Thursday, June 12, 2008

Another voice from the Black Church

We have heard from Wright, from Pfleger, and from Michelle Obama. Now we can hear from a true leader of the Black Church. Not Black Liberation Theology, but true Christian Theology.

Listen to the voice of Pastor James David Manning. A man of great intellect and wisdom. His rhetoric is a bit loud and angry, but with a righteous anger.


WomanHonorThyself said...

Good Lord....ty Katie for your wonderful insights and comments at WHT as well! :)

Magdeburger Joe said...

There are a lot of people in the African American community who have their reservations about Obama. If you separate the heat and bigotry from Manning's message, he gives some interesting clues to anyone who really wants to check out Barack Hussein Obama. America needs investigative reporting, not cheerleading.
Keep up the good work
Magdeburger Joe of