Gary Fouse
I have been advised that the UC San Diego Muslim Student Association is kicking off their own version of Hate Week today through Thursday. I have also been advised that last year, the MSA, with the cooperation of the university, was able to prevent audience members from videotaping. Here is the sign that appeared last year.
I have also been told that the MSA uses their own security to enforce the video ban.
As previously documented on this site, UCSD was until recently under the leadership of a Lavern and Shirley team identified as Chancellor Marye Anne Fox and vice chancellor Penny Rue. The new chancellor is Pradeep Khosla. They need to be set straight as to the law.
At a public event on a public site at a public university, audience members have the absolute right to videotape.
Do you think the MSA and their speakers have something to hide?
This is another example of intimidation, pure and simple. At UC Irvine last week, we didn't let them get away with it. I hope they won't be allowed to get away with it at UCSD. Private security or MSA members acting as security or enforcers can not take the place of campus police, who are the authorized guardians of order.
And guess who is speaking this week? Cynthia McKinney.......
....and Hatem Bazian, who, no doubt, will roll out his old power point presentation and read his talk. Hopefully, somebody in the audience will ask him about his reported past statements at Berkeley, where he allegedly called for intifada in the US and referred to all the campus buildings with Jewish names on them. I have asked him about these alleged statements at UCI, and all I got was a song and dance for an answer.

I count on getting updates on this version of the San Diego Zoo.
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