On Thursday the United Nations Human Rights Council passed a resolution banning all criticism of religion. To be exact. It actually means Islam.
In the spirit and interest of the resolution I submit the following rant:U.N. body adopts resolution on religious defamation
The U.N. Human Rights Council adopted the non-binding text, proposed by Pakistan on behalf of Islamic states, with a vote of 23 states in favor and 11 against, with 13 abstentions.
Western governments and a broad alliance of activist groups have voiced dismay about the religious defamation text, which adds to recent efforts to broaden the concept of human rights to protect communities of believers rather than individuals.
Pakistan, speaking for the 56-nation Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), said a "delicate balance" had to be struck between freedom of expression and respect for religions.
The resolution said Muslim minorities had faced intolerance, discrimination and acts of violence since the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States, including laws and administrative procedures that stigmatize religious followers.
"Defamation of religious is a serious affront to human dignity leading to a restriction on the freedom of their adherents and incitement to religious violence," the adopted text read, adding that "Islam is frequently and wrongly associated with human rights violations and terrorism."
It called on states to ensure that religious places, sites, shrines and symbols are protected, to reinforce laws "to deny impunity" for those exhibiting intolerance of ethnic and religious minorities, and "to take all possible measures to promote tolerance and respect for all religions and beliefs."
Read the whole story here.
Islam cannot be considered The Religion of Peace since it does not support or promote peace in any way shape or form.
Mohammad was a Pedophile, Islam is a cult not a religion, Muslims are a bunch of loonies who wish to live in the 7th Century and Allah was never and is not a true God!
Just to add more fuel to the fire:

OK UN. Do your worse!
It only means Islam. It's perfectly OK with them to insult Christianity and Judaism.
Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth
That resolution and the U.N. are big jokes played on the West. A pic is worth a thousand words.
Amen to that. I just wish we would finally leave this corrupt, incompetent, evil organization. It wouldn't survive 2 years without extorting the US.
Amen to that. I just wish we would leve this corrupt, incompetent, evil organization. Without the US financially supporting them, they wouldn't survive 2 years.
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