For the upteenth time the nation of Canada has turned out for its support of Israel.
Directly from Carl in Jerusalem on his blog Israel Matzav.
Remember the old joke about how for an Irish wedding you double the liquor and for a Jewish wedding you halve it. Don't believe it. I got the email and pictures below from a reader in Toronto who asks to remain anonymous. This is truly a beautiful story:You can view the pictures here.
Hi Carl,
There was a boycott of Israeli wine at the largest Ontario LCBO (Ontario's liquor distributor) by a group called Not In Our Name (see info at http://www.nion.ca/) and another Palestinian organization (I'm not sure specifically which one). In a counter move, Toronto's Jewish community mobilized and showed up in the hundreds to buy all the Israeli wine at this LCBO. I heard from someone outside that they sold over 500 cases in a matter of a half hour. By the time I got there, about 30 minutes into the counter protest, there was no more Israeli wine available, and the boycotters had left in defeat. Here are some pictures if you are interested for your blog. If you are interested, please refrain from using my name. Thanks and I love the blog.
Carl actually received quite a few confirmations on this story. Each one repeating the same thing.
Each and every Canadian has yet another thing to be proud of. This time the good guys were able to out number and out maneuver the opposition.
Well done our Northern Friends. Well done!
The article in the Toronto Sun is not particularly complimentary. http://www.torontosun.com/news/torontoandgta/2009/04/06/9020156-sun.html
The article in the Toronto Sun is not particularly complimentary. http://www.torontosun.com/news/torontoandgta/2009/04/06/9020156-sun.html
Good news is always welcome!
Hah! Good stuff! Thank you Canadians. :-)
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