The Moonbats will set sail this Tuesday. This time bearing gifts of medical supplies (more hearing aids I suppose).
International protesters say they are making a repeat voyage to Gaza to bring aid to Palestinians in defiance of Israel's blockade.Actually, they couldn't get the boat working. It had nothing to do with Ramadan, but with a leaky boat. And the fact that the international press isn't covering these stunts. And this time they should be forced to stay in Gaza. Then they can experience the full effects of the so-called siege. A siege in which 60 tons of medical supplies and food are sent into Gaza from Israel each day. A siege in which not a single person has died from hunger. Some siege. Somebody should tell them what a siege is.
Free Gaza organizer Greta Berlin said 29 protesters will sail from Cyprus on October 28 for the estimated 24-hour trip to the Strip.
Berlin said Wednesday the group has converted a fishing boat to safely ferry the protesters and a symbolic shipment of medical aid to Gaza.
Berlin said the protestors would be sailing in a fishing boat equipped with a "symbolic package" containing medical equipment and other aid for Palestinians living under siege, similarly to the previous voyages.
The organizer added that the voyage had been scheduled for September, but was postponed because the protestors did not want to arrive during the Ramadan.
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Let them come again, but refuse to let them leave. That would be a very interesting experience. Would they scream and cry like Lauren Booth did. Claiming that their children needed them.
Moonbats are so much fun. They actually believe the idiot ideas that they have.

Look for one of them to get kidnapped and held for millions in ransom.
Useful idiots.
Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth
welcome back!..G'mornin my friend..hope they get stuck in stinkin Gaza with the twisted palis!
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