In order to encourage more companies to follow Sabra's example, it is now asked by everyone to BUYCOTT Sabra. That is right. Go out and buy Sabra Hummas. Show not only the BDS idiots, but the world that you will take a stand with your wallet. Plus it really is the best hummas on the market.
While we are on the subject of BUYCOTT, it is the holiday season. The time of gift giving. The time of pampering yourself and others. Think about putting some Ahava products on your shopping list. With holiday specials and gift sets, you are sure to find a product for everyone on your list. And they make great stocking stuffers.
Ahava products are made exclusively from Dead Sea Minerals. The very same minerals that history says Cleopatra used to snag both Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony.
This holiday season BUYCOTT Israel! Go out of your way to do it too. And remember to let the store's management of why you are doing this.
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