In the fourth month, of His first year, the Anointed One returned to His first scene of triumph.
He brought with Him the Mantra that brought Him acclaim in His land:
Hope and Change.But the people of the Old Lands were not receptive to this message, for this time He did not bring the bands that rock. Nor was any food or drink giveth out freely for the people to partake. And they were not pleased.
He apologized for the mistakes that His predecessor, Bush the Younger (the Ignorant One) had done.
Reminded the leaders of the Great 20 nations that He had close the hated prison of Gitmo, increased spending in His land on the social programs that the Old Land adopted, and would spend even more if they joined with Him.
But they turned a blind eye and deaf ear to His words. They warned Him that all this spending will destroy His nation. For they had tried that once, and it has destroyed theirs.
They told Him that His nation is just one amongst many. That they would be the leaders of the world, and He would have to follow.
And He agreed.
He took His place in the group photo, not in the first row (the row of the strongest and best), but regulated to the second row. The row of the failures.
He smiled and stammered, but did His best.
To prove to the world of the Muslims that He wasn't a leader, that He wanted to make amends, First He bowed deeply to Abdullah, wearer of the Scared Towel.
The nation did howl NO! Our leader does not not bow to any Earthly prince.
But He ignored the masses and said it was not a bow. And the assembled media agreed.
Then to Turkey He did fly. In Air Force One this time.
He assured them that His nation was not nor never was at war with Islam.
And they cheered and painted the face of their media person black in His honor.
He then snuck into Iraq, like a thief in the night.
He spoke to the troops, but only those who loyal to Him.
Then He returned to the land of the people. But not is all right with the land.
For the people are now seeing the truth behind the fraud. They are arising up, and saying enough.
It is being prophetized that a new leader will arise. To tackle the economy, jobs, and civil strife.
And when he arises, what will the Anointed One do? Will He tackle this new leader with lies and half truths?
The people are crying out to the Lord:
Send us a real Prophet. Heal this land, O Lord!
Priceless. You outdid yourself, AGAIN! Love it. Can you hear me howling with laughter? I needed that.;)
Very, very nice Findalis - i just LOVE these!
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