From Act! for America
We're not fighting a War On Terror anymore. And we certainly aren't fighting a defensive action against the global jihad and/or Islamic supremacism. No, what we're doing is fighting a War on "man-caused disasters."Funny how nobody is mentioning the 600 lb gorilla in the room. The gorilla named Islam. What the jihadists are doing is outlined in the Koran, by their prophet, Mohammad. It is all there for anyone who is willing to read.
Feel better? Feel more politically correct? Less bigoted, racist, and Islamophobic? Good, because that's all you're going to get from this. You certainly aren't going to get any insight into who the enemy is, or why he (or she, Janet, you sexist) is doing what he is doing.
"'Away From the Politics of Fear,'" from Spiegel, March 16 (thanks to all who sent this in):
Janet Napolitano, 51, is President Obama's new Homeland Security Secretary. She spoke with SPIEGEL about immigration, the continued threat of terrorism and the changing tone in Washington.
SPIEGEL: Madame Secretary, in your first testimony to the US Congress as Homeland Security Secretary you never mentioned the word "terrorism." Does Islamist terrorism suddenly no longer pose a threat to your country?
Napolitano: Of course it does. I presume there is always a threat from terrorism. In my speech, although I did not use the word "terrorism," I referred to "man-caused" disasters. That is perhaps only a nuance, but it demonstrates that we want to move away from the politics of fear toward a policy of being prepared for all risks that can occur.
Diana West comments:
Is this a joke, a late-night skit's attempt to skewer PC lingo?
No, this is PC lingo. Having abandoned the idiotic but at least somewhat bellicose moniker "War on Terror," we are now into, what...the "Intervention into Man-Caused Disaster."
Of course, there are two PC problems with the "nuance" Mzzz Napolitano claims.
There is that pesky term "man"--sure to rile the feminists, let alone the female suicide bombers. Brace for the day when Secretary Janet discusses "Person-Caused Disasters."
But that leaves the fact that the kind of "persons" who cause the "disasters" in question believe that Allah, not man (and certainly not woman) causes everything. Remember Operation Infinite Justice? That was the name the US tagged onto the military campaign against the Taliban until Muslims complained (p. 166) on the grounds that they believe only Allah dispenses justice, infinite or otherwise. (And that was enough for Uncle Sam to changes names, natch.) This line of religious belief surely makes "Man/Person-Caused Disaster" practically a term of defamation. I'm thinking Madame Secretary will have to go with something else, maybe renaming the whole agency for further sensitivity's sake. Department for the Prevention of Allah-Caused Disasters, anyone?
I know the arguments about how the Old Testament is filled with the same imagery. But we do we see Israelis conquering Arab towns and killing all the inhabitants the way Joshua did? No. For they have matured as a people away from the violence of their past and into the light of civilized behavior.
But Muslims do not read the Koran and dismiss the warmongering as past wars. They read it and strive to bring the holy war, the Jihad, to the entire world.
You can call it by any other name, but it will still be the same thing: Islamic Jihad Terrorism.
I would like for every conservative member of Congress to get to a mic and say how disgusted they are with man made disasters and overseas contingency operations.
Where are our defending fathers?
What's the old saying? "Like making a silk purse out of a sow's ear?" Well, islam always has been "like making a religion out of a violent political ideology."
12,933 violent islamic terrorist attack on this world since 9/11/01. If that doesn't account for a WAR ON TERROR, I don't know what does.
Janet Napolitano Orwell, Secretary of Homeland Insecurity!
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