews from the Black community (specifically Black young men). We are told by the LSM (when they finally report it) that it is because of unemployment, segregation, slavery or any other excuse they can think of. So-called Black leaders such as Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton scream out every time a Black gangbanger is killed, demanding money to study the problem (It goes right into their pockets.), and more Affirmative Action. Everybody else is getting upset and frustrated. Sooner or later there will be a Black riot, they will burn down their neighborhoods, and then the neighborhood cannot be built back up. For the city, the state is broke.
Notice one fact: No Black mob will attack or rob any one or any business in those states, those cities with gun laws that allow conceal carry. These attacks only happen in places that have strict gun control laws.
It is time that we remove those programs that were installed 50 years ago that were introduced into our society to counter the quota system that had been institutionalized in many places. After 50 years, it is no longer needed. In fact the quotas are now in reverse.
It is time for those in the Black Community who refuse to listen to the so-called Black leaders to take up the leadership of their communities and demand an end to the violence, to the silence by the media, to the government looking the other way.
It is time for the Black Community to take responsibility for these "Monsters" they have created!
Another Computer Virus To Iran
I was caught In the middle of a railroad trackI have heard people complain about Computer Nerds. The one thing that I know is that Computer Nerds have great senses of humor. And this is a prime example of it. And with Rock and Roll. That will drive the Mullah's wild.
And I knew there was no turning back
My mind raced,
And I thought what could I do
And I knew,
There was no help, no help from you
Reports began circulating on Thursday that Iran's nuclear facilities have been hit with a computer virus that plays the hit song "Thunderstruck" by Australian heavy metal band AC/DC.
Workers allegedly have to endure the song being played unexpectedly at full volume, sometimes in the middle of the night.
There has been no official confirmation of the attack from Iran, but sources cite a series of leaked e-mails purportedly from the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran. An unnamed Iranian scientist e-mailed Mikko Hypponen, chief research officer for Finnish Internet security firm F-Secure, saying that the facilities at Natanz and Fordo, near Qom, were hit by a worm.
The malware, in addition to blaring out AC/DC at any given moment, also reportedly disables network connectivity at the two sites as an interesting side effect.
Hypponen told the media that he had received the e-mails and that he had been e-mailing the scientist about the incident over the weekend.
He sent a redacted copy of the e-mail to reporters, which said, “I am writing you to inform you that our nuclear program has once again been compromised and attacked by a new worm with exploits which have shut down our automation network at Natanz and another facility Fordo near Qom.”
Another e-mail made reference to AC/DC's Thunderstruck being played “on several workstations in the middle of the night with the volume maxed out.”
It’s not the first time that the Iranian nuclear program has been the target of malware.
The destructive Stuxnet worm has now affected around 60 per cent of computers in Iran, and is widely held responsible for wrecking centrifuges at the Nantaz nuclear facility.
Iran has confirmed that work has halted several times at the facility because of “technical issues,” and use of the centrifuges has dropped by 30 per cent.
Stuxnet was thought at first to be the work of Israeli intelligence agency Mossad, but experts have recently begun to say the United States is more likely behind the attack.
Earlier this year, Iran was also hit by the robust Flame virus, which was likened to a 'targeted killing' for computer systems. Israel was also immediately accused of developing the virus.
Many experts believe that the future of warfare will heavily rely on a country’s ability to “spike” their enemies’ computer networks -- while rocking them into submission.
Here is the song that is driving the Iranian computer operators out of their minds:
Computer Virus,
Nuclear Program
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Hispanics The New Black Part II: Nowhere To Run
By Sharon Sebastian — Website:
Running to something or from something compels migration to America. For many Hispanic immigrants, the great fear is that what they are running from – joblessness, poverty, oppression, Socialism, Communism – is now following them like an ominous dark cloud across the border. Barack Obama’s sinking of the American economy threatens the livelihood of those who have come to work – both legally and illegally. Obama is “progressively” leading a once prospering America into third world status. To hasten the fall, Obama is now creating a “no work required” welfare system destined to collapse under the sheer weight of its numbers. Dire poverty is the inevitable outcome. That Hispanics will carry much of the brunt early on, along with Blacks, matters less to Obama. Equal poverty for all is part of Obama’s systematic “transformation” of America from capitalism to socialism.
Most frightening to Hispanic immigrants are Obama’s aggressive Socialist policies similarly patterned after Chavez, Castro and Ortega. Having experienced Socialism first-hand, they are horrified by Obama’s increasingly autocratic authority over a once Constitutionally-protected America. Many warn all who will listen that Obama is turning America into the same regime-style governments that they desperately fled. Having escaped those oppressive regimes to America, they now find there is nowhere to run.
Venezuela stands as proxy for most South American socialist régimes. writes that according to Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart (FL-R), Socialism in Venezuela under Hugo Chavez has refugees fleeing to the United States in numbers that gridlock the immigration department’s ability to process them. Diaz-Balart wrote to the Obama administration that recent delays in processing applications “…favors placating tyrants over assisting oppressed peoples…”
President Obama recently declared that Venezuelan leader Chavez poses no “serious national security threat” to America. Stunned, Senator Marco Rubio (FL-R) retorted, “Obama must be living under a rock. Hugo Chavez is not only a threat to the Venezuelan people’s freedom and democratic aspirations, he has also supported Iran’s regime in its attempts to expand its [Iranian] intelligence network throughout the [American] hemisphere.” Chavez recognizes that Obama is not Socialism-lite. After Obama’s 2009 trip to Venezuela, Socialist Chavez alerted Cuban dictator Fidel Castro that Obama may be farther left than they are. Implying that “it takes one to know one,” Socialist Chavez joked on TV to the Communist Castro: “Fidel, careful or we are going to end up to his right.”
Comparisons between Obama’s socialist policies and those of Chavez can be found in Human Rights Watch 2012: Hugo Chavez is eroding the system of checks and balances in his government. The Chavez-dominated government has passed laws expanding its powers to limit free speech and punish its critics, has enacted rules that dramatically reduce the public’s right to obtain information held by the government and portrays rights defenders as enemies of the people. Chavez first criticized then closed conservative media outlets critical of him and now has free rein to intimidate, censor, and prosecute Venezuelans who oppose his political agenda — including judges, journalists, and rights defenders. To counter resistance, new gun laws now ban the commercial sale of firearms and ammunition to citizens — with future confiscation of privately owned guns as the ultimate goal.
Starting in 2006, Chavez increased state control over the economy by nationalizing companies in oil, mining, petrochemicals, metals, cement, food, telecommunications, and further threatens to nationalize banks that do not follow his directives. Venezuela’s once top quality healthcare system is in shambles under Chavez’ socialized health care mandate. Talented doctors, unable to make a living, left the country. Even Chavez sought treatments outside his country rather than take his chances with his government-provided health care. Rationing is the norm. Venezuelans wait longer for fewer services at poorer quality with fewer doctors without recourse.
Startling is how closely Barack Obama’s policies relate to those of Chavez and South American despots. Key to socialism is “redistribution of wealth,” which Obama demands with the bulk of the wealth in the hands of the government. The poor stay poor while the middle class joins them. Like Chavez, Obama is dismantling the world’s greatest health care system with his universal “socialized” medicine. Through Obamacare, Obama re-introduces a form of population control called eugenics via his demands for abortions, sterilizations, and a health care death panel designed to withhold medical care from people who do not meet government criteria.
Obama has circumvented the Constitution and Congress with seemingly endless and power-transferring executive orders. To control the nation’s economy, Obama has nationalized industries such as auto, insurance, and health care. In regard to banks, Obama reportedly told ABC’s Terry Moran: “I’ve joked that we should call the taking over of banks ‘preprivatization’ to avoid the stigma of ‘nationalization.’” Obama has never refuted his former manufacturing czar’s statement — “We know the free market is nonsense.”
Obama repeatedly ignores and bypasses the checks and balances between the executive and legislative branches of government and has attempted to intimidate members of the Supreme Court. Freedom of speech is threatened with Obama’s agenda to control use of the Internet via an empowered Federal Communications Commission. Obama’s FCC Diversity Czar and key adviser, Mark Lloyd, openly comments how much he admires Chavez’ revolution praising it as “incredible.” Through Obama-style intimidation, Lloyd threatens opposition Radio-TV-Cable stations with massive taxation that could force closure. Obama chides people of faith while setting-up two websites for people to spy on their neighbors and report “fishy speech” of anyone in opposition to him. On video, President Obama states that he wants a civilian militia as well-armed, as well-funded and as powerful as our U.S. military that will report only to him. Obama does not refute his former Manufacturing Czar’s statement: “We kind of agree with Mao that power comes largely from the barrel of a gun.”
As a means to void the 2nd Amendment, Obama openly seeks international control over American gun ownership through a U.N. resolution that he instructed his Secretary of State to sign. The U.N. has appointed Iran to be a key negotiator of the treaty where American gun owners could be found guilty and imprisoned for violating international law. The 2012 National Defense Authorization Act was signed by Obama with a clause that allows the government to abduct American citizens suspected of links to terrorism to be held indefinitely without charge or a right to trial. According to, the Obama administration specifically requested the abduction clause be worded to apply to U.S. citizens. Open for interpretation, the law does not clarify acts of resistance against a tyrannical government vs. acts of terrorism. The Obama administration is already on record labeling peaceful opposition and returning military veterans as “terrorists.” The clause was recently ruled “unconstitutional” by a Federal judge, but Obama seeks a reversal.
By executive order, Obama has expanded the National Defense Resources Preparedness Act simply by the swipe of his pen. Under NDRP, Obama can draft civilians during peacetime with no pay, based on his definition of “times of emergency.” It allows for rationing of food, water, energy to homes, drugs, OTC medicines and vitamins. Travel will be restricted by government; farms will be effectively nationalized, telecommunication usage will be limited. Individual liberties and personal protections will be jeopardized under martial law.
Immigrants, who have lived it first hand, warn that Obama’s Socialist policies are in process of overtaking and devouring America. From Russia to Africa, Cuba to South America, immigrants are confounded at a media that refuses to call an American President whose policies are steeped in Socialism — a “Socialist.” Even Obama appears foolish when denying it as his actions listed above merely skim the surface. If unleashed to fulfill his goals of socialistic dominion and retribution, a once free American people will find themselves, along with freedom-seeking immigrants – with nowhere to run.
Click on: Hispanics the New Black: Part I – The Democrat Trap
2012 Presidential Debate Schedule
Stolen From Wake Up America
Frank J. Fahrenkopf, Jr. and Michael D. McCurry, co-chairmen of the non-partisan, non-profit Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD), today announced formats for the presidential and vice presidential debates that feature extended discussion of major issues to be announced in advance.
The formats for the 90-minute debates are as follows:
First presidential debate (October 3, 2012, University of Denver, Denver, CO)
The debate will focus on domestic policy and be divided into six time segments of approximately 15 minutes each on topics to be selected by the moderator and announced several weeks before the debate.
The moderator will open each segment with a question, after which each candidate will have two minutes to respond. The moderator will use the balance of the time in the segment for a discussion of the topic.
Vice presidential debate (October 11, 2012, Centre College, Danville, KY)
The debate will cover both foreign and domestic topics and be divided into nine time segments of approximately 10 minutes each. The moderator will ask an opening question, after which each candidate will have two minutes to respond. The moderator will use the balance of the time in the segment for a discussion of the question.
Second presidential debate (October 16, 2012, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY)
The second presidential debate will take the form of a town meeting, in which citizens will ask questions of the candidates on foreign and domestic issues. Candidates each will have two minutes to respond, and an additional minute for the moderator to facilitate a discussion. The town meeting participants will be undecided voters selected by the Gallup Organization.
Third presidential debate (October 22, Lynn University, Boca Raton, FL)
The format for the debate will be identical to the first presidential debate and will focus on foreign policy.
All debates will be moderated by a single individual and will take place from 9:00-10:30 p.m. Eastern Time. There will be no opening statements and two-minute closing statements in all the debates. In all the debates except town meeting, the CPD recommends that the candidates be seated at a table with the moderator. Moderators will be selected and announced in August.
In addition, the CPD is undertaking an innovative internet-based voter education program that will encourage citizens to become familiar with the issues to be discussed in the debates, and to share their input with the debate moderators in advance of the debates. The program, which will be announced later this month, will be led by a coalition of internet leaders.
Fahrenkopf and McCurry said that the formats reflect extensive study by the CPD board of directors: "There are serious issues facing this country and the public has the right to expect a serious examination of those issues during this fall's debates. The CPD believes this can be accomplished best by focusing big time blocks on major domestic and foreign topics. The topics will be selected and announced in advance of the debates by the debate moderators.
"The debates are the most widely-watched political programs of any kind. These format changes are designed to promote substantive dialogue before, during and between the debates about the major issues of the day. They will permit citizens and candidates to come prepared for a series of voter education forums that inform and engage the public.
"Coupled with the internet program, the debates will serve as the foundation for a season of conversation this fall. Technology offers the means to provide and receive information - the CPD is committed to using this tool creatively and effectively to bring as many people as possible into the conversation."
The CPD has sponsored and produced all the presidential and vice presidential debates since 1987, the year it was established. More information can be found at
Frank J. Fahrenkopf, Jr. and Michael D. McCurry, co-chairmen of the non-partisan, non-profit Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD), today announced formats for the presidential and vice presidential debates that feature extended discussion of major issues to be announced in advance.
The formats for the 90-minute debates are as follows:
First presidential debate (October 3, 2012, University of Denver, Denver, CO)
The debate will focus on domestic policy and be divided into six time segments of approximately 15 minutes each on topics to be selected by the moderator and announced several weeks before the debate.
The moderator will open each segment with a question, after which each candidate will have two minutes to respond. The moderator will use the balance of the time in the segment for a discussion of the topic.
Vice presidential debate (October 11, 2012, Centre College, Danville, KY)
The debate will cover both foreign and domestic topics and be divided into nine time segments of approximately 10 minutes each. The moderator will ask an opening question, after which each candidate will have two minutes to respond. The moderator will use the balance of the time in the segment for a discussion of the question.
Second presidential debate (October 16, 2012, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY)
The second presidential debate will take the form of a town meeting, in which citizens will ask questions of the candidates on foreign and domestic issues. Candidates each will have two minutes to respond, and an additional minute for the moderator to facilitate a discussion. The town meeting participants will be undecided voters selected by the Gallup Organization.
Third presidential debate (October 22, Lynn University, Boca Raton, FL)
The format for the debate will be identical to the first presidential debate and will focus on foreign policy.
All debates will be moderated by a single individual and will take place from 9:00-10:30 p.m. Eastern Time. There will be no opening statements and two-minute closing statements in all the debates. In all the debates except town meeting, the CPD recommends that the candidates be seated at a table with the moderator. Moderators will be selected and announced in August.
In addition, the CPD is undertaking an innovative internet-based voter education program that will encourage citizens to become familiar with the issues to be discussed in the debates, and to share their input with the debate moderators in advance of the debates. The program, which will be announced later this month, will be led by a coalition of internet leaders.
Fahrenkopf and McCurry said that the formats reflect extensive study by the CPD board of directors: "There are serious issues facing this country and the public has the right to expect a serious examination of those issues during this fall's debates. The CPD believes this can be accomplished best by focusing big time blocks on major domestic and foreign topics. The topics will be selected and announced in advance of the debates by the debate moderators.
"The debates are the most widely-watched political programs of any kind. These format changes are designed to promote substantive dialogue before, during and between the debates about the major issues of the day. They will permit citizens and candidates to come prepared for a series of voter education forums that inform and engage the public.
"Coupled with the internet program, the debates will serve as the foundation for a season of conversation this fall. Technology offers the means to provide and receive information - the CPD is committed to using this tool creatively and effectively to bring as many people as possible into the conversation."
The CPD has sponsored and produced all the presidential and vice presidential debates since 1987, the year it was established. More information can be found at
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Hispanics The New Black Part I: The Democrat Trap
By Sharon Sebastian Website:
Barack Obama put a short leash on almost a million undocumented people living in the United States and he wants them to thank him for it. Mere months before the presidential election, Obama tossed a bone to the offspring of undocumented parents and labeled it the Dream Act. Obama’s Dream Act is temporary and lasts two years. Just long enough to get him re-elected and to influence outcomes in future local and state races. For those affected, this “two-years-is-better-than-none” band-aide provides only temporary euphoria. Unlike Obama’s short-term gimmick for votes, Republican Senator Marco Rubio’s version of the Dream Act calls for a permanent, lasting solution so that all who are affected can live their lives with certainty. Rubio seeks to free people’s futures with a permanent solution while Obama’s goal is to own the Hispanic-American vote. The question is: Are Hispanic-American voters that easily fooled?
Using another short-term ploy, Obama insults American businesses, including Hispanic-American business owners, as he calls for a two year extension of the Bush tax cuts. If he were serious, Obama would make the tax cuts permanent. In classic bait-and-switch mode, Obama coaxes businesses to deplete their financial base by hiring and expanding for two years — only to pull the proverbial rug out from under them if re-elected. Obama plans, on record, a barrage of fees and taxes at insufferable levels that will bring financial pain to Americans of all backgrounds. Many businesses will be forced to close – permanently. As Hispanics lose jobs, Democrats enslave what they view as another “minority” group with food stamps, welfare and poverty. Joblessness decimates the “Dream” for all who live or seek harbor in America.
Like many Blacks, Hispanic-Americans are economically and socially part of the middle and upper class. Hard work and perseverance has led most to success. Many shake their heads at the desperate plight of Black communities under decades of Democrat rule. They have witnessed that for Blacks, particularly in inner cities, the Democrat Party represents one dead-end street after another in endless poverty-infested neighborhoods nationwide. They witness how poor Black districts fall for the Democrat’s age-old bait-and-switch scam based on recycled hope with no meaningful change. Time and again Democrats promise jobs, rebuilt communities and better education for children. One word represents poor Black communities under Democrat leadership: “betrayal.” In increasing numbers, Hispanic-American voters are becoming savvy to the liberal’s lure of the “promise-but-don’t-deliver” Democrat trap. Blind loyalty or voting based on race has been devastating for American Blacks. Hispanics claim no racial “obligation” to vote for Obama. Hispanics’ obligation is to their families and their futures in a strong America.
Americans of Hispanic descent should ask why successful Black Americans such as Republican Congressman Allen West (FL-R) and former Republican Presidential candidate Herman Cain urge fellow Blacks to escape the “21st century Democrat plantation.” Or, why former Democrat Congressman Artur Davis is switching parties. Once called the “Obama of Alabama” and a rising star in the Democrat Party, Davis’ insider view of Democrats’ self-serving policies left him disillusioned. Davis is calling for the defeat of Barack Obama. The former Democrat related his distrust of Obama to Alicia Cohn of The Hill: “Like so many other people, I didn’t get what I voted for …literally close to ten million people have left his camp. I am one of many, many people.”
Democrats themselves do have fleeting moments of honesty. New York Congressman Charlie Rangel (NY-D) represents predominantly Black Harlem. With Harlem’s child poverty rate nearing 40% and its unemployment rate now over 16% at twice the national average, Democrat Rangel admitted on camera that: “Nothing has been achieved by Liberals [Democrats] to improve the lives of the Black Community.” Under the failed leadership of Barack Obama more Blacks are out of work, thrown onto the poverty roles and are collecting food stamps at historically high rates. Unemployment for young Blacks is reaching 40% while the Black illegitimacy rate is 70%. Socialists like Black Congresswoman Maxine Waters (CA-D) bemoans the broken promises. Citing the wasteland of joblessness and poverty in her home district, Waters sent a message to Barack Obama as he golfed and vacationed in the elite enclave of Martha’s Vineyard saying: “We’re tired, ya’ll, we’re tired.” Do Hispanic-American voters believe they will fare any better than Blacks under Obama?
What should inflame every American is the Obama administration’s callous disregard for the lives of Hispanics. In an act of unspeakable racism, in its ploy to obstruct the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that allows Americans to own guns, the Obama administration was willing to allow hundreds of Mexican citizens and their families to be slaughtered. Under the “Fast and Furious” gun-running scheme, the Obama administration arranged for close to two thousand guns to be sold to Mexican drug cartels and human traffickers resulting in murderous attacks on Mexican citizens and American Border Agents. By dipping their hands in Mexican blood, Obama’s Justice Department gun-smuggling collaborators hoped to shift the blame for the killings on American gun laws and force an outcry for gun control in America. In the scheme to curtail Americans’ Constitutional right to bear arms, defenseless Mexican men, women and children were devalued as human beings. To the Obama Justice Department, they were collateral damage – faceless casualties amid the carnage. That same violence is migrating into Hispanic neighborhoods in American cities where Mexican gang cartel members blend in and ply their trade. Turning a blind eye while Hispanic-American families are left in harm’s way is racist. Is this a president or Democrat Party that Hispanics, north or south of the border, can trust?
Democrats try to hide that racism is at the core of the Democrat Party. The relationship between Democrats and Blacks has an ugly, dysfunctional history. Democrats founded the Ku Klux Klan which was known as “the terrorist wing of the Democrat Party” with the goal to terrify both blacks and conservative whites. Democrats railed in opposition when the Republican Party called for “equality for all races” and forced the shut-down of the KKK. Hispanic-Americans should today listen to the warnings from Black-Americans who have first-hand experience with empty Democrat promises. With elitism and arrogance, Democrats claim ownership of the Black vote. Using class-warfare and race-baiting rhetoric to deflect from the failings of Obama, Democrats have now set their target on corralling the blind allegiance of Hispanic voters.
Most voters now know that a sound American economy is the key to their future, that Obama’s tightening regulations strangle the growth of their companies and kill off their jobs, and that the Democrat’s Progressive-Socialist agenda threatens their freedoms and the foundations of their faith. Obama reignited racial conflict for political purposes. Black voters may choose to blindly ignore such manipulation. Democrats hope that they can snare Hispanics into the same trap. But, American-Hispanics have a historical advantage. They can witness their and their children’s futures through the Black experience — before they take the Democrat bait. Blind loyalty to the Democrat Party has resulted in joblessness, poverty and homelessness as Black families live amid the shards of broken promises. As Democrat Willie Brown, the first Black Mayor of San Francisco, writes bluntly for The San Francisco Chronicle, when it comes to Barack Obama’s re-election for president, “The thrill is gone.”
Next in series:
Wednesday's Hero: Lt. Kristin Love

Lt. Kristin Love

Lt. Kristin Love, number 19, division officer of the Patient Administration Department, Naval Hospital, Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, poses with fellow team-mates of the San Diego Surge. San Diego Surge is one of 62 teams of the Women's Football Alliance.
Photo Taken by Tracy Wong
These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives just so others may get to enjoy freedom. For that I am proud to call them Hero.
Those Who Say That We're In A Time When There Are No Heroes, They Just Don't Know Where To Look.
This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Ad Astra
Born on May 26, 1951 to Carol Joyce (née Anderson) and Dale Burdell Ride in Encino, California, Sally Ride was destined for great things. Miss Ride joined NASA in 1978, and in 1983 became the first American woman to enter space. On her first mission at age 32 she was the youngest American to enter space on June 18, 1983.
While some commented that what she did was nothing remarkable, the Soviets did it decades before. One must remember that the Soviet female Cosmonaut Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova was ordered to do nothing during the flight but sit back and watch the view.
Dr. Ride was not on board the Shuttle to be an fixture. Dr. Ride was a physicist and on board to accomplish scientific inquiry. In other words, she worked as a scientist during both of her missions. (STS-7, STS-41-G).
Yesterday Sally Ride was stuck here on Earth, and now she is soaring among the stars that she loved.
Sally Ride, who blazed trails into orbit as the first American woman in space, died Monday of pancreatic cancer. She was 61.Her website, Sally Ride Science has a short Memorial to her.
Ride died at her home in the San Diego suburb of La Jolla, said Terry McEntee, a spokeswoman for her company, Sally Ride Science. She was a private person and the details of her illness were kept to just a few people, she said.
Ride rode into space on the space shuttle Challenger in 1983 when she was 32. After her flight, more than 42 other American women flew in space, NASA said.
"Sally was a national hero and a powerful role model. She inspired generations of young girls to reach for the stars," President Barack Obama said in a statement.
NASA Administrator Charles Bolden, a former astronaut, said Ride "broke barriers with grace and professionalism -- and literally changed the face of America's space program."
"The nation has lost one of its finest leaders, teachers and explorers," he said in a statement.
Ride was a physicist, writer of five science books for children and president of her own company. She had also been a professor of physics at the University of California in San Diego.
She was selected as an astronaut candidate in 1978, the same year she earned her doctorate in physics from Stanford University. She beat out five women to be the first American female in space. Her first flight came two decades after the Soviets sent a woman into space.
"On launch day, there was so much excitement and so much happening around us in crew quarters, even on the way to the launch pad," Ride recalled in a NASA interview for the 25th anniversary of her flight in 2008. "I didn't really think about it that much at the time -- but I came to appreciate what an honor it was to be selected to be the first to get a chance to go into space."
Ride flew in space twice, both times on Challenger in 1983 and in 1984, logging 343 hours in space. A third flight was cancelled when Challenger exploded in 1986. She was on the commission investigating that accident and later served on the panel for the 2003 Columbia shuttle accident, the only person on both boards.
She also was on the president's committee of science advisers.
The 20th anniversary of her first flight also coincided with the loss of Columbia, a bittersweet time for Ride, who discussed it in a 2003 interview with The Associated Press. She acknowledged it was depressing to spend the anniversary investigating the accident, which killed seven astronauts.
"But in another sense, it's rewarding because it's an opportunity to be part of the solution and part of the changes that will occur and will make the program better," she said.
Later in the interview, she focused on science education and talked about "being a role model and being very visible."
"She was very smart," said former astronaut Norman Thagard, who was on Ride's first flight. "We did have a good time."
It was all work on that first flight, except for a first-in-space sprint around the inside of the shuttle, Thagard recalled by phone on Monday. He didn't know who won.
One of Ride's last legacies was allowing middle school students to take their own pictures of the moon using cameras aboard NASA's twin Grail spacecraft in a project spearheaded by her company.
"Sally literally could have done anything with her life. She decided to devote her life to education and to inspiring young people. To me, that's such a powerful thing. It's extraordinarily admirable," said Maria Zuber, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who heads the Grail mission.
Ride's office said she is survived by Tam O'Shaughnessy, her partner of 27 years; her mother, Joyce; her sister, Bear, a niece and a nephew.
While some commented that what she did was nothing remarkable, the Soviets did it decades before. One must remember that the Soviet female Cosmonaut Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova was ordered to do nothing during the flight but sit back and watch the view.
Dr. Ride was not on board the Shuttle to be an fixture. Dr. Ride was a physicist and on board to accomplish scientific inquiry. In other words, she worked as a scientist during both of her missions. (STS-7, STS-41-G).
Yesterday Sally Ride was stuck here on Earth, and now she is soaring among the stars that she loved.
Monday, July 23, 2012
February Town Hall on Sharia at Islamic Center of Orange County
Gary Fouse
On February 19, 2012, I attended a public town hall meeting at the Islamic Center of Orange County to discuss the compatibility of sharia law to US law and our Constitution. The theme of the event was that sharia is in conformance with our Constitution. Below is the posting I did at that time.
During the event, Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez objected to the fact that certain members of the audience were videotaping. People were asked to turn off their cameras unless they were official videographers for the event.
Yet a certain amount was videotaped. Here are three segments. They show the initial remarks by three members of the panel, Michael Downing, Chief of LAPD's counter-terror group, Lee Baca, Sheriff of Los Angeles County, and Maxine Waters, Congresswoman from Los Angeles.
Keep in mind that, as I reported in the above link, I engaged Chief Downing in conversation immediately after the event. At that time, I told him that in 1992, head Imam Muzammil Siddiqi had hosted the Blind Sheikh, Omar Abdel Rahman (now imprisoned on terror charges), at the mosque, had allowed him to give a sermon on violent jihad, and had translated his words from Arabic to English. Downing's response?
"Well, you know, Gary, over time some people change."
On February 19, 2012, I attended a public town hall meeting at the Islamic Center of Orange County to discuss the compatibility of sharia law to US law and our Constitution. The theme of the event was that sharia is in conformance with our Constitution. Below is the posting I did at that time.
During the event, Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez objected to the fact that certain members of the audience were videotaping. People were asked to turn off their cameras unless they were official videographers for the event.
Yet a certain amount was videotaped. Here are three segments. They show the initial remarks by three members of the panel, Michael Downing, Chief of LAPD's counter-terror group, Lee Baca, Sheriff of Los Angeles County, and Maxine Waters, Congresswoman from Los Angeles.
Keep in mind that, as I reported in the above link, I engaged Chief Downing in conversation immediately after the event. At that time, I told him that in 1992, head Imam Muzammil Siddiqi had hosted the Blind Sheikh, Omar Abdel Rahman (now imprisoned on terror charges), at the mosque, had allowed him to give a sermon on violent jihad, and had translated his words from Arabic to English. Downing's response?
"Well, you know, Gary, over time some people change."
Humor Egyptian Style
A female hostess and "producer" get physically attacked, furniture gets overturned, actors say "I hate the Jews to death," and a great laugh is had by all as the program proudly shows off what they call Egyptian "patriotism."
Here is the transcript:
Interviewer Iman Mubarak: We have a phone call… Hello…
Mr. Tuhami, we love and respect you. We love your works and enjoy your
movies, but I cannot believe what I am seeing. We used to love you, but
when we see you on such a TV channel – a dubious Israeli TV channel…
Shame on you!
Iman Mubarak: The call has been cut off. You may call again…
Dear viewers, let’s take a short break, before we resume our show, “With the Other,” from Cairo.
[Turning to Ayman Kandeel] What?
Ayman Kandeel “Tuhami”: Was that sister Palestinian, Egyptian, or what?
Iman Mubarak: I can’t tell her nationality, but the call was cut off.
Ayman Kandeel: I heard her say that this is an Israeli channel. Is this an Israeli channel?
Iman Mubarak: The production didn’t tell you that this is an Israeli channel?
Ayman Kandeel: No.
Production member Amr ‘Alaa enters
Amr ‘Alaa: What is the problem?
Ayman Kandeel: May I ask who you are?
Amr ‘Alaa: I am an Israeli. You are talking about weapons… You are a comedian. You ought to be talking about comedy, not about weapons.
Ayman Kandeel: Fine, fine.
Amr ‘Alaa: Am I standing here, pointing a gun at your face?
Ayman Kandeel: No, you didn’t point a gun at me, and you can’t. You are trying to provoke me, but I am calm.
Amr ‘Alaa: I’m trying to make peace, so how can you say that I’m provoking you?
Ayman Kandeel: Peace was decided on by the governments, but we, the people, have different criteria. You are feeling so mad that you…
Amr ‘Alaa: That’s because I understand that you do not want to reach a solution…
Ayman Kandeel: Man, nobody can provoke me.
Amr ‘Alaa: I don’t want to provoke you. I want to reach a solution with you.
Ayman Kandeel: The solution, my dear boy, is that you go to the doctor to get treatment…
Iman Mubarak: What does that mean?
Ayman Kandeel: It means that you are all sick. It’s better that we talk about it on the air.
Amr ‘Alaa: We are off the air now.
Ayman Kandeel: No, I’d like to talk on the air.
Amr ‘Alaa:
Are the sick people those who try to make peace, or those who go around
carrying guns? Are you denying that you have a gun in your pocket?
Ayman Kandeel: Yes, I have a gun.
Amr ‘Alaa: Why? What are you afraid of?
Ayman Kandeel: I’ll tell you what I’m afraid of. Of some scumbag trying to attack me.
Amr ‘Alaa: What scumbag?
Ayman Kandeel: Any scumbag. A thief, a robber.
Iman Mubarak: We’re back with our guest, Egyptian actor Ayman Kandeel. Hello, once again.
Ayman Kandeel:
May God grant us good fortune. There was a phone call, which everybody
heard, in which it was claimed that this show is being aired on Israeli
TV. It doesn’t matter to me what TV station this is, but I came to a
show that is being filmed in Egypt, on a TV channel that you said was
Iman Mubarak: We never said that this was a German channel.
Ayman Kandeel: When the producer called me…
Iman Mubarak: I’m sure you didn’t hear it properly…
Ayman Kandeel: No, my hearing is just fine. You people deceive and lie…
Iman Mubarak: Sir, you cannot level such accusations against us. Sir, the reactions on Israeli social media pages…
Ayman Kandeel [losing his temper]:
F$@# the social media pages! I cam to an interview on an Egyptian TV
channel. Then it turns out that this is an Israeli TV channel, and you
bring in someone who got on my nerves. He is standing right there, let’s
see him come in and talk to me.
Amr ‘Alaa enters the studio
Amr ‘Alaa: This is my channel. I am never afraid. It is you who are afraid, and that is why you are carrying a gun.
Ayman Kandeel: I don’t have a gun.
Amr ‘Alaa: You don’t have a gun?!
Ayman Kandeel:
In order to use my gun against you, I need to feel that you are worth
something. But let me tell you what I can do. You stand right here.
Ayman Kandeel slaps Amr ‘Alaa and shoves him
You son-of-a-@$#! You’re making fun of me?
Ayman Kandeel slaps Iman Mubarak
You b#@ch! What, you sons-of-b#!@&$? To hell with #%$, you sons-of-b#!@&$!
You sons-of-b#!@&$!
Production member: Stop! We’re just kidding with you.
Ayman Kandeel: You say you are Egyptians?! Are you kidding me?! F%@$ you!
Production member: Ayman, please… It’s a prank. Shame on you for hitting a woman.
Production member: Get her a chair.
Ayman Kandeel is handed Iman Mubarak’s ID card
Ayman Kandeel: I can’t get it out…
Turns the card to the light and looks at it
She’s Egyptian?
Production member: Let’s have a round of applause, please.
You brought it upon yourself. Why did you fall so quickly?
Iman Mubarak: You hit me so hard.
Ayman Kandeel: It was just one slap.
Iman Mubarak: You see what can happen to the interviewer?
Amr ‘Alaa: People, let’s have a round of applause for Iman.
Ayman Kandeel [to Iman Mubarak]: After the show, come to my car with me. I’ll put some lotion on your back.
Iman Mubarak: I don’t want anything.
Iman Mubarak: Dear viewers, we’ll take a short break, before we return with [actress] Mayar Al-Beblawi.
Mayar Al-Beblawi: In that country [Israel], they are all liars. You wouldn’t believe it. They are real liars. They keep whining all the time about the Holocaust, or whatever it’s called. With all the Palestinians that you have killed, you are still whining about the Holocaust and its lousy figures?!
These people sawed off [the head] of John the Baptist. They are the slayers of the prophets, what else can we say about them?
Iman Mubarak: You’ve got it wrong, They are the Chosen People…
Mayar Al-Beblawi: The Chosen People?! Allah did not curse the worm and the moth as much as he cursed the Jews.
[The caller] said that this was an Israeli channel?!
Iman Mubarak: You are indeed on an Israeli channel. This is Channel 2 from Israel.
Mayar Al-Beblawi: No, I came for an interview with a German channel.
Iman Mubarak: No. The producer told you that this was an Israeli channel, and you agreed.
Amr ‘Alaa: There’s no problem. Let’s move on.
Mayar Al-Beblawi: What do you mean, “no problem”? What do you mean, “Let’s move on”?
Iman Mubarak: Let’s complete the interview.
Mayar Al-Beblawi: I’d like to know what channel this is.
Iman Mubarak: You knew right from the beginning that this was Channel 2… Shalom, shalom…
Mayar Al-Beblawi: You’re kidding me, right? I won’t allow something like this.
Iman Mubarak: Kidding? Why?
Mayar Al-Beblawi: No, I won’t allow it.
July 21, 2012 [via Youtube]
Actor Mahmoud Abd Al-Ghaffar: Who are you? Are you Egyptian, or what?
[shaking Amr ‘Alaa] What country are you from?
Amr ‘Alaa: Where I come from is not the issue. You were being interviewed, and I wasn’t talking to you. Let’s complete the interview.
Actor Mahmoud Abd Al-Ghaffar [attacking Amr ‘Alaa]: We’re completing nothing. Who are you? Who are you?
Iman Mubarak: Mahmoud… Mahmoud…
Mahmoud Abd Al-Ghaffar: You are a Jew!
Iman Mubarak: Mahmoud… Mahmoud…
Mahmoud Abd Al-Ghaffar: Mahmoud what?!
Iman Mubarak: Mahmoud, this is a candid camera show.
Mahmoud Abd Al-Ghaffar [pulling Amr ‘Alaa by the hair]: Who are you? Tell me who you are.
Iman Mubarak: Mahmoud, this is a candid camera show.
Iman Mubarak:
Mahmoud, this is a candid camera show. We are all Egyptians. Long live
Egypt! I’m an Egyptian – Iman Mubarak. This is Amr ‘Alaa, and this is
Amr Sallah.
Mahmoud Abd Al-Ghaffar: You brought me someone who looks like a Jew…
Al-Ghaffar hugs Amr ‘Alaah
[to Iman Mubarak]: If you weren’t a girl, the moment you told me you were Jewish… I hate the Jews to death.
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