Give me a damn break. This story came out a few days ago but it's now been updated in the police eyes as a "hate crime." Burning a Qur'an is now a hate crime?!!! WTF?
From CBS2:
Police say they are investigating a burnt Quran found outside an Orange County mosque as a hate crime.Okay, before I blow a gasket here, let me just say that this whole incident, in my view, is bogus as hell. This member of this mosque just happens upon a burned Qur'an in the mosque parking lot ...while everyone else is inside, of course...so he runs into the mosque and delivers the scorched word of the moongod to the imam in front of the whole "congregation" and of course, they all groan and moan and scream in anguish. I'd say that Haji pretty much burned the damn thing himself and decided to get the whole place all riled up, don't you?
The Orange County Register reported Friday that Costa Mesa police Sgt. Phil Meyers said elements of the incident have led authorities to believe it was a crime of hate. A congregant of the Islamic Educational Center of Orange County found the torched Quran in the parking lot on New Year's Day. The incident upset congregants who gasped when they saw the burned book.
But, looking past that...what does this all mean? If burning a Qur'an is a hate crime, then what does it mean to place a Crucifix in a vile of human urine? Oh, I forgot, that's "art." So let me ask the question...can I go into a bookstore, buy a Qur'an, sit on my front porch and burn said Qur'an or will the police come arrest me? Let me ask another question - if an islamist in Dearborn, Michigan joined a protest in the middle of main street and proceeded to burn a Holy Bible for all to see, do you think he'd be arrested for a hate crime?
I, personally, detest the very invention of "hate crime." I'm of belief that crime is crime - it is a violation of laws on the books. If I burn a Qur'an, how can you possibly prove that I did it out of "hate" ? If I'm a white man and walk into a convenience store and shoot dead the Hispanic clerk and don't take a thing from the store, did I kill out of hate? Who gives a shit. I broke the law of murdering or manslaughtering a human being. That's my crime and I face the punishment.
Part of the freedoms in this country are not to be criminalized for expression - if I want to burn a U.S. flag, I can do that. If I want to burn a Qur'an, I can do that. If I want to paint a swastika, I can do that. If I burn a cross on another man's property, I've committed a crime of endangerment and trespassing. If I paint a swastika on a community center wall, I'm guilty of vandalism and trespassing. But the islamists will push this hate crime issue to the limit...it is, after all, part of the soft jihad in America which is hellbent on altering the freedoms of Americans in regards to the treatment of muslims.
What's next? If I draw a cartoon of Mohammed fucking a goat in my notebook at college, I'll be arrested for a hate crime?
Police Probe Burned Quran At Mosque As Hate Crime
COSTA MESA, Calif. (AP) Police say they are investigating a burnt Quran found outside an Orange County mosque as a hate crime.
The Orange County Register reported Friday that Costa Mesa police Sgt. Phil Meyers said elements of the incident have led authorities to believe it was a crime of hate.
A congregant of the Islamic Educational Center of Orange County found the torched Quran in the parking lot on New Year's Day. The incident upset congregants who gasped when they saw the burned book.
That same day, the Muslim component of a holiday display was defaced in the Orange County city of Mission Viejo. Authorities do not believe the two incidents are linked.
Message to Holger about that goat: ummmm. Yes, you'll be arrested for a hate crime and the goat and Cass Sunstein will file a suit againt you.
Don't forget all of Islam, CAIR, The ACLU, MSB, MSA, MSNA and every
other perverted Islamic/Muslim
group will file suit against you.
Not to mention the State Dept, J
Street and all the other trolls
who are Islamosympathizers.
If a Muslim burns a Bible or a
copy of the Holy Scriptures,
they get to have a fake beer
with the mullah obamaham in
the gardens at the White House.
Then they will be found a position
on the most anti-semitic
administration in decades.
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