The goal of Operation Cast Lead is not the destruction of Gaza, but the destruction of Hamas'military wing, Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades. These are the
fighters assholes who think that firing rockets into civilian centers in Israel is
not an act of war. With the goal of taking Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades down, the IDF has a clear exit strategy for this operation.
The ground operation that got underway Saturday is meant to complement and boost the achievements of the eight-day aerial assault. Hamas indeed sustained grave blows from the air, yet its leadership has not yet shown willingness to reach a long-term and stable ceasefire agreement on terms acceptable to Israel. Therefore, Israel needed to utilize another major military pressure lever in the Strip.
Just like the aerial assault, the next phase in this campaign – should everything go according to plan – depends on the progress of ceasefire efforts. The IDF will continue the ground maneuver until a truce is secured via a Security Council resolution or an agreement facilitated by a mediator.
Meanwhile, the IDF on Saturday boosted its preparations and readiness for the possibility of expanding the confrontation to the northern front. A top Iranian official announced that he agreed with Hizbullah on rocket fire to be directed at Israel from Lebanon should the IDF launch a ground incursion. It is unclear whether this declaration was credible and whether Hizbullah would be willing to follow through on it. Should northern Israel be targeted, we would need to see the extent of such attack before deciding on a full-blown operation on both fronts. However, we must emphasize that the IDF is capable of addressing two fronts; the ground and air forces designated for operations in the north have already been put on alert.
And back to Gaza now: Hamas’ leadership is pinning its hopes to emerge out of this conflict victorious, or at least as though it did not lose the war, on the group’s military wing, Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades. This arm is still capable of firing dozens of rockets at southern Israel every day and it also hopes to cause IDF casualties on the ground.
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In 2006, Hizbollah got help from Hamas during that conflict. Now it seems that Hizbollah might return the favor. But the Israelis have
learned from their mistakes in 2006. They have a new game plan for Hamas, Hizbollah and Iran. Yes, Iran. For behind all these attacks is not the hand of Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Mullah. Iran is the major backer of Hamas and Hizbollah. Iran is a major source of terror in this world. Iran is calling the shots this time, but Israel is holding all the cards.
What a great graphic! Findalis, the world is not going to pay attention to your commen sense and truthful reporting.
Once Israel kicks butt with an iron-toed boot, the free world will throw back their chest and boast about it (I think). If not, a pox on them. Survival is at stake. Don't forget, everyone loves a winner.
And, yes, there can be winners when people die. That's the truth, but no one wants to admit it.
Maggie @ Maggie's Notebook
I've been getting my text messages of the number of rockets launched.
Breaks my heart each time and sets my heart to racing.
I will continue to post and write the truth. Since I'm in semi-retirement, I have plenty of time to do it.
I got the graphic from my niece who sent it to me. She found it somewhere and it is so true.
I too get the text messages and my heart races. I recite Psalm 130 and pray to God that the rockets stop. It is the best I can do for them at this time.
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