Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Obama's Plan For The Economic Ruin Of America

Barack Hussein Obama proposed to the American people that we "redistribute the wealth" by taxing all people who make over $250,000 a year and up. To many that sounds good. We should do that, so everyone is equal and has the same. That dear truthseeker is called Socialism. Everyone making the same and receiving the same salary. There is no incentive for a person to work hard, for a business to grow. This was tried by the Soviet Union, its satellites and China. They all came to the realization that without incentives, an economy cannot grow and people become discontent.

After 4 years of an Obama economy will we be better off? If he actually is able to impose his ideas on the American economy, we will be in big economic trouble.

After 4 years of Obama's economic policy there will be at least 25% unemployment. With at least 10% of small businesses gone, those workers will be on the Obama welfare programs or forced into jobs in his National Civilian Police Force. For 80% of all businesses are small businesses. Most of those businesses make over $250,000 a year in profit. That money doesn't just go into the boss' pocket. It goes for new equipment and jobs. Take away the profit, and business cannot grow.

After 4 years of Obama's economic policy the stock market will have dived to the lowest levels since 1929. With massive unemployment and the loss of many businesses, larger companies are having a harder time selling their goods. With the tax rate at higher levels, the price of American goods have gone sky high. Companies cannot make a profit and their dividends to their stock holders have stopped.

After 4 years of Obama's economic policy, banks will still be in trouble. By not allowing banks to sink or swim, Obama's policy of bailing out the banks will cost more and more money as more and more banks step up to the Federal Gravy Train. As they gain more and more Federal funds, they dry up credit and loans to business and people. They are sitting pretty, and with just the hint that they might go under, the Congress will throw funds at him.

After 4 years of Obama's economic policy, we will be $10 trillion in debt. With less and less tax money coming in and the costs of Obama's welfare programs rising higher and higher, we will have to go deeper and deeper into debt. We will borrow trillions of dollars just to pay for it all.

After 4 years of Obama's economic policy, we will be in a Depression. And when our economy collapses, the world's will collapse after us. The whole world will be in dire straits. China will discover that they cannot sell their goods in the US, since nobody has the money to buy them. Europe won't have the funds to buy any foreign goods. And with such an economic disaster, war could break out very easily.

After 4 years under Obama will we be better off than we are now?

No. Obama will have taken the United States from the position of the World's Leader and will turn us into a Third World Nation.

Barack Hussein Obama is naive at best. He is wrong choice for President. His policies are so far to the left that you can call him a Socialist, not just a liberal. He will destroy all that we have worked for and hope for.


Misfit410 said...

Excellent post,
It should also be noted that thanks for horrendous Democrats such as Woodrow Wilson we are already suffering a fate worse than Communism. In China the workers do not pay a red cent to the government, Businesses do but they pay less than the American workers do in a communist scenario. We have let the Democrats dupe us over the last century into paying more than any socialist or communist society. We really need to take back our country from this corrupt bloated Cancer that is our current government.

Malcolm James Edgerton said...

Your article is unsupported, unimportant, irrelevant rambling.

I will not dignify it with any kind of analysis, but just a quick note: I don't see what anyone's middle name has to do with their competence as president.

Anonymous said...

Excellent post.
To bad many of Obama's supporters do not see through his naive economic policies. All they care about is "NO MORE BUSH". They "The Middle Class" will suffer the most with Obama's tax cut and Capital gains tax increase. I am hoping come Nov. 4 that McCain will steal this election from Obama.
An Obama, Reid & Pelosi nation will forever go down as the worst in history. If you Libs think Bush was bad, wait until those three stooges are in control!

Unknown said...

lol - I just love how every GOP blogger out there emphasizes Sen. Obama's middle name HUSSEIN - lol - so what? Scare tactics? Oh well.

Before you start elaborating on a subject, please, please learn a bit about it. Socialisms is NOT in any way associated with the faulty doctrine of the COMMUNIZM (communism and not socialisms was introduced to post revolution Soviet Union - know your facts). In fact, most of today’s western countries employ some way of socialism - England, France, Germany, Japan, Canada) all which are highly developed nations.

Things to remember about wealthy and businesses:

1. Leading elite, the ones making over 250K aren’t at all affected by current economic crisis - middle and lower classes are. Middle class together with lower class are true driver force of economy (they spend the most), so by giving them tax breaks they will spend more and in fact support economy - rich won't spend more, they will just invest or save more.

2. Very few small business owners make over 250K, so they would benefit from Sen. Obama's plan.

3. Tax increase for medium and large businesses would not trigger job loss. Medium and large businesses are already hire bare minimum of people - just enough for a sustained business operation. Tax increase would not trigger lower wages neither - these businesses are already pay as little as they can to be competitive with small businesses. Tax increase for this type of business would only mean lower profits to owners, execs and investors (exec compensations have skyrocketed over last 8 years, so this would be good adjustment).

4. Large and medium businesses WILL however fall if the economy drags due to the fact that middle and lower class doesn't have money to buy their products, which can be the case if nothing is done to help out cash dried middle and lower class. No matter how you try to slice it - if the ‘little guy’ doesn't buy ‘big guys’ product, ‘big guy’ will eventually become the ‘little guy’, since the ‘big guy’ depends more on the ‘little guy’ then the ‘little guy’ depends on the ‘big guy’ - something the ruling 5% refuses to acknowledge.

Socialistic society is really nothing more then the evolution of Democracy itself - Democracy after all is defined by "government by the people, for the people" and not "by rich for rich". All the countries I've listed above have no problem with the simple truth that the more fortunate ones are to help these less fortunate ones (if the exec making 20Mil hates paying more taxes he can always find a job for 200K - nobody is twisting his arm, but I guess even if he would pay 10Mil in taxes, he will still be better off, with his 10Mil left, then someone who paid 60K from 200K salary and has 140K left) - this is not communism, but its called "living in the civilized society". I know that the ruling 5% would love to go back to the era of barons and royalties - when they didn't have to pay any taxes - era when 95% o people worked, so the “elite” can have all the privileges - and the current tax laws are going towards this approach. Thankfully this is not going to happen...

Findalis said...

j- I use Obama's middle name because liberals like you don't want it said. We could use the tag: "He whos middle name must not be said." But why? What is he so ashamed of?

I happen to know quite a few small businesses that make $250k and up. When you think of small businesses you probably think of the Mom and Pop store. But any business that has 100 employees and under is a small business. They pay their taxes under individual rates. And many make over $250k a year profit.

But let me ask you this:

What is so wrong with making money? If you ask most Americans if they would like to make $1 million a year, the overwelming majority will say yes.

Malcolm- I hope you do know the difference between an opinion and news. My article is based on historical facts. I looked at the old Soviet Union and the Great Depression to make my view. You might want to check out a few books on both subjects.

Many thanks to misfit410 and sid65 for your comments. People are fed up with Bush that they will vote for the man who will bring us to economic ruin.

Right Truth said...

Federal Gravy Train is right. Why is it that the government never has to tighten their belts???

Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth

Maggie Thornton said...

j - "most of today’s western countries employ some way of socialism - England, France, Germany, Japan,..."

That's right and they did it with an enormous influx of US cash after WWII.

You think making $250,000 makes one an "elite." You must be very young and very naive - OR you were in your twenties in the 1960's.

Socialism was ABSOLUTELY a faulty part of Communism - it was the beginning, and once a greedy leader gets his hands in the pockets of his countrymen, the next step is to take everything held sacred by his countrymen.

MitM: Keep talking about the money!

bernie said...

To commenter j:

Leftists like to point to Europe and the rampant socialism there as if that is a role model we should emulate. For the past few decades we have had less unemployment and greater Purchasing Power than every single country in Europe except Switzerland. Switzerland beats us out because it is the one of the most capitalist economies in the world.

So please sing that socialist song somewhere else.