Why is it that I am not surprised at the tactics that Gays and Lesbians will go to force the idea of Gay marriage on the nation. On November 4, 2008 the voters of California passed Proposition 8 which states:
Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.This passed 52.3% to 47.7%. Thus the voters of California spoke saying no to Gay marriage.
This is not the end of the argument. The supporters of Gay marriage are not going to take that lying down. They have a new tactic. Get rid of marriage. No I am not joking.
California's top election official says supporters can start collecting signatures for a proposed ballot measure to strike the word "marriage" from all state laws.Domestic Partnership is not the same as Marriage. In a partnership, one can just leave the partnership without legal recourse. In a Marriage it takes a divorce to dissolve it. One can have multiple partners in a Domestic Partnership. In a Marriage a person can have only one spouse at a time.
Supporters of this ballot measure want to replace it with the term "domestic partnership," while keeping all the rights of marriage in place.
Read the full story here.
Forcing all people in California to give up Marriage in favor of Domestic Partnership is wrong. But knowing the
If this measure passes how long do you think it will be before it is brought to every state in the US?
Marriage is not a right, it is a privilege. If it was a right the government would have to supply each and every person in the nation with a spouse. They don't. And a couple planning on marrying should not have to go and get a Domestic Partnership license but a Marriage license.
Changing the name of Marriage to Domestic Partnership is just a bad idea.
next year it will be dog and man..wait and see!!
Can we as a nation just force secession upon California? Go off be your own country, no constitution, no laws and no morals.
"The supporters of Gay marriage are not going to take that lying down."
Yes. Lying down is optional anyway, even for hetero. And I just love that term "domestic partnership". Do my cats and me qualify?
I'm so sick of all this nonsense. I just don't know what to say anymore...
I want to thank you for pointing out the silliness that many people have.
On one side people are constantly trying to convince the LGBT community that Domestic Partnership is the same as Marriage and that we should be fine being treated as less than others.
And then on the other hand people seem to become outraged when our community tries to make things equal by bringing people down to where we are forced to exist instead of bringing us up to be equal with the rest of society.
I also must admit I am disheartened to see how the point of the ballot is being ignored. The point being if marriage is an institution regulated by holy laws and will be defined as something only between a man and a woman, then it is time to finally point out that marriage should not be an institution governed by both the government and the religious institutions.
I completely agree that "changing the name of marriage to domestic partnership is just a bad idea", but I also think denying people rights due to outdated moral convictions is a just as bad an idea.
I saw your post over on SGP. Good to meet you! I posted recently on the idea that "government should get out of marriage" also. It is a big mistake to think that unions are the same as marriage. They aren't. The people are equal, yes, but the quality of the relationships are not equal. That's where the difference is.
Get the Government Out of Marriage! King Solomon's Baby Dilemma
Welcome to Monkey in the Middle Dustin. I feel that there should be a Domestic Partnership option for Gays and Lesbians, one that gives the same rights to health care, visitation in hospitals, taxation, etc... to their community. But marriage is a religious institution. Being so, it is up to each religion to choose whether it is within their tenets or not.
There may come a time when the US might have to go the way that Europe has. A civil marriage before one can have a religious one. That is how many of the nations of Europe have dealt with this issue.
Ma, you know I've supported this blog fully, and I'm happy you have found something you enjoy, and I'm proud of your hard work and dedication to it. However! You -know- that if James was a woman, not only would you (still) be making my wedding cake, you'd be fully against Prop 8 and in support of gay marriage. Heck, you'd probably become president of the local PFLAG chapter!
With love and respect,
PS- How does red velvet sound?
I agree that marriage can be a religious institution and wish that other people were able to realize this and how this issue isn't one conversation but two: one about the religious issues and one about the political/legal issues. People really shouldn't try to have it both ways.
Separating the two conversations makes the whole overall "debate" much different and people can start having real conversations about the topics instead of emotionally driven banter.
Lila, red velvet sounds yummy.
I would make your wedding no matter what. It is the legalities of marriage that is important. Either it is a religious concept or a civil one. In some European nations (France comes to mind) to be legally married one must have a civil ceremony at the local courthouse. Then if requested, one would have a religious ceremony. A religious ceremony is not legal there.
Very interesting post with plenty of food for thought. I, however, hate to see anything that would drastically change our culture.
Amazing bit of news here. I think what is overlooked by these kooks in California is this - 95% of the Gays and Lesbians that have gone psychotic since last November would NEVER enter into a legal marriage - they don't want the hassle and the destructive force called legal divorce.
The fact of the matter is that they want gay marriage instituted so they can say they did it. Simple as that. They don't want to marry, they just want to force onto American society that they CAN if they would want to. It's all about "normalizing" homosexuality. These people simply see no difference between homosexuality and heterosexuality and thus, the failure of their entire argument.
I'd like to see the statistics, scientific evidence, and scholarly research that supports "95% of the Gays and Lesbians that have gone psychotic since last November would NEVER enter into a legal marriage"
There are so many things ridiculous about that statement I don't even know where to start.
What a surprise, the homosexuals intolerantly demanding that all tolerate their behavior. Resist them at every turn folks and never become complacent, for they'll never rest.
Hopefully, we'll never get to the point where you can prove me wrong.
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