Thursday, June 5, 2008

Nation of Islam activists on Obama camp payroll

Now that Barack Hussein Obama has locked up the Democratic Party nomination for President, the vote in November will come down to who will be the best man for President. Barack Hussein Obama has no experience in Foreign Policy, has a lousy record in the US Senate, has no business experience, and is all talk.

Now it has been revealed that members of the Nation of Islam are senior staffers of the Obama campaign.
The former insider, who spoke on condition of anonymity, expressed particular concern that Obama employed at least two Nation members in his early days as a state senator, when his office was staffed by only a handful of workers. "When you're a state senator you have little money given to you to hire staff. It is ironic that two of Obama's employees in those days were known Nation of Islam activists when Obama employed perhaps a total of maybe three or four staffers," said the former insider.

The former insider confirmed Obama is directly aware of the Nation of Islam members on his staff.

This isn't the first links that Barack Hussein Obama has to Islamic radicals. He has long ties to the Nation of Islam, and key advisors have had long associations with Hamas. Obama claims to never have had any association with Louis Farrakhan:

"You know, I have been very clear in my denunciation of minister Farrakhan's anti-Semitic comments. I think they are unacceptable and reprehensible. I did not solicit this support," Obama said on NBC in February.

"We're not doing anything, I assure you, formally or informally with minister Farrakhan," Obama said.

But Obama did attend Farrakhan's Million Man March. His minister and mentor Jeremiah Wright labeled Farrakhan:

"one of the most important voices in the 20th and 21st century" during a national address to the media in April at which Nation of Islam officials were invited guests.

And of course, somehow, Barack Hussein Obama actually got Hamas in Gaza to solicit votes for him before each primary.

And still Barack Hussein Obama claims to be pro-Israel. But he was pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel when he was in the Illinois State Senate.

But deeds speak louder than words. And by all the deeds that have come out about Barack Hussein Obama, his links with radical Islam, endorsements by the Nation of Islam, Hamas and Hezbollah and staffers who are members of the Nation of Islam, show that he is just a liar about his views on Israel and will try to destroy the Jewish Nation the minute he would become President.

1 comment:

Roger W. Gardner said...

Barack Obama is the scariest candidate ever in American history.
Great post.